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Setup and configure Apache Tomcat on RedHat/CentOS and Debian


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Version information

  • 0.4.2 (latest)
  • 0.4.1
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.3.2
  • 0.3.1
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.3
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.3
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0
released Feb 17th 2015
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet 3.x
  • , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

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mod 'lbetz-tomcat', '0.4.2'
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bolt module add lbetz-tomcat
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install lbetz-tomcat --version 0.4.2

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lbetz/tomcat — version 0.4.2 Feb 17th 2015



The tomcat module allows you to set up and manage a standalone or multiple instances.

##Module Description


This module is currently aimed at the RHEL and Debian packaged versions of Tomcat versions 6 and 7.

It has only been tested on CentOS 6/7 and Debian 6/7/8 with the base OS tomcat 6 and tomcat 7 (EPEL for RHEL) packages.


  • Puppet 3.x
  • puppetlabs/stdlib >= 3.2.1
  • puppetlabs/concat >= 1.0.1


###Beginning with Tomcat

All tomcat packages will be installed and tomcat is configured as standalone server. The OS specific file and directory structure is used, i.e. /etc/tomcat6/server.xml. Hash config could contain the hole configuration or just a part of it. For defaults take a look to manifests/params.pp, defaults hash.

class { 'tomcat': }

To install tomcat 7 standalone with an AJP connector instead of HTTP use the following:

class { 'tomcat':
  version  => '7',
  services => {
    Catalina => {
      connectors => {
        ajp-8009 => {
          port     => '8009',
          protocol => 'AJP/1.3',
  }, # services

Or use this yaml file in your hiera datastore:

tomcat::version: '7'
        port: '8009'
        protocol: 'AJP/1.3'

###Configure a virtual host

Setup a new virtual host instead the default host 'localhost', using a JRE 6.

tomcat::java_home: '/etc/alternatives/jre_1.6.0'
        default_host: ''

            app_base: 'webapps'
            unpack_wars: true
            auto_deploy: true
            xml_validation: false
            xml_namespace_aware: false

Configure and manage another virtual host. First part of the title is the servername, tomcat6 or tomcat7 for standalone server. The second part is the service, the third the engine there the virtual host '' belongs to.

tomcat::host { '': app_base => 'webapps', unpack_wars => true, auto_deploy => true, xml_validation => false, xml_namespace_aware => false, }

###Configure multiple instances

For using tomcat as multi instance server, set ensure to 'stopped' and enable to 'false'. That will shutdown and disable the the standalone server.

class { 'tomcat':
   ensure => stopped,
   enable => false,

Installs base OS tomcat version 6 packages in specified version 6.0.24-72.el6_5. All configuration files and webapps for instances of tomcat will be stored under /var/tomcat in a subdirectory named as the tomcat::server title.

class { 'tomcat':
   ensure  => stopped,
   enable  => false,
   version => '6',
   release => '6.0.24-72.el6_5',
   basedir => '/var/tomcat',

Setup a new instance of tomcat, using a Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0 and management port 8005. Base directory for this instance is $basdir/myapp1, $basedir (default /var/tomcat) set in tomcat class.

tomcat::server { 'myapp1':
   ensure   => 'running',
   enable   => false,
   port     => '8005',
   java_home => '/etc/alternatives/jre_1.6.0',


###Classes and Defined Types

####Class: `tomcat`

**Parameters within `tomcat`:**

present or running (present), stopped

Enables (true, default) or disables (false) the service to start at boot.

The version of Apache Tomcat server, supported versions are 6 (default) and 7.

Valid values are 'latest', 'installed' or an exact release version, i.e. '6.0.24-64.el6_5'.

Management port (default 8005) on localhost.

Hash of listeners in the global server section (server.xml).

Hash of global resources in the server section (server.xml).

Hash of services and their attributes.

Enables (default) the configuration by this module. Disable means, that you have
to manage the configuration in server.xml outside and notify the service.

