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Puppet module for ownCloud


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Version information

  • 0.5.2 (latest)
  • 0.5.1 (deleted)
  • 0.5.0
  • 0.4.3
  • 0.4.2 (deleted)
  • 0.4.1
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.3.1
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.1
released Mar 23rd 2016
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 3.0.0 < 5.0.0
  • , , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'shoekstra-owncloud', '0.5.2'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add shoekstra-owncloud
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install shoekstra-owncloud --version 0.5.2

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.

Tags: owncloud


shoekstra/owncloud — version 0.5.2 Mar 23rd 2016

Build Status Puppet Forge


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with ownCloud
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The ownCloud module eases installation and initial configuration of ownCloud.

Module Description

ownCloud is a software system for what is commonly termed "file hosting" and is very similar to the widely-used Dropbox, with the primary difference being that ownCloud is free and open-source, allowing anyone to install and operate it without charge on a private server.

This module provides a simple way to install ownCloud, and optionally include Apache and virtual host configuration, database creation, and an autoconfigured ownCloud instance ready for you to log into. It preconfigures the ownCloud instance using the automatic configuration method.


What owncloud affects

  • ownCloud configuration files and directories

  • package/service/configuration files for Apache

  • Apache module and virtual hosts

  • MySQL database and user creation (does not install a MySQL server)

    • WARNING: If module is set to manage Apache (enabled by default), any existing Apache configuration not Puppet managed may be purged.

Setup Requirements

In order to use the PuppetLabs MySQL module to create the database on a separate database server, you will need to have exported resources functionality.

If Apache is not installed, the default behaviour of this module is to install it. If you're already managing an Apache install with Puppet (or want to amend any of the Apache related configuration), set manage_apache to false and ensure the php, rewrite and ssl mods are enabled, e.g.:

    class { '::apache':
      default_vhost => false,
      mpm_module    => 'prefork',
      purge_configs => false,

    include '::apache::mod::php', '::apache::mod::rewrite', '::apache::mod::ssl'

    class { '::owncloud':
      manage_apache => false,

Beginning with ownCloud

To install ownCloud with the default parameters:

    class { 'owncloud': }

The defaults are determined by your operating system (e.g. Debian systems have one set of defaults, and RedHat systems have another). These defaults will work well in a testing environment, but are not suggested for production as they result in:

  • An 'owncloud' database and user being created (password 'owncloud')
  • Apache installed, with a default vhost of "owncloud.$::domain"
  • ownCloud configured to use MySQL as the database backend (does not install a MySQL server)
  • ownCloud data directory (where user files are kept) located at $documentroot/data (this should be moved out of the document root before being put on the Internet)

Install on a single server

To install ownCloud on a single server, (using the PuppetLabs MySQL module to install MySQL and create a 'owncloud' database):

    class { '::mysql::server':
      override_options => {
        'mysqld' => { 'bind-address' => '' }
      restart       => true,
      root_password => 'sup3rt0ps3cr3t',

    class { '::owncloud':
      db_user => 'owncloud',
      db_pass => 'p4ssw0rd',

Install on separate database and web server

To install ownCloud on a web server with a separate MySQL database server, on your web server:

    class { '::owncloud':
      db_host => 'mysqlserver.local',
      db_name => 'owncloud',
      db_user => 'owncloud',
      db_pass => 'p4ssw0rd',

The ownCloud module does not install or configure the database server itself, this would need to be deployed by manually or, for example, with something similar to:

    class { '::mysql::server':
      override_options => {
        'mysqld' => { 'bind-address' => '' }
      restart       => true,
      root_password => 'sup3rt0ps3cr3t',

When $db_host is not set to 'localhost', the web server will export any mysql:db resources for a database server to collect. To collect these exported databases, include the following simple wrapper class on your MySQL server:

    include '::owncloud::database'

A complete example with with database installed on a different server would look like:

    node 'mysqlserver.local' {
      class { '::mysql::server':
        override_options => {
          'mysqld' => { 'bind-address' => '' }
        restart       => true,
        root_password => 'sup3rt0ps3cr3t',

      include '::owncloud::database'

    node 'webserver.local' {
      class { '::owncloud':
        db_host => 'mysqlserver.local',
        db_name => 'owncloud',
        db_user => 'owncloud',
        db_pass => 'p4ssw0rd',

Install and configure Apache to use SSL

To configure the Apache vhost to use SSL, you need to set ssl to true and define the absolute paths for the ssl_cert and ssl_key parameters. This module does not distribute certificate or key files to the server, you will need to take care of this yourself.

    class { '::owncloud':
      ssl      => true,
      ssl_cert => '/path/to/file.crt',
      ssl_key  => '/path/to/file.key',

When configured to use SSL, any non HTTPS traffic to the HTTP port (defaults to 80) will be redirected to the HTTPS port (defaults to 443).

