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The `nservicebusservicecontrol` module installs and manages the NServiceBus Service Control on Windows systems.


199 latest version

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Version information

  • 4.0.0 (latest)
  • 3.5.0
  • 3.4.0
  • 3.3.0
  • 3.2.0
  • 3.1.0
  • 3.0.0
  • 2.2.1
  • 2.2.0
  • 2.1.0
  • 2.0.0
  • 1.9.0
  • 1.8.2
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.8.0
  • 1.7.0
  • 1.6.0
  • 1.5.0
  • 1.4.2
  • 1.4.1
  • 1.4.0
  • 1.3.0
  • 1.2.0
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.3.1
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.0
released Dec 14th 2023
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.7.0 < 9.0.0
  • get_instances
  • compact_database
  • import_failed_messages

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'tragiccode-nservicebusservicecontrol', '4.0.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add tragiccode-nservicebusservicecontrol
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install tragiccode-nservicebusservicecontrol --version 4.0.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



tragiccode/nservicebusservicecontrol — version 4.0.0 Dec 14th 2023


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Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup requirements
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Contributing


The nservicebusservicecontrol module installs and manages Service Control along with Service Control Instances.

ServiceControl is the backend web api used for monitoring and replaying of messages for nservicebus endpoints.

Setup Requirements

The nservicebusservicecontrol module requires the following:

  • Puppet Agent 4.7.1 or later.
  • Access to the internet.
  • Microsoft .NET 4.6.1 Runtime.
  • Windows Server 2012/2012R2/2016/2019.
  • Powershell v7.2 or greater (pwsh/powershell-core)

Beginning with nservicebusservicecontrol

To get started with the nservicebusservicecontrol module simply include the following in your manifest:

include nservicebusservicecontrol

This example downloads, installs, and configures the latest version of servicecontrol. After running this you should be able to begin to create service control instances and perform other tasks using the nservicebusservicecontrol::instance, nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance, and nservicebusservicecontrol::monitoring_instance defined types.

NOTE: By default this module pulls the package from chocolatey (


All parameters for the nservicebusservicecontrol module are contained within the main nservicebusservicecontrol class, so for any function of the module, set the options you want. See the common usages below for examples.

Install a specific version of service control from chocolatey

class { 'nservicebusservicecontrol':
  package_ensure     => '4.3.3',

NOTE: We recommend always specifying a specific version so that it's easily viewable and explicit in code. The default value is present which just grabs whatever version happens to be the latest at the time your first puppet run happened with this code

Automatically install newer versions as they are released on chocolatey

class { 'nservicebusservicecontrol':
  package_ensure     => 'latest',

NOTE: Put simply, never use this in production ( or really anywhere to be honest ). New versions could contain major breaking changes that this module is incompatible possibly putting servicecontrol in a unknown/undefined state.

Install your license

Installing your commercial license is a piece of cake as shown below.

$license_xml = @(LICENSE)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<license type="Commercial" ..>

class { 'nservicebusservicecontrol':
  package_ensure     => 'present',
  license_xml        => $license_xml,

NOTE: Installing or Updating the license will cause the main servicecontrol instance ( error ) to automatically restart. This is to immediately reflect the license change in servicepulse. Since servicecontrol is like any other message based application you can expect no disruptions for your production systems.

Service Control Deployment Topologies

When installing and configuring service control in your environment you have multiple deployment topologies available depending on your needs.

NOTE: Read more about deployment topologies here

Default Deployment

This deployment is the most typical and contains 1 primary/main service control instance and 1 service control audit instance.

$primary_service_control_instance = 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development'

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { $primary_service_control_instance:
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  remote_instances  => ['http://localhost:44444/api'],

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { "${primary_service_control_instance}.Audit":
  ensure                        => 'present',
  port                          => 44444, # This is the default but added here for clarity
  transport                     => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string             => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  service_control_queue_address => $primary_service_control_instance,

NOTE: The primary/main servicecontrol instance must be created first. This is because in order to create a servicecontrol audit instance you must pass in the queue name of the primary service control instance in which to send notifications to ( )

Sharding Audit Messages With Competing Consumers

This deployment is commonly used when you have a high number of messages and need to use the competing consumers pattern on the your audit queue.

