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Installs and globally configures GNU midnight commander.


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Version information

  • 0.0.9 (latest)
  • 0.0.8
  • 0.0.7 (deleted)
  • 0.0.6 (deleted)
  • 0.0.5 (deleted)
  • 0.0.4 (deleted)
  • 0.0.3 (deleted)
  • 0.0.2 (deleted)
  • 0.0.1 (deleted)
  • 0.0.0 (deleted)
released Mar 4th 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.0.0 < 6.0.0
  • ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'kb-midnight_commander', '0.0.9'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add kb-midnight_commander
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install kb-midnight_commander --version 0.0.9

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



kb/midnight_commander — version 0.0.9 Mar 4th 2018


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description – What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup – The basics of getting started with midnight_commander
  4. Usage – Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference – An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations – OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development – Guide for contributing to the module
  8. Index


This module installs and globally configures the GNU midnight commander.

Module description

This module installs GNU midnight commander (mc) – a free text-user-interface file manager.


What midnight_commander affects

  • installs mc package
  • Optionally: overwrite /etc/mc/mc.ini (distribute_global_mc_ini)
  • Optionally: set symlink target for /etc/mc/skins/default.ini and create /etc/mc/skins/ for that

Setup requirements

This module requires the future parser (for PP 3.8 users).

Beginning with midnight_commander

Just installing mc and doing nothing else:

class my_custom_software_bundle_wrapper_class {
    class { 'midnight_commander':
        distribute_global_mc_ini     => false,


This is how I set up my mc:

class tuifilemanager {
    class { 'midnight_commander':
        mc_verbose                    => true,
        mc_use_internal_edit          => false,
        mc_use_internal_view          => false,
        mc_confirm_exit               => false,
        mc_skin                       => 'gotar',
        mc_kilobyte_si                => false,
        mc_show_backups               => true,
        mc_show_dot_files             => true,
        mc_layout_menubar_visible     => false,
        mc_layout_keybar_visible      => false,
        mc_layout_message_visible     => false,
        mc_layout_xterm_title         => false,
        mc_layout_show_mini_info      => false,

Both examples are included in examples/. (There's also an example containing all possible parameters.)

The default mc.ini template is populated with configuration values you specified, since all of them are undef by default.



  • midnight_commander: holds the class parameter types and contains the other classes
  • midnight_commander::params: contains default values midnight_commander inherits from (a data function for PP lookup is already prepared)
  • midnight_commander::install: installs the mc package
  • midnight_commander::config: distributes the configuration files


The following incorporates help from /usr/share/mc/help/mc.hlp. If I'm not wrong, it is licensed under GPL-3+.

Platform independent defaults are printed emphasized. Considered as such are only defaults, which are very unlikely to ever change amongst platforms. So even though mc_package_name's default value always is mc (by now), I'd expect some distribution out there does it differently.

The following parameters are sorted by topic – related settings are next to each other. See § index for an alphabetical list of all class parameters.


  • In case you need to overwrite the name of the package. The package resource is titled midnight_commander. The package is only managed, if the package name is of positive length. Usually the package is named mc.

  • mc_package_name ~= /^.*$/


  • Package['midnight_commander'] is present by default. Set this parameter to true, to ensure it's latest.

  • latest_instead_of_present ∊ {false, true}


  • Whether to manage the file located at mc_ini_path.

  • distribute_global_mc_ini ∊ {false, true}


  • The path to the system-wide mc.ini.

  • Unfortunately I did not find any (documented) place for a system-wide configuration file in /etc/ (I did grep for etc in mc(1)). So we overwrote the file in /usr/share/mc/ which has been around there for quite some time (older mc packages). In the meantime I did some trial'n'error and wrote something to /etc/mc/mc.ini. Apparantly configuration from etc gets considered and takes precedence.

  • This string's gotta be of positive length.

  • If you don't wanna write this file set distribute_global_mc_ini to false.

  • mc_ini_path ~= /^.+$/


  • Optionally enforce a mode of the mc.ini file.

  • By default 0644 is enforced.

  • mc_ini_mode ~= /^0[0-7]{3}$/ + mc_ini_mode = undef


  • Optionally the owner of the mc.ini.

  • Normally root becomes the owner.

  • mc_ini_owner ~= /^.*$/ + mc_ini_owner = undef


  • Optionally enforce the group of mc.ini.

  • This defaults to wheel on FreeBSD osfamily, root otherwise.

  • mc_ini_group ~= /^.*$/ + mc_ini_group = undef


  • The global mc.ini is generated by template(). Change it to use another template.

  • The default template fills only with configuration values, which are present. As you start mc(1) all non-specified values are supplemented. mc(1) will then write a complete mc.ini in the user's ~/.config/mc/ini.

  • mc_ini_template ~= /^.*$/


  • What to fill in as author in the default distributed template.

