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Extends Puppet with support for the Sabayon Linux distribution


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Version information

  • 0.7.1 (latest)
  • 0.7.0
  • 0.6.1
  • 0.6.0
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1 (deleted)
  • 0.1.0 (deleted)
  • 0.0.2
released Oct 10th 2020
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.10.0 < 7.0.0
  • cleanup
  • enman_repo
  • update

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'optiz0r-sabayon', '0.7.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add optiz0r-sabayon
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install optiz0r-sabayon --version 0.7.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



optiz0r/sabayon — version 0.7.1 Oct 10th 2020



Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with sabayon
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module extends puppet with support for the Sabayon Linux distribution.

It adds support for:

  • The Entropy package manager
  • Managing Sabayon Community Repository (SCR) definitions using enman
  • Enabling and disabling entropy repositories
  • Entropy package masks and unmasks
  • Splitdebug installs for packages
  • Using systemd as the default service provider


What the sabayon module affects

  • operatingsystem fact: This module overrides the operatingsystem fact to Sabayon on Sabayon systems.
  • Service provider: This module overrides the default provider for service resources to force use of systemd
  • Package provider: This module overrides the default provider for package resources to force use of entropy


  • sys-apps/lsb-release is required for the operatingsystem fact to work

Beginning with sabayon

The types and providers within this module can be used without any special setup, as long as the required packages are already installed. To let this module take care of installing the required packages, simply include the sabayon class.

class { 'sabayon': }


Installing packages using entropy

This module sets the entropy provider to be the default for Sabayon, so no special configuration is required.

The provider supports package names in both the fully-qualified format, e.g.

package { 'net-misc/openssh':
  ensure => installed,

Or the more verbose format:

package { 'ssh-server':
  ensure   => installed,
  category => 'net-misc',
  name     => 'openssh',

The category specification is optional as long as the package name is unique. For example you could install pip as that's (currently) unique, but you could not install 'mysql' since there's no way to disambiguate between virtual/mysql and dev-db/mysql.

Managing enman repositories

Install an available SCR repository using enman. The title is taken to be the repository name by default, and must be available via enman. Use an ensure value of present to install the repo, and absent to remove it.

Repositories recorded in enman-db can be added by name. Local repositories can be added via URL. When using an URL, the name property must match the name of the repo defined at the URL, to prevent puppet trying to re-add the repo on every run.

enman_repo { 'community':
  ensure => present,

enman_repo { 'myrepo':
  ensure => present,
  url    => '',

Enabling and disabling entropy repositories

Installed repositories (whether system or SCR repositories) can be enabled and disabled using the entropy_repo type.

To enable a repository, use:

entropy_repo { 'sabayon-limbo':
  enabled => 'true',

To disable a repository (only if present), use:

if 'sabayon-limbo' in $facts['entropy_repos'] {
  entropy_repo { 'sabayon-limbo':
    enabled => 'false',

This type cannot currently install or remove repositories, only control the enabled state of existing repositories. The repository being managed must already exist on the system.

Masking packages

Entropy is very flexible in how to specify which packages can be masked, and supports some or all of the following in the atom specification.

All of these parameters are optional, but at least one must be specified

  • package (either fully qualified or unqualified package name)
  • operator (<, <=, =, >=, >. applied to version)
  • version
  • slot
  • use
  • tag
  • repo

The entropy_mask type also takes the following optional parameters:

  • target (The path to the mask file, defaults to /etc/entropy/packages/package.mask)


To mask all packages within the community repository by default and later unmask specific packages, you could use something like:

entropy_mask { 'mask-community-by-default':
  repo => 'community',

Alternatively, you could mask newer versions of a package

entropy_mask { 'mask-postgresql-9.5+':
package  => 'app-shells/bash',
  operator => '>=',
  version  => '9.5',

Or mask a package with an undesirable set of use flags, e.g. to ensure any installed version of openssh supports ldap, mask all versions of openssh which don't include ldap support with:

entropy_mask { 'openssh-without-ldap-support':
  package => 'net-misc/openssh',
  use     => '-ldap',

The entropy_mask type directly writes to the mask file, rather than using the equo mask command line. This is so that entries can be removed again when using ensure => absent, something which equo doesn't yet provide support for. All entries managed by puppet include the # Puppet Name: namevar trailing comment. Puppet will completely ignore the existence of other entries in this file, which means you could manually manage other entries in the file if you wished, although this is not recommended since puppet would not be able to remove unmanaged entries if you later decide you want them to be managed.