Handles environment variables in sysconfig file.

Base directory where to install server instances and their configurations. Directory
'basedir' has to exist. Ignored for multi instance setup (config => false).

####Defined Type: `tomcat::server`

Notice: parameters you set in declaration of class `tomcat` acts as defaults for `tomcat::server`.

**Parameters within `tomcat::server`:**

Valid values are present or running (present), stopped.

Enables (true, default) or disables (false) the service to start at boot.

user context for running of this instance.

same for group
class { 'tomcat':
   ensure  => stopped,
   enable  => false,
   version => 6,

tomcat::server { 'myapp1': }

group { 'myapp2':
   ensure => present,

user { 'myapp2':
   ensure => present,
   gid    => 'myapp2',
   shell  => '/sbin/nologin',
   home   => '/var/tomcat/myapp1',
} ->

tomcat::server { 'myapp2':
   user     => 'myapp2',
   group    => 'myapp2',
   port     => '8006',
   services => {
      'Catalina' => {
         connectors => {
            'ajp-8009' => {
               port => '8009',
               protocol => 'AJP/1.3',
               redirect_port => '8443',

Management port (default 8005) on localhost for this instance.

Hash of listeners in the global server section (server.xml). Default, for Tomcat 6
'listeners' => {
  'org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener' => { 'ssl_engine' => 'On', },
  'org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener' => {},
  'org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener' => {},
  'org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener' => {},
  'org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener' => {},
rather for Tomcat 7
'listeners' => {
  'org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener' => { 'ssl_engine' => 'On', },
  'org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener' => {},
  'org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener' => {},
  'org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener' => {},
  'org.apache.catalina.core.ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener' => {},

Hash of global resources in the server section (server.xml), default sets to:
resources => {
  'UserDatabase' => {
    'auth'        => 'Container',
    'type'        => 'org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase',
    'extra_attrs' => {
    'description' => 'User database that can be updated and saved',
    'factory'     => 'org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabaseFactory',
    'pathname'    => 'conf/tomcat-users.xml',

Hash of services and their attributes.

Directory where to find the java binary in subdirectory bin.

Enables (default) the configuration of server.xml by this module. Disable means, that
you have to manage the configuration outside and start/restart the service.
class { 'tomcat':
   ensure  => stopped,
   enable  => false,
   version => '6',

tomcat::server { 'myapp1':
   manage => false,

file { '/var/tomcat/myapp1/conf/server.xml':
   ensure => file,
   owner  => 'root',
   group  => 'root',
   mode   => '0644',
   source => 'puppet:///modules/tomcat/example-server.xml',
   notify => Tomcat::Server::Service['myapp1'],
Notice notifying Tomcat::Server does not work, you have to do this against Tomcat::Server::Service. 

Handles environment variables in 'bin/'.
setenv => [ 'JAVA_XMX="256m"', 'JAVA_XX_MAXPERMSIZE="256m' ]
Variables to use:
* `DSUN_JAVA2D_OPENGL` true|false
* `DJAVA_AWT_HEADLESS` true|false

Use `ADD_JAVA_OPTS` for all other environment variables.
setenv => [ 'ADD_JAVA_OPTS="-Xminf0.1 -Xmaxf0.3"' ]

####Defined Type: `tomcat::resource`

tomcat::resource { 'myapp1:UserDatabase':
  auth        => 'Container',
  type        => 'org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase',
  extra_attrs => {
    description => 'User database that can be updated and saved',
    factory     => 'org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabaseFactory',
    pathname    => 'conf/tomcat-users.xml',

**Parameters within `tomcat::resource`:**

Name of tomcat server instance to add a resource,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:resource' otherwise undef.

Name of the resource,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:resource' otherwise undef.

authentication, default 'container'

Take a look at Apache Tomcat documentation.

Hash of extra attributes (key => value) for this resource.

