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Configure Python interpreters and virtualenvs for Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 including SCLs


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Version information

  • 0.8.0 (latest)
  • 0.7.0
  • 0.6.2
  • 0.6.1
  • 0.6.0
  • 0.5.1
  • 0.5.0
released Mar 11th 2016
This version is compatible with:
  • ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'sumpfgottheit-pythonel', '0.8.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add sumpfgottheit-pythonel
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install sumpfgottheit-pythonel --version 0.8.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



sumpfgottheit/pythonel — version 0.8.0 Mar 11th 2016

Supported Platforms

  • Enterprise Linux 6: RHEL6, CentOS6 and clones (not tested)
  • Enterprise Linux 7: RHEL7, CentOS7 and clones (not tested)

Why another Puppet-Python module?

  • Support of multiple Python interpreters, including interpreters from Software Collections and the IUS - repository.
  • Fully support Software Collections, even within virtualenvs
  • Can easily be used with your own PyPi mirror or YUM mirror
  • Support for RHEL6/CentOS6

The puppet-python module, although great for most requirements, can't fullfill a few of my requirements:

  • RHEL6/CentOS6 Support: We have a few hundret RHEL6 servers in our company. Bugs like Issuse 173 make it difficult to use the origin module.
  • YUM Repository Management: Our servers are not connected to the internet. Therefore we use a mirror of all YUM repositories we need. We define the YUM Repositories - Ressources once and every module, which needs a repository just needs to realize it. If a RubyOnRails application needs the RedHatSoftwareCollections and a Python app also needs this specific respository, the definition of yumrepoin each manifest will lead to an error. By defining the repositories once and just realizing it, I can work around this problem. Just don't do YUM-repository management!
  • Software Collections: The support for SCLs grow steadily within the original repository, but it's not yet there, I think.

Changes in 0.8.0

The puppet naming conventions need the dashes within the classnames replaced with underscores. Using the old classnames result in a deprecation warning.


Every Python interpreter ist defined within manifest/interpreter/${interpreter}.pp. As of now, there are 4 interpreters defined:

  • system: The Python 2.6 interpreter of EL6 or the Python 2.7 interpreter on EL7
  • rh_python27_scl: The Python 2.7 interpreter of RedHats Software Collections.
  • rh_python34_scl:The Python 3.4 interpreter of RedHats Software Collections
  • python35_ius: The Python 3.5 interpreter from IUS

To use on of the interpreters, just include it:

include pythonel::interpreter::rh_python34_scl

By using the include construct, every interpreter can included by multiple applications without any problems. The interpreter-manifests installs the interpreter using the package ressource, but without defining a yumrepo ressource. If you define your repository once, you can put the Yumrepo <|title = redhat-scl-el6 |> in the interpreter manifest. The interpreters define some variables that are used by virtualenv and pip to adapt to the calling interpeter.

The resources pythonel::pip and pythonel::virtualenv work in a similar way to the original module. pythonel::pip has fewer options than the original module. This is intened. I think that a simpel requirements-file, that can be used with pythonel::virtualenv is better and easier than building the logic using a puppet resource. Drop your requirements file into your application-directory and let pythonel::virtualenv pick it up.


The biggest problem defining python environments via puppet ist the lack of information at catalog compile time. Which python version/pip version combination is available and needs which parameters. It's a big mess. By including a python interpreter, the file /usr/local/bin/pythonel_helper ist installed. This helper script takes care of all the crazy, local stuff and helps the Exec ressources to stay readable. When calling pytophon::pip, the helper-script is called on the node and enables the sofware collection if necessary.

Every activate script of an SCL-virtualenv contains a source scl_source enable $SCL which enables the scl when sourcing the active-script.


  # Install the rh_python34_scl interpreter
  include pythonel::interpreter::rh_python34_scl
  # Create a virtualenv within /opt/virtualenvs/myapp with the correct interpreter
  # and install the modules from the requirements file
  pythonel::virtualenv { '/opt/virtualenvs/myapp':
    interpreter => 'rh_python34_scl',
    requirements_file => '/opt/myapp/requirements.txt',
    systempkgs => true,
  } ->
  # Install the colorama module into the directory
  # if no virtuelenv is give, install it systemwide
  pythonel::pip { 'myapp-colorama':
    package     => 'colorama',
    virtualenv  => '/opt/virtualenvs/myapp',
    interpreter => 'rh_python34_scl'

YumRepo handling

As our systems have no connection to the internet, the handling of YumRepositories painful. Every interpreter.pp has a section, that starts with

    # YumRepo and package handling #
    # Adapt to your needs          #

Adapt the files and make sure, that the packages are installed. This means, that it is difficult to use the module "as is" using automatic collection of modules via puppetforge, as you need to adapt this section to your needs. As I have written above, our systems are not connected to the internet, so we are used to it. If anyone has a good idea how to handle this, I am more than happy to implement - or merge - it.

