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  • 1.0.1 (latest)
  • 1.0.0
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  • 0.2.1
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  • 0.1.0 (deleted)
  • 0.0.2
  • 0.0.1
released Jun 17th 2019
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.7.0 < 5.0.0
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Tags: ruby


puppetlabs/ruby — version 1.0.1 Jun 17th 2019

Ruby Module

This module manages Ruby and Rubygems.


Puppet >= 4.7.0 with Ruby 2.1.9 and 2.4.1 on the following platforms.

  • Debian 6
  • Debian 7
  • EL 5
  • EL 6
  • EL 7
  • FreeBSD 10
  • SLES 11 SP1
  • Arch Linux


Ruby Class

Installs and manages the core Ruby packages.


  • version: (default installed) - Set the version of Ruby to install

  • latest_release: (default undefined) - Set this to true and the Ruby module will install new releases if they are updated in the repositories, or if a new repository is added with a newer release. Note: In Debian and Ubuntu where Ruby version is specified by package name, this parameter will effectively install the latest release of the Ruby version specified with the version parameter.

  • gems_version: (default installed) - Set the version of Rubygems to be installed

  • rubygems_update: (default true) - If set to true, the module will ensure that the rubygems package is installed but will use rubygems-update (same as gem update --system but versionable) to update Rubygems to the version defined in $gems_version. If set to false then the rubygems package resource will be versioned from $gems_version

  • ruby_package: (default ruby, modified for distribution and Ruby version) - Set the package name for Ruby

  • rubygems_package: (default rubygems) - Set the package name for rubygems

  • ruby_dev_packages: (default undefined) This sets the list of development packages passed to ruby::dev.

  • suppress_warnings: (default false) This suppresses warnings when a package is not expected to be available for a specific Ruby version for specific Ubuntu\Debian distributions and releases, but when a repository is provided that supplies the unnatural packages.

  • set_system_default: (default false) This sets the system default ruby and gem binaries to that specified by the version parameter. Only supported in Debian and Ubuntu.

  • system_default_bin: (default undefined) This sets a custom ruby binary used by the set_system_default parameter. To be used when a custom ruby package is supplied.

  • system_default_gem: (default undefined) This sets a custom gem binary used by the set_system_default parameter. To be used when a custom ruby or rubygems package is supplied.

  • gem_integration: (default false) Install the rubygems_integration package for Debian/Ubuntu that provides some integration between gems and distribution packages. Only supported in Debian and Ubuntu.

  • gem_integration_package: (default false) Specifies a custom rubygems-integration package.

  • switch: This parameter is depreciated, but continued for compatibility. Has the same function as set_system_default.


For a standard install using the latest Rubygems provided by rubygems-update on CentOS or Redhat use:

    class { '::ruby':
      gems_version => 'latest',

On Redhat this is equivilant to

$ yum install ruby rubygems
$ gem update --system

Specify Version

To install a specific version of ruby and rubygems but not use rubygems-update use:

    class { '::ruby':
      version         => '1.8.7',
      gems_version    => '1.8.24',
      rubygems_update => false,

On Redhat this is equivilant to

$ yum install ruby-1.8.7 rubygems-1.8.24

Alternative Ruby Packages

If you need to use different packages for either ruby or rubygems you can. This could be for different versions or custom packages. For instance the following installs ruby 1.9 on Ubuntu 12.04.

    class { '::ruby':
      ruby_package     => 'ruby1.9.1-full',
      rubygems_package => 'rubygems1.9.1',
      gems_version     => 'latest',

This parameter will be particularly important if an alternative package repository is defined with yumrepo or apt::source or apt::ppa.

Ruby Development Class

The ruby::dev class requires the base ruby class.

Installs and manages the installation of the Ruby development packages and tools, including Rake and Bundler. Note that the ruby::dev class may not install all the dependencies required to install some gems.

There is some selection logic in the ruby::dev class that attempts to install the correct development libraries and tools for the Ruby version installed by the base ruby class. Hence the ruby::dev class requires the ruby class.

This class often installs a list of packages, so setting a package version is not available as this may behave unpredictably.


  • ensure: (default is 'installed') - This parameter sets the ensure parameter for all the Ruby development packages.
  • ruby_dev_packages: (default is depends on OS distribution) - This parameter replaces the list of default Ruby development packages.
  • rake_ensure: (default is 'installed') - This sets the ensure parameter of the rake package.
  • rake_package: (default depends on OS distribution) - This parameter replaces the default rake package.
  • bundler_ensure: (default is 'installed') - This sets the ensure parameter of the bundler package.
  • bundler_package: (default is dependent on OS distribution) - This parameter replaces the default bundler package.
  • bundler_provider: (default is dependent on OS distribution) - This parameter specifies what package provider should be used, only gem or apt are accepted.

Rake Resource

The ruby::rake resource requires the ruby::dev class.

This resource runs Rake tasks. This resource was created to be sure that Rake tasks would only be executed once their requirements were met by the ruby::dev class.

As running rake under bundle is a common scenario, the bundle parameter will automatically wrap a rake task as a bundle exec rake command. This ensures that the rake command passes through the sanity checking in the ruby::rake resource, and meets the dependency requirements needed for both rake and bundler tasks.


Most of the parameters for this resource are passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the Rake task. Check the Puppetlabs documentation on the exec resource for more details. Some parameters are not available.