  • This field says author, but at our site it's used as a general responsibility tag. The default is 'Kai Burghardt <wiz at>'.

  • mc_ini_auth ~= /^.*$/


  • Holds the target /etc/mc/skins/default.ini points to.

  • It is ensured the skins/ subdirectory exists in /etc/mc/ prior creating the symbolic link.

  • By default this parameter is undefined, so nothing's touched.

  • If you wanna get rid of the link itself (once it's already out there), assign a zero-length value.

  • etc_mc_skins_default_symlink ~= /^.*$/ + etc_mc_skins_default_symlink = undef


  • The path to the directory /etc/mc/skins/.

  • (On FreeBSD it defaults to /usr/local/etc/mc/skins/)

  • It is created before the default.ini symlink. It is created, if etc_mc_skins_default_symlink is an empty string, too.

  • etc_mc_skins_path ~= /^.*$/


  • Optionally the mode of /etc/mc/skins/.

  • Normally 0755 is ensured.

  • etc_mc_skins_mode ~= /^0[0-7]{3}$/ + etc_mc_skins_mode = undef


  • Optionally the owner of /etc/mc/skins/.

  • That's root by default.

  • etc_mc_skins_owner ~= /^.*$/ + etc_mc_skins_owner = undef


  • Optionally enforce /etc/mc/skins/ belongs a specific group.

  • On FreeBSD the value is wheel, root anywhere else.

  • etc_mc_skins_group ~= /^.*$/ + etc_mc_skins_group = undef


  • The path of /etc/mc/skins/default.ini.

  • It is set to etc_mc_skins_path appended with 'default.ini'.

  • The file mode is always set to 0777.

  • etc_mc_skins_default_path ~= /^.+$/


  • Same as etc_mc_skins_owner.

  • etc_mc_skins_default_owner ~= /^.*$/ + etc_mc_skins_default_owner = undef


  • Same as etc_mc_skins_group.

  • etc_mc_skins_default_group ~= /^.*$/ + etc_mc_skins_default_group = undef


  • This toggles whether the file copy, rename and delete operations are verbose (for example, display a dialog box for each operation). If you have a slow terminal, you may wish to disable the verbose operation. It is automatically turned off if the speed of your terminal is less than 9600 bit s⁻¹.

  • mc_verbose ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, mc(1) computes total byte sizes and total number of files prior to any copy, rename and delete operations. This will provide you with a more accurate progress bar at the expense of some speed. This option has no effect, if verbose operation is disabled.

  • mc_file_op_compute_totals ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, the progressbar of copy/move/delete operations is always grown from left to right. If disabled, the growing direction of progressbar follows to direction of copy/move/delete operation: from left panel to right one and vice versa. Enabled by default.

  • mc_classic_progressbar ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • When you press F7 to create a new directory, the input line in popup dialog will be filled by name of current file or directory in active panel. Disabled by default.

  • mc_auto_fill_mkdir_name ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Preallocate space for whole target file, if possible, before copy operation. Disabled by default.

  • mc_preallocate_space ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • By default the Midnight Commander treats the ESC key as a key prefix. Therefore, you should press Esc code twice to exit a dialog. But there is possibility to use a single press of ESC key for that action.

  • By default this option is disabled. If you'll enable it, the ESC key will act as a prefix key for set up time interval (see timeout option below), and if no extra keys have arrived, then the ESC key is interpreted as a cancel key (ESC ESC).

  • mc_old_esc_mode ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • This options is used to setup the time interval (in microseconds) for single press of ESC key. By default, this interval is one second (1,000,000 μ″). Also the timeout can be set via KEYBOARD_KEY_TIMEOUT_US environment variable (also in microseconds), which has higher priority than the timeout option value.

  • mc_old_esc_mode_timeout ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • After executing your commands, the Midnight Commander can pause, so that you can examine the output of the command. There are three possible settings for this variable:

    • 'never': Means that you do not want to see the output of your command. If you are using the Linux or FreeBSD console or an xterm(1), you will be able to see the output of the command by typing C-o.

    • 'on_dumb_terminals': You will get the pause message on terminals that are not capable of showing the output of the last command executed (any terminal that is not an xterm or the Linux console).

    • 'always': The program will pause after executing all of your commands.

  • mc_pause_after_run ∊ {'never', 'on_dumb_terminals', 'always', undef}


  • If this option is enabled, the built-in file editor mcedit(1) is used to edit files. If the option is disabled, the editor specified in the EDITOR environment variable is used. If no editor is specified, vi(1) is used. See the section on the internal file editor.

  • mc_use_internal_edit ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, the built-in file viewer mcview(1) is used to edit files. If the option is disabled, the pager specified in the PAGER environment variable is used. If no pager is specified, the view command is used.

  • mc_use_internal_view ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Ask for a new file name before editing with mcedit(1).

  • mc_editor_ask_filename_b_edit ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, the user menu will be invoked at startup. Useful for building menus for non-unixers.