Unmasking packages

Unmasking packages works identically to masking packages, except using the entropy_unmask resource. All the same parameters are supported.

Unmasks take precedence over masks, so assuming in the example above you have masked everything in the community repository you could enable installing a particular package from that repository again using:

entropy_unmask { 'sublime':
  package => 'app-editors/sublime-text',

The same caveats about managing the unmask file apply as with entropy_mask above.

Enabling splitdebug for packages

Entropy splits debug information for packages into separate objects which are installed at the same time as the package only if splitdebug is enabled globally, or for specific packages listed in the package.splitdebug file.

This type behaves similarly to masks/unmasks and manages entries in the splitdebug file to define packages for which debug information should be installed. All the same parameters are supported as with entropy_mask.

entropy_splitdebug { 'kernel':
  package => 'sys-kernel/linux-sabayon',

The same caveats about managint the splitdebug file apply as with the entropy_mask type above.

Enabling splitdebug masks for packages

This type inverts the entropy_splitdebug behaviour, and prevents splitdebug from being installed for matching packages even when otherwise enabled by an entropy_splitdebug entry. Masks take precedence, and anything matched by an entropy_splitdebug_mask entry will never have debug information installed. All the same parameters are supported as with entropy_mask.

entropy_splitdebug_mask { 'kernel-4.8':
  package => 'sys-kernel/linux-sabayon',
  slot    => '4.8',

The same caveats about managint the splitdebug file apply as with the entropy_mask type above.

Managing package keywords

The entropy_keywords type allows managing entries in the package.keywords file, which can set missing keywords on packages. A typical example is when installing a 9999 version package straight from source control which hasn't been marked as supported on any platform.


  • keyword: The package keyword to apply. Defaults to the OS architecutre, e.g. amd64 if not specified, but other typical values might be ~amd64, -* or **.
  • package: Name of the package, maybe qualified or unqualified.
  • operator: (<, <=, =, >=, >, applied to version)
  • version: Restrict the keyword to a specifc version or range of versions
  • repo: Restrict the keyword to packages from a specific repo

At least one of package or repo must be specified.

entropy_keywords { 'sublime-live':
  package => 'app-text/sublime-text',
  version => '9999',
  keyword => '**',

For more info on package keywords, see



  • ::sabayon class to install required packages to support included types


  • enman_repo: Manages SCR repositories using enman
  • entropy_repo: Enables/Disables repositories
  • entropy_mask: Manages entropy package masks
  • entropy_unmask: Manages entropy package unmasks
  • entropy_splitdebug Manages entropy package debug information
  • entropy_splitdebug_mask Manages entropy package debug information masks



Provides a structured fact identifying the entropy repos present on the system including their enabled/disabled state, and whether they are enman or entropy repositories.

Example (in yaml format for readability):

  repo_type: "entropy"
  enabled: "true"
  repo_type: "entropy"
  enabled: "false"
  repo_type: "enman"
  enabled: "true"


Identifies the system-wide default locale, as set by eselect.

This is used internally by the entropy package provider to run equo commands using the correct locale.


Overrides the detection of the operating system on Sabayon systems to Sabayon.


This module includes tasks for ad-hoc use with Puppet Bolt or Choria.


This task executes equo cleanup command on the target nodes, which frees up disk space used by cached package downloads. It does not accept any parameters, and does not support running noop mode.


This task executes equo update command to update repository defintions on the target nodes. It accepts an optional repo paramter which limtis the updates to a single repo. If omitted, all repos defined on the target node are updated.


This task manages enman_repo resources and can list available/installed repos, remove installed repos, or add available repos via either name or URL.


This module is actively used by the developer against current Sabayon versions. Due to the rolling release nature of Sabayon, the module is provided as-is and cannot be guaranteed to always be in a working state. Updates are provided on a best-efforts basis.


Pull requests welcome!