  • task: (this parameter is required) - This parameter is the Ruby task to be performed as a string with command line options. e.g. db:setup.
  • rails_env: (default is production) - This parameter is used to set the RAILS_ENV environment variable, the default is to set it to production. This parameter is combined with the environment parameter to be passed to the environment parameter of the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • bundle: (default is false) - If set to true, the Rake task is automatically run under a ruby::bundler resource.
  • creates: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • cwd: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • environment: (default is undefined) - This parameter is combined with the rails_env parameter to be passed to the environment parameter of the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • user: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • group: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • logoutput: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • onlyif: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • path: (default is ['/usr/bin','/bin','/usr/sbin','/sbin']) - The rake executable has a minimum path requirement, if this parameter is left undefined, the default minimum path will be used. If a list of paths is provided, this list will be modified to be sure that it still meets the minimum path requirements for the rake executable. This is then passed to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • refresh: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • refreshonly: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • timeout: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • tries: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • try_sleep: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.
  • unless: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the rake task.

Bundler Resource

The ruby::bundle resource requires the ruby::dev class.

This resource runs Bundler tasks. This resource was created to be sure that Bundler tasks would only be executed once their requirements were met by the ruby::dev class.


Most of the parameters are passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task. Check the Puppetlabs documentation on the exec resource for more details. Some parameters are not available.

  • command: (default is 'install') - This sets the command passed to the bundler executable. Not all bundler commands are currently supported. Only exec, install and update are currently supported.
  • option: (default is undefined) - This sets the options for the bundler command. Not all options are supported.
  • rails_env: (default is $ruby::params::rails_env) - This parameter is used to set the RAILS_ENV environment variable, the default is to set it to production. This parameter is combined with the environment parameter to be passed to the environment parameter of the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • creates: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • cwd: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • environment: (default is undefined) - This parameter is combined with the rails_env parameter to be passed to the environment parameter of the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • user: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • group: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • logoutput: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • onlyif: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • path: (default is undefined) - The bundle executable has a minimum path requirement, if this parameter is left undefined, the default minimum path will be used. If a list of paths is provided, this list will be modified to be sure that it still meets the minimum path requirements for the bundle executable. This is then passed to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundle task.
  • refresh: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • refreshonly: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • timeout: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • tries: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • try_sleep: (default is undefined) - Passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task.
  • unless: (default is undefined) - The unless parameter is passed through to the underlying exec resource that runs the bundler task if the ruby::bundler resource command parameter is exec. For the install or update commands unless will be automatically set to, or overridden with, a command that makes the ruby::bundle resource idempotent.

Supported Bundler Commands

  • exec: For the exec command to work, the command to be executed is passed as the option string. If the command is a rake task, it is recommended that the ruby::rake resource is used with the bundle parameter set to true. There are currently no constraints on the option string for the exec command.
  • install: The install command only currently supports the --clean,--deployment,--gemfile,--path, --without, and --no-prune options.
  • update: The update command only currently supports the --local and --source options. This command will try and update all the gems in a directory every time puppet runs.

Ruby Configuration Class

Ruby Enterprise Edition, Ruby versions later than 1.9.3-preview1, and some patched Ruby distributions allow some tuning of the Ruby memory heap and garbage collection. These features will not work with the standard Ruby distributions prior to 1.9.3.

The ruby::config class sets global environment variables that tune the Ruby memory heap and it's garbage collection as per the Ruby Enterprise Edition documentation. This should allow the configuration of Ruby to better suit a deployed application and reduce the memory overhead of long-running Ruby processes (e.g. the Puppet daemon). The memory overhead issue can be further reduced by upgrading Ruby to a distribution using a bitmap marked garbage collection patch (e.g. as provided by BrightBox) or to Ruby 2.x.

More References


All the parameters are not set by default, which will revert to the default values for Ruby.

  • gc_malloc_limit : Sets RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT, which is the amount of memory that can be allocated without triggering garbage collection. The default is 8000000.
  • heap_free_min : Sets RUBY_HEAP_FREE_MIN, which is the number of heap slots that should be available after garbage collection is run. If fewer slots are available, new heap slots will be allocated. The default is 4096.
  • heap_slots_growth_factor : Sets RUBY_HEAP_SLOTS_GROWTH_FACTOR, which is the multiplier for how many new slots to be created if fewer slots than RUBY_HEAP_FREE_MIN remain after garbage collection. The default is 1.8.
  • heap_min_slots : This sets RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS, which is initial number of heap slots. The default is 10000.
  • heap_slots_increment : This sets RUBY_HEAP_SLOTS_INCREMENT, which is the number of additional slots allocated the first time additional slots are required. The default is 10000.


It should be possible to set any number of parameters, but setting no parameters is a special case that removes any modification to the Ruby environment settings.

No Parameters

If ruby::config is given with no parameters it removes the environment settings from the system, which restores the default Ruby settings.

include ::ruby::config

With Parameters

class { '::ruby::config':
  heap_min_slots           => 500000,
  heap_slots_increment     => 250000,
  heap_slots_growth_factor => 1,
  gc_malloc_limit          => 50000000,

Which should result with the following environment variables set:


Package sources

If the required Ruby version is not available for the distribution being used check the following repositories:

  • For Ubuntu the Brightbox Ruby PPA provides Ruby packages, use the following puppet code:

    include ::apt
    ::apt::ppa { 'ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng-experimental': }
    class { '::ruby':
      version        => '1.9.1',
      switch         => true,
      latest_release => true,
      require        => Apt::Ppa['ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng-experimental'],