For the IUS-repositories, you can change the yumrepo/package part like this:

yumrepo { 'ius':
    name       => 'ius',
    mirrorlist => '$basearch&protocol=http',
package { $packages: 
    ensure => $packages_ensure

To install the Software Collections repository, go to and follow the instructions. On RHEL machines, you can use subscription-manager to enable the repository, if you dont't use puppet.


Each of the python/manifests/interpreter/${interpreter}.pp manifests query 5 variables via hiera:

$upgrade_pip            = hiera("pythonel::interpreter::${interpreter}::upgrade_pip", false)
$upgrade_virtualenv     = hiera("pythonel::interpreter::${interpreter}::upgrade_virtualenv", false)
$packages_ensure        = hiera("pythonel::interpreter::${interpreter}::packages_ensure", 'present')
$pip_config_file        = hiera("pythonel::interpreter::${interpreter}::pip_config_file", '')
$global_pip_config_file = hiera("pythonel::interpreter::pip_config_file", '')

Example: For the python interpreter rh_python34_scl, you can set the following configartions via hiera

# run "pip install --upgrade pip" during installation of the python interpreter
pythonel::interpreter::rh_python34_scl::upgrade_pip: true/false
# run "pip install --upgrade virtualenv" during installation of the python interpreter
pythonel::interpreter::rh_python34_scl::upgrade_upgrade_virtualenv: true/false
# set package=>ensure to "latest" or "present"
pythonel::interpreter::rh_python34_scl::package_ensure: present/latest
# Set an explicit 'PIP_CONFIG_FILE' for this interpreter
pythonel::interpreter::rh_python34_scl::pip_config_file: /etc/pip-rh_python34_scl.conf

Often, you want to use a PIP_CONFIG_FILE for all interpreters on a system, for example to let it point to you internal Pypi-mirror. Use the pythonel::interpreter::pip_config_file hiera-variable. An interpreter-specific PIP_CONFIG_FILE has precedence over the global file.

pythonel::interpreter::pip_config_file: /etc/pip.conf

If you manage the pip.conf via puppet, you can set the metaparameter before => File['/usr/local/bin/pythonel_helper to have your pip.conf inplace before the interpreter is configured. The file /usr/local/bin/pppy_helper is installed in manifests/interpreter/prep.pp and every pip or virtualenv call has a require => to this file.


Most of the logic is executed on the local node by pythonel_helper, so rspec-tests don't help much and there is no need for trivial tests. So no - there are no tests.

pythonel_helper - help

 # pythonel_helper

usage: pythonel_helper pip [-v virtualenv] [-s] PIP-ARGS
       pythonel_helper virtualenv [-s] VIRTUALENV-ARGS

pythonel_helper pip:
  Execute pip from the environment [-v]. If the environment is created
  using software collections (scl), enable the collection first.
  The [-s] "source" option sets the parameter --no-use-wheel|--no-binary :all:
  according to the used version of pip.
  If the "pip" command is used with full path and the path resides within a
  software collection, the scl is enabled.

pythonel_helper virtualenv:
  Create a new virtualenv. If the "virtualenv" command is used with full path 
  and the path resides within a software collection, the scl is enabled.
  The parameter [-s] enables the system-site-packages.

Options for "pip" command:
   -v virtualenv   The path to the virtualenv to use. 
   -s              Install source packages. adapts the arguments to add
                   "--no-use-wheel" or the new "--no-binary :all:" if 
                   possible. RHEL6/CentOS stock pip 1.3.1 doesn't have
                   whell support out of the box, so this option breaks
                   it anyways.

Options for "virtualenv" command:
    -s             Enable system-site-packages

Correctly uses SCLs (Software Collections) !!!

  pythonel_helper pip install flask
    Install flask for the default system python interpreter

  pythonel_helper pip -v /myvenv -s flask
    Install flask for the Environment /myvenv and don't use binaries.
    SCLs are enabled if necessary

  pythonel_helper /opt/rh/rh-python34/root/usr/bin/pip install flask
    Install flask into the system-site-packages of the 
    rh-python34 scl interpreter.

  pythonel_helper virtualenv /myvenv
    Create the virtualenv /myvenv from the default virtualenv-command

  pythonel_helper /opt/rh/rh-python34/root/usr/bin/virtualenv  /myvenv
    Create the virtualenv /myvenv for the rh-python34 scl interpreter