$primary_service_control_instance = 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development'

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { $primary_service_control_instance:
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  remote_instances  => ['http://localhost:44444/api', 'http://localhost:44445/api'],

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { "${primary_service_control_instance}.Audit":
  ensure                        => 'present',
  port                          => 44444, # This is the default but added here for clarity
  transport                     => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string             => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  service_control_queue_address => $primary_service_control_instance,

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { "${primary_service_control_instance}.Audit2":
  ensure                        => 'present',
  port                          => 44445,
  database_maintenance_port     => 44446,
  transport                     => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string             => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  service_control_queue_address => $primary_service_control_instance,

Sharding Audit Messages With Split Audit Queue

This deployment is commonly used when you have endpoints whos audit messages should have different retention periods.

$primary_service_control_instance = 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development'

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { $primary_service_control_instance:
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  remote_instances  => ['http://localhost:44444/api', 'http://localhost:44445/api'],

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { "${primary_service_control_instance}.Audit":
  ensure                        => 'present',
  port                          => 44444, # This is the default but added here for clarity
  transport                     => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string             => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  service_control_queue_address => $primary_service_control_instance,

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { "${primary_service_control_instance}.CustomerRelations.Audit":
  ensure                        => 'present',
  port                          => 44445,
  database_maintenance_port     => 44446,
  transport                     => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string             => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  audit_queue                   => 'audit.customerrelations',
  service_control_queue_address => $primary_service_control_instance,

Service Control Instances

This represents the primary/main service control instance that ingests messages from your centralized error queue.

NOTE: In most cases users will install both a primary/main service control instance to ingest from their error queue with one or more audit instances ( remote instances ) to ingest from their audit queue. The examples below this point highlight specifically the main/primary service control instance and therefore the audit instance resource you typically declare next to it is left out for brevity

Create a Service Control Instance using the MSMQ Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure           => 'present',
  transport        => 'MSMQ',

NOTE: Ensure the MSMQ Windows Feature is is already installed. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues

Create a Service Control Instance using the RabbitMQ Conventional Routing Topology (quorum queues) Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',

Create a Service Control Instance using the RabbitMQ Conventional Routing Topology (classic queues) Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (classic queues)',
  connection_string => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',

Create a Service Control Instance using the SQLServer Transport ( SQL Authentication )

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'SQL Server',
  connection_string => 'Data Source=.; Database=Particular.ServiceControl.Development; User Id=svc-servicecontrol; Password=super-secret-password;',

NOTE: Ensure the database is already created and the user can connect. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues.

Create a Service Control Instance using the SQLServer Transport ( Windows Authentication )

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure                   => 'present',
  transport                => 'SQL Server',
  connection_string        => 'Data Source=.; Database=Particular.ServiceControl.Development; Trusted_Connection=True;',
  service_account          => 'DOMAIN\svc-servicecontrol',
  service_account_password => 'super-secret-password',

NOTE: Ensure the database is already created and the user can connect. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues.

Create a Service Control Instance using the Azure Storage Queue Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'Azure Storage Queue',
  # connection_string => 'UseDevelopmentStorage=true',
  connection_string => 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[ACCOUNT];AccountKey=[KEY];',

Create a Service Control Instance using the Azure Service Bus Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'Azure Service Bus',
  connection_string => 'Endpoint=sb://[NAMESPACE];SharedAccessKeyName=[KEYNAME];SharedAccessKey=[KEY]',

Create a Service Control Instance using the Amazon SQS Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure    => 'present',
  transport => 'AmazonSQS',

Service Control Instance with forward error queues

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure                 => 'present',
  transport              => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string      => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  forward_error_messages => true,
  error_log_queue        => 'error.log',

NOTE: If external integration is not required, it is highly recommend to turn forwarding queues off. Otherwise, messages will accumulate unprocessed in the forwarding queue until eventually all available disk space is consume

Enable ability to edit message body & headers in Service Pulse

nservicebusservicecontrol::instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development':
  ensure                 => 'present',
  transport              => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string      => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  allow_message_editing  => true,

Service Control Audit Instances

This represents the 1 or more service control audit instance that ingests messages from your centralized audit queue. This is also needed if you plan on utilizing the Particular Service Insight tool for debugging.

