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Manage and configure Knot DNS


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Version information

  • 2.2.0 (latest)
  • 2.1.2
  • 2.1.1
  • 2.1.0
  • 2.0.2
  • 2.0.1
  • 2.0.0
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
released Sep 16th 2016
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise >=3.8.0 <5.0.0
  • Puppet >=3.8.0 <5.0.0
  • ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'tobru-knot', '2.2.0'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add tobru-knot
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install tobru-knot --version 2.2.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.

Tags: dns, network, knot


tobru/knot — version 2.2.0 Sep 16th 2016

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with knot
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This Puppet module manages the Knot DNS server.

Build Status tobru-knot

Info: Module version 2.2.x is only compatible with Knot > 2.3.x. If you're still on Knot 1.x, please use the module version 1.x.

Module Description

Knot DNS server is a "High-performance authoritative-only DNS server". This Puppet module manages the configuration file /etc/knot/knot.conf and includes a separate configuration file for the zones under /etc/knot/zones.conf. Not every configuration parameter is directly exposed, instead it uses a "key/value" approach in hashes, so that if there will be more/changed/other parameters in the future the module will just work without any changes. It also manages the installation of the package and starting/restarting the system service.


What knot affects

  • Package knot installation. If manage_package_repo is true, it also adds the official apt repository by using the puppetlabs/apt module
  • Service knot starting and restarting on configuration change
  • Writing of configuration files:
    • /etc/knot/knot.conf.puppet
    • /etc/knot/zones.conf.puppet
  • Creation of the folders and managing of the user and group rights on $default_storage
  • Creation of Signing Policies

Beginning with knot

A simple include knot installs Knot DNS from the default package source and creates a configuration file with sane defaults. When starting Knot DNS it complains warning: no zones loaded, this tells us that it would make sense to add some zones. Please note: Your distro will most likely not yet include Knot 2.x. So you should set at least the parameter manage_package_repo to true.

Adding zones is as simple as follows:

class { 'knot':
  zones => { ''      => '',
             '' => {
               'xfr-out'    => 'server1',
               'notify-out' => 'server1' },

Zones will be added to /etc/knot/zones.conf.

Note: The paramter zones is a hash


All parameter defaults are defined in params.pp and init.pp. To pass a parameter to the module, they need to be passed to the main class. Here is a usage example for some parameters which most likely will be changed by the module user:

$zones = {
  ''      => '',
  '' => {
    'xfr-out'    => 'server1',
    'notify-out' => 'server1' },
class { 'knot':
  manage_package_repo => true,
  keys                => { 'key0.server0' => {
                             'algorithm' => 'hmac-md5',
                             'key'       => 'Wg==' }
  zones               => $zones,

Hint: As you can see, most parameters are hashes which make them look weird and unreadable. That's a reason why using Hiera is recommended.

Usage with Hiera

This module is fully compatible with Hiera. Here is an example on how to pass parameters to the module:

knot::manage_package_repo: true

    template: dnssec {}
  identity: 'noidentityhere'
    action: transfer
  acl: myacl1
    key: key1
    dnssec-signing: on
    dnssec-policy: default_rsa
    storage: /var/lib/knot
    zonefile-sync: -1
    kasp-db: /var/lib/knot/kasp
    file: /var/lib/knot/zones/
    storage: /var/lib/knot
    file: /var/lib/knot/zones/
    any: debug
    algorithm: hmac-md5
    secret: c0570d4931593d46333c9ddf15894a8550e131f4
    algorithm: hmac-sha1
    secret: c0570d4931593d46333c9ddf15894a8550e131f4
    algorithm: RSASHA256
    zsk-size: 1024
    ksk-size: 2048
    sink: unix://var/run/sink
    type: forward
    prefix: bla

Note: This is not a fully functional configuration, it's just here for an example on how to use Hiera.

Managing zones (and defaults for all zones)

Zones are passed to the main class in the zones hash. The configuration get's written to /etc/knot/zones.conf. To pass default values to all zones, the hash zone_defaults exists. Everything in this hash is applied to all zones. If a parameter needs to be overwritten for a single zone, just add this parameter to the zone, the zone parameters wins. Since Knot 2.x gained the template functionality, this feature will most likely only be used for setting a default template for all zones.

Automatic DNSSEC signing

For an overview on how automatic DNSSEC signing works in Knot, see official docs.