Install and manage only ownCloud

To install and configure ownCloud with no additional modules:

    class { '::owncloud':
      manage_apache => false,
      manage_db     => false,
      manage_vhost  => false,

Deploying your web server with this configuration will result in:

  • ownCloud repository added to your system
  • ownCloud package installed (with any absent dependencies, such as Apache, PHP modules, etc.)
  • ownCloud auto configured and ready for access on http://$default_vhost/owncloud


The owncloud class

The owncloud class configures all possible options for this module. With default parameters it will

  • create the required database (either locally or export the mysql::db resource to be collected later on the database server (using include ::owncloud::database))
  • install Apache and configure a vhost (either HTTP or HTTP and HTTPS)
  • install the ownCloud application using the autoconfigure method



Optionally set the admin password in the ownCloud configuration.


Optionally set the admin user in the ownCloud configuration (using admin_pass as the password). If not set, OwnCloud will ask for admin credentials upon first connection.


Sets the directory user data will be stored in. It is not recommended to keep this in the default location (as a sub directory of the application document root) and it should be moved out of the document root before making your ownCloud instance accessible via the internet. Defaults to /var/www/owncloud/data on Debian based systems and /var/www/html/owncloud/data on RedHat based systems.


Sets the database server that ownCloud should use. If this is not 'localhost' and manage_db is set to true, the module will publish the mysql:db resource for collection by another node (typically your database server, collecting with Mysql::Db <<| tag == 'owncloud' |>>, if using the PuppetLabs MySQL module). Defaults to 'localhost'.


Set the database name in the ownCloud configuration and the database to create if manage_db is set to true. Defaults to 'owncloud'.


Set the database table prefix in the ownCloud configuration. Defaults to ''.


Set the database user in the ownCloud configuration and the database user to create (using db_pass as the password) if manage_db is set to true. Defaults to 'owncloud'.


Set the database password in the ownCloud configuration. Defaults to 'owncloud'.


Set the database type in the ownCloud configuration. Currently the only supported backend database is MySQL. Defaults to 'mysql'.


Set the HTTP port to a non standard port. Defaults to '80'.


Set the HTTPS port to a non standard port. Defaults to '443'.


Set to true for the module to install Apache using the PuppetLabs Apache module. Typically this is managed elsewhere in your node definition, but if you are installing ownCloud on a dedicated webserver then setting manage_apache to true will configure Apache as required. Defaults to 'true'.


Set to true for the module to create the database and database user for you, using the db_name, db_user, db_pass and db_type values. Enabling this will not install the database server, this must be done separately. Defaults to 'true'.


Set to true for the module to install the PHP MySQL bindings using the PuppetLabs MySQL module; this is required on some distributions until the package is installed by the ownCloud package. Defaults to 'true'.


Set to true for the module to install the official ownCloud repository. Defaults to 'true'.


Set to true for the module to manage the skeleton directory. This is could be a feature in the future, but for the moment this removes the demo files from the skeleton directory in ${documentroot}/core/skeleton/{documents,music,photo}. Defaults to 'true'.


Set to true for the module to install the Apache virtual host using the PuppetLabs Apache module. It is possible to have manage_apache set to false and manage_vhost set to true to only install the vhost if you manage Apache separately. Defaults to 'true'.


Set to true to enable HTTPS. When enabled, HTTP requests will be redirected to HTTPS. Must at least set the ssl_cert and ssl_key parameters to use SSL. Defaults to 'false'.


Set the path of the CA certificate file, must use the absolute path.


Set the path of the certificate file, must use the absolute path.


Set the path of the certificate chain file, must use the absolute path.


Set the path of the certificate key file, must use the absolute path.


Optional array to set the default trusted domains for OwnCloud. Use domain names without protocol. Default is unset, which will take the first domain used to connect to OwnCloud as a trusted domain name.


Configures the virtual host to install if manage_apache or manage_vhost are set to true. At this time there is no support for Apache server aliases. Defaults to owncloud.${::domain}



Public Classes

  • owncloud: Guides the installation of ownCloud (including database creation and user data directory if specified).
  • owncloud::database: Installs the ownCloud database; include this on your database server if it is separate to the web server (not required if database and application run on same server).

Private Classes

  • owncloud::apache: Installs and configures Apache when manage_apache is set to true.
  • owncloud::config: Configures ownCloud using autoconfig.php (and creates/exports a database).
  • owncloud::install: Installs ownCloud (using the ownCloud repository).
  • owncloud::params: Manages ownCloud operating system specific parameters.


  • This module does not install a database server. An example has been provided on how to do this using PuppetLabs MySQL module.

  • This module has been tested on the following Operating Systems:

    • CentOS 6
    • CentOS 7
    • Debian 7
    • Debian 8
    • Fedora 19
    • Fedora 20
    • Ubuntu 12.04 Precise
    • Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty


In the pipeline:

  • Add support for additional operating systems.
  • Add support for PostgreSQL.

At this time only one instance of ownCloud can be configured per host. It would be easy enough to change to a define to make a multi-tenant ownCloud server, but wasn't a requirement when writing this and can only see this being implemented if someone wants to add this functionality via a pull request.

Pull requests are welcome, please see the contributing guidelines.