Create a Service Control Audit Instance using the MSMQ Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development.Audit':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'MSMQ',
  service_control_queue_address => 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development', # The queue name of the primary/main service control instance

NOTE: Ensure the MSMQ Windows Feature is is already installed. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues

Create a Service Control Audit Instance using the RabbitMQ Conventional Routing Topology Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development.Audit':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string             => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  service_control_queue_address => 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development', # The queue name of the primary/main service control instance

Create a Service Control Audit Instance using the SQLServer Transport ( SQL Authentication )

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development.Audit':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'SQL Server',
  connection_string             => 'Data Source=.; Database=Particular.ServiceControl.Development; User Id=svc-servicecontrol; Password=super-secret-password;',
  service_control_queue_address => 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development', # The queue name of the primary/main service control instance

NOTE: Ensure the database is already created and the user can connect. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues.

Create a Service Control Audit Instance using the SQLServer Transport ( Windows Authentication )

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development.Audit':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'SQL Server',
  connection_string             => 'Data Source=.; Database=Particular.ServiceControl.Development; Trusted_Connection=True;',
  service_account               => 'DOMAIN\svc-servicecontrol',
  service_account_password      => 'super-secret-password',
  service_control_queue_address => 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development', # The queue name of the primary/main service control instance

NOTE: Ensure the database is already created and the user can connect. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues.

Create a Service Control Audit Instance using the Azure Storage Queue Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development.Audit':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'Azure Storage Queue',
  # connection_string           => 'UseDevelopmentStorage=true',
  connection_string             => 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[ACCOUNT];AccountKey=[KEY];',
  service_control_queue_address => 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development', # The queue name of the primary/main service control instance

Create a Service Control Audit Instance using the Azure Service Bus Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development.Audit':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'Azure Service Bus',
  connection_string             => 'Endpoint=sb://[NAMESPACE];SharedAccessKeyName=[KEYNAME];SharedAccessKey=[KEY]',
  service_control_queue_address => 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development', # The queue name of the primary/main service control instance

Create a Service Control Audit Instance using the Amazon SQS Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development.Audit':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'AmazonSQS',
  service_control_queue_address => 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development', # The queue name of the primary/main service control instance

Service Control Audit Instance with forward audit queues

nservicebusservicecontrol::audit_instance { 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development.Audit':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string             => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',
  forward_audit_messages        => true,
  audit_log_queue               => 'audit.log',
  service_control_queue_address => 'Particular.ServiceControl.Development', # The queue name of the primary/main service control instance

NOTE: If external integration is not required, it is highly recommend to turn forwarding queues off. Otherwise, messages will accumulate unprocessed in the forwarding queue until eventually all available disk space is consume

Service Control Monitoring Instances

Create a Service Control Monitoring Instance using the MSMQ Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::monitoring_instance { 'Particular.Monitoring.Development':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  transport                     => 'MSMQ',

NOTE: Ensure the MSMQ Windows Feature is is already installed. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues

Create a Service Control Monitoring Instance using the RabbitMQ Conventional Routing Topology Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::monitoring_instance { 'Particular.Monitoring.Development':
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'RabbitMQ - Conventional routing topology (quorum queues)',
  connection_string => 'host=localhost;username=guest;password=guest',

Create a Service Control Monitoring Instance using the SQLServer Transport ( SQL Authentication )

nservicebusservicecontrol::monitoring_instance { 'Particular.Monitoring.Development':
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'SQL Server',
  connection_string => 'Data Source=.; Database=Particular.Monitoring.Development; User Id=svc-servicecontrol; Password=super-secret-password;',

NOTE: Ensure the database is already created and the user can connect. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues.

Create a Service Control Monitoring Instance using the SQLServer Transport ( Windows Authentication )

nservicebusservicecontrol::monitoring_instance { 'Particular.Monitoring.Development':
  ensure                   => 'present',
  transport                => 'SQL Server',
  connection_string        => 'Data Source=.; Database=Particular.Monitoring.Development; Trusted_Connection=True;',
  service_account          => 'DOMAIN\svc-servicecontrol',
  service_account_password => 'super-secret-password',

NOTE: Ensure the database is already created and the user can connect. ServiceControl by default will take care of creating the tables for using as queues.