Overview of file locations with the following template configured:

    dnssec-signing: on
    dnssec-policy: default_rsa
    storage: /var/lib/knot
    zonefile-sync: -1
    kasp-db: /var/lib/knot/kasp
    file: /var/lib/knot/zones/
  • Zonefiles: /var/lib/knot/zones/
  • KASP DB: /var/lib/knot/kasp
  • Zone keys: /var/lib/knot/kasp/keys
  • Timers: /var/lib/knot/timers
  • Signed zones: Only in memory (zonefile-sync is -1) and under /var/lib/knot/<zone>.db

Using this configuration the directory /var/lib/knot/zones can be savely managed with git.



Public Classes

  • knot: Installs and configures Knot in your environment.

All configuration is passed to init.pp:

[manage_package_repo] Default: false. If set to true, make sure the puppetlabs/apt module is available as it adds the repo to the APT sources

[package_ensure] Default: installed. See Puppet type 'package' documentation

[package_name] Default: On Debian 'knot'. Package name to install knot

[package_repo_key] Default: Depends on $::lsbdistid, see params.pp. Only used when $manage_package_repo is true. Signing key of the packages

[package_repo_key_src] Default: Depends on $::lsbdistid, see params.pp. Only used when $manage_package_repo is true. Source of the package signing public key

[package_repo_location] Default: Depends on $::lsbdistid, see params.pp. Only used when $manage_package_repo is true. Location of the package repository

[package_repo_repos] Default: Depends on $::lsbdistid, see params.pp. Only used when $manage_package_repo is true. Repos used on the repository location

[manage_user] Default: true. Manages the Puppet user resource for the user $service_user

[service_enable] Default: true. See Puppet type 'service' documentation

[service_ensure] Default: running. See Puppet type 'service' documentation

[service_group] Default: On Debian 'knot'. Group under which the knot daemon runs

[service_manage] Default: true. If set to false, the Puppet type 'service' will not be created Can be usefull if the service is managed by a cluster manager

[service_name] Default: On Debian 'knot'. Name of the system service to manage

[service_restart] Default: '/usr/sbin/knotc reload'. Command to reload Knot

[service_status] Default: '/usr/sbin/knotc rstatus'. Command to check the status of Knot

[service_user] Default: On Debian 'knot'. User under which the knot daemon runs

[default_storage] Default: '/var/lib/knot'. Full path to the 'storage' dir

[main_config_file] Default: '/etc/knot/knot.conf'. Full path to the main configuration file

[manage_zones] Default: true. Set false if you want to manage only package and service.

[template_parameter] Default: template. Name of the template parameter used inside the zones hash.

[zone_defaults] Default: {}. Hash which contains default parameters which are added to every zone definition under the 'zones' statement. Can be used f.e. to set a default template. See

[zones_config_file] Default: '/etc/knot/zones.conf'. Full path to the zones configuration file

[zones_config_template] Default: 'knot/zones.conf.erb'. Reference to zone.conf erb template

[acls] Default: {}. Acl section. See

[control] Default: {}. Control section. See

[keys] Default: {}. Keys section. See

[log] Default:

    $log = {
      syslog => {
        any  => 'info'

Logging section. See

[modules] Default: {}. Modules section. See -> module-X Key: module name without "mod-", Values: Hash of module parameters.

[policies] Default: {}. Configures DNSSEC policies. See

[remotes] Default: {}. Remotes section. See

[server] Default:

    $server = {
      listen => [

Server section. See

[templates] Default: {}. Template section. See

[zones] Default: {}. Hash of zones. They will be added to the $zones_config_file file. See Example:

  $zones = {
    ''      => '',
    '' => {
      'xfr-out'    => 'server1',
      'notify-out' => 'server1' },

Private Classes

  • knot::install: Manages the APT repo and installs Knot
  • knot::config: Writes the Knot configuration files and prepares DNSSEC things
  • knot::service: Manages the Knot system service


There are rspec-puppet tests available. To run them you first need to install all needed GEMs by running bundler. Then a rake task executes the Rspec tests: bundle exec rake spec.


At this time this module is only tested under Ubuntu 14.04, but it should also work on any other Linux distribution. However package repo management ($manage_package_repo) is only supported on Debian based OS families.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Make sure your PR passes the Rspec tests.