  • mc_auto_menu ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • When this option is enabled, the pull down menus will be activated as soon as you press the F9 key. Otherwise, you will only get the menu title, and you will have to activate the menu either with the arrow keys or with the hotkeys. It is recommended if you are using hotkeys.

  • mc_drop_menus ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • By default the select, unselect and filter commands will use shell-like regular expressions. The following conversions are performed to achieve this: * is replaced by .* (zero or more characters); the ? is replaced by . (exactly one character) and . by the literal dot. If the option is disabled, then the regular expressions are the ones described in ed(1).

  • mc_shell_patterns ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • By default the Midnight Commander pops up all possible completions if the completion is ambiguous only when you press Alt-Tab for the second time. For the first time, it just completes as much as possible and beeps in the case of ambiguity. Enable this option if you want to see all possible completions even after pressing Alt-Tab the first time.

  • mc_show_all_if_ambiguous ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, the midnight commander shows a rotating dash in the upper right corner as a work in progress indicator.

  • mc_nice_rotating_dash ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • This option, if set, causes the Midnight Commander to follow the logical chain of directories when changing current directory either in the panels, or using the cd command. This is the default behavior of bash(1). When unset, the Midnight Commander follows the real directory structure, so cd .. provided you've entered that directory through a link will move you to the current directory's real parent and not to the directory where the link was present.

  • mc_cd_symlinks ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, deleting files and directory hotlist entries unintentionally becomes more difficult. The default selection in the confirmation dialogs for deletion changes from Yes to No. This option is disabled by default.

  • mc_safe_delete ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, when you exit the Midnight Commander the configurable options of the Midnight Commander are saved in the ~/.config/mc/ini file.

  • mc_auto_save_setup ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether deletions have to be confirmed.

  • mc_confirm_delete ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Confirm overwrite.

  • mc_confirm_overwrite ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to confirm executions of selected files.

  • mc_confirm_execute ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether it is necessary to confirm quitting mc(1).

  • mc_confirm_exit ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether directory hotlist deletion has to be confirmed.

  • mc_confirm_dir_hotlist_del ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Confirm history cleanup.

  • mc_confirm_history_cleanup ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • The skin name. See also mc(1).

  • mc_skin ~= /^.*$/ + mc_skin = undef


  • Full 8bits input.

  • mc_use_8th_bit_as_meta ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Timeout for freeing VFSs (sec).

  • mc_vfs_timeout ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • FTP directory cache timeout (sec)

  • mc_ftpfs_directory_timeout ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Whether to always use an FTP proxy.

  • mc_ftpfs_always_use_proxy ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Use ~/.netrc (see netrc(5)).

  • mc_use_netrc ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Enables using FTP passive mode, when the connection for data transfer is initiated by the client, not by the server. This option is recommended and enabled by default. If this option is turned off, the data connection is initiated by the server. This may not work with some firewalls.

  • mc_ftpfs_use_pasconex ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Use passive mode over proxy.

  • mc_ftpfs_use_pasconex_x_proxy ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Wrap mode: Dynamic paragraphing.

  • mc_editor_option_auto_par_fmt ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Wrap mode: type writer wrap.

  • mc_editor_option_typewr_wrap ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Fake half tabs.

  • mc_editor_fake_half_tabs ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Backspace through tabs.

  • mc_editor_backspc_throu_tabs ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Fill tabs with spaces.

  • mc_editor_fill_tabs_w_spaces ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Tab spacing width.

  • mc_editor_tab_spacing ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Return does autoindent.

  • mc_editor_return_d_auto_indnt ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Confirm before saving.

  • mc_editor_edit_confirm_save ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Save file position.

  • mc_editor_option_sav_position ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Visible trailing spaces.

  • mc_editor_visible_spaces ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Visible tabs.

  • mc_editor_visible_tabs ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Enable syntax highlighting.

  • mc_editor_syntax_highlighting ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Place the cursor after inserted block.

  • mc_editor_cursr_after_ins_blk ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Persistent selections.

  • mc_editor_persistnt_selexions ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Cursor can go beyond end of line.

  • mc_editor_cursor_beyond_eol ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Group undo.

  • mc_editor_group_undo ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Word wrap line length.

  • mc_editor_word_wrap_ln_length ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Valid save modes are 'quick_save', 'safe_save' and 'do_backups_with_extension'.

  • mc_editor_option_sav_mode ∊ {'quick_save', 'safe_save', 'do_backups_with_extension', undef}


  • Only has an effect if mc_editor_option_sav_mode = 'do_backups_with_extension'.

  • mc_editor_backup_extension ~= /^.*$/ + mc_editor_backup_extension = undef


  • Check POSIX new line.

  • mc_editor_check_new_line ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • See mcedit(1).

  • mc_editor_line_state ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Compare mcedit(1).

  • Optional[Array[