####Defined Type: `tomcat::listener`

tomcat::listener { 'myapp1:org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener':
  ssl_engine => 'On',

**Parameters within `tomcat::listener`:**

Name of tomcat server instance to add the listener,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:class_name' otherwise undef.

Listener with class_name 'class_name',
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:class_name' otherwise undef.

Specify the ssl_engine, default 'undef' (disabled).

####Defined Type: `tomcat::service`

tomcat::service { 'myapp1:Catalina':
  connetcors => {},
  engine     => {},

**Parameters within `tomcat::service`:**

Name of tomcat server instance to add the service,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service' otherwise undef.

Service with name 'service',
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service' otherwise undef.

Hash of connectors and their attributes. If sets and non equal to empty hash {}, the default is used:
connectors => {
  'http-8080' => {
    port          => '8080',
    protocol      => 'HTTP/1.1',
    redirect_port => '8443',

Hash of the engine and their attributes.

####Defined Type: `tomcat::connector`

tomcat::connector { 'myapp1:Catalina:ajp-8009':
  port          => '8009',
  protocol      => 'AJP/1.3',
  redirect_port => '8443',

**Parameters within `tomcat::connector`:**

Name of tomcat server instance to add the connector,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:connector' otherwise undef.

Name of tomcat service to add the connector,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:connector' otherwise undef.

Name of the connector,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:connector' otherwise undef.

accepted encoding

Listen port, default 8080 (HTTP/1.1)

Address to bind, default is false that means bind to all interfaces.

Supported protocols are HTTP/1.1 (default) and AJP/1.3.

For these parameters, take a look at the Apache Tomcat documentation:
* `connection_timeout`
* `redirect_port`
* `options`
* `scheme`
* `executor`

####Defined Type: `tomcat::engine`

tomcat::engine { 'myapp1:Catalina:Catalina':
  default_host => 'localhost'
  hosts => {},
  realms => {
    'org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm' => {
      'attrs' => {
        'resource_name' => 'UserDatabase',

**Parameters within `tomcat::engine`:**

Name of tomcat server instance to add the connector,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine' otherwise undef.

Name of tomcat engine to add the service 'service',
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine' otherwise undef.

Name of the engine,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine' otherwise undef.

Every engine has to have a default host, default 'localhost'.

Hash of hosts defined under this engine.

Hash of realms defined under this engine.

####Defined Type: `tomcat::realm`

tomcat::realm { 'myapp1:Catalina:Catalina:www.example:': }

tomcat::realm { 'myapp1:Catalina:Catalina:*:': }

**Parameters within `tomcat::realm`:**

Name of tomcat server instance to add the connector,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host:realm:class_name' otherwise undef.

Name of tomcat engine to add the service 'service',
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host:realm:class_name' otherwise undef.

Name of the engine,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host:realm:class_name' otherwise undef.

Name of the host,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host:realm:class_name' otherwise undef.

Name of the realm,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host:realm:class_name' otherwise undef.

Classname used for this realm,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host:realm:class_name' otherwise undef.

Hash of attributes defined for this realm.

Hash of realms defined under this realm.

####Defined Type: `tomcat::host`

tomcat::host { '':
  realms              => {},
  app_base            => 'webapps',
  unpack_wars         => true,
  auto_deploy         => true,
  xml_validation      => false,
  xml_namespace_aware => false,
**Parameters within `tomcat::host`:**

Name of tomcat server instance to add the connector,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host' otherwise undef.

Name of tomcat engine to add the service 'service',
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host' otherwise undef.

Name of the engine,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host' otherwise undef.

Name of the host,
automaticly taken from 'title' then using 'title' like 'server:service:engine:host' otherwise undef.

Hash of realms defined for this host.

For these parameters, take a look at the Apache Tomcat documentation:
* `app_base`
* `auto_deploy`
* `unpack_wars`
* `xml_validation`
* `xml_namespace_aware`