Create a Service Control Monitoring Instance using the Azure Storage Queue Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::monitoring_instance { 'Particular.Monitoring.Development':
  ensure              => 'present',
  transport           => 'Azure Storage Queue',
  # connection_string => 'UseDevelopmentStorage=true',
  connection_string   => 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[ACCOUNT];AccountKey=[KEY];',

Create a Service Control Instance using the Azure Service Bus Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::monitoring_instance { 'Particular.Monitoring.Development':
  ensure            => 'present',
  transport         => 'Azure Service Bus',
  connection_string => 'Endpoint=sb://[NAMESPACE];SharedAccessKeyName=[KEYNAME];SharedAccessKey=[KEY]',

Create a Service Control Instance using the Amazon SQS Transport

nservicebusservicecontrol::monitoring_instance { 'Particular.Monitoring.Development':
  ensure    => 'present',
  transport => 'AmazonSQS',

Create a Retry Redirect

When a failed message needs to be retried, but the destination endpoint no longer exists, and the message needs to be routed to a different endpoint. This is where retry redirects comes in and those can be managed using the nservicebusservicecontrol::retry_redirect resource as shown below.

nservicebusservicecontrol::retry_redirect { 'Ordering.Endpoint':
  ensure => present,
  destination_queue => 'SomeDestinationEndpoint',
  service_control_url => 'http://localhost:33333',

Reimport failed errror/audit messages

When you have messages that fail to be imported you can easily re-import them in an automated and painless way using the nservicebusservicecontrol::import_failed_messages bolt plan.

NOTE: This plan requires the puppet agent installed on the remote.

$ bolt plan show nservicebusservicecontrol::import_failed_messages

  Imports failed error or audit messages.

  Invoke-BoltPlan -Name nservicebusservicecontrol::import_failed_messages
  instance_name=<value> instance_type=<value> targets=<value>

  instance_name  String[1]
    The name of the servicecontrol instance.

  instance_type  Enum['error', 'audit']
    The servicecontrol instance type (Audit or Error).

  targets  TargetSpec
    Targets to import failed messages on.

Workflow followed by plan

Below is the documented workflow of the above nservicebusservicecontrol::import_failed_messages plan so that you, as an administrator, have a better understanding on what to expect and what is happening.

  1. Disable the puppet agent
  2. Wait for any currently active puppet agent runs to finish
  3. Stop the specificed service control instance
  4. Import the failed error or audit messages
  5. Start the specified service control instance
  6. Enable the puppet agent

Compact RavenDB Database

To compact the RavenDB Database for a given servicecontrol instance you can simply use the nservicebusservicecontrol::compact_database bolt plan.

NOTE: This plan requires the puppet agent installed on the remote.

$ bolt plan show nservicebusservicecontrol::compact_database

nservicebusservicecontrol::compact_database                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Compacts the servicecontrol instance's RavenDB Database.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Usage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Invoke-BoltPlan -Name nservicebusservicecontrol::compact_database
  instance_name=<value> targets=<value>

  instance_name  String[1]
    The name of the servicecontrol instance.

  targets  TargetSpec
    Targets to compact databases.

Workflow followed by plan

Below is the documented workflow of the above nservicebusservicecontrol::compact_database plan so that you, as an administrator, have a better understanding on what to expect and what is happening.

  1. Disable the puppet agent
  2. Wait for any currently active puppet agent runs to finish
  3. Stop the specificed service control instance
  4. Check to ensure database is in a consistent state and ready for defragmentation
  5. Defragment the database
  6. Start the specified service control instance
  7. Enable the puppet agent




Unable to detect failing to create servicecontrol instance

There is a bug in the New-ServiceControlInstance powershell cmdlet that ships with servicecontrol that causes any failure to not be propogated to the caller correctly. This makes it impossible to determine if the instance creation was successful or failed. Therefore, failed puppet runs could be misleading and the resulting errors might be caused from this situation.

Forwarding queues are created only at servicecontrol instance creation time only

If you enable the error or audit forwarding queue features after a service control instance is created these queues will not get created. It's therefore your responsibility to manually create these and set them up if you decide to change your mind after a servicecontrol instance has been created. This is a limitation of servicecontrol itself.

Unsupported transports

I have selectively chosen not to support what appears to be old or deprecated transports. If you need one feel free to open an issue and if your feeling lucky submitting a pull-request.

  • Azure Service Bus - Forwarding topology (Legacy)
  • Azure Service Bus - Forwarding topology (Old)
  • Azure Service Bus - Endpoint-oriented topology (Legacy)
  • Azure Service Bus - Endpoint-oriented topology (Old)
  • RabbitMQ - Direct routing topology (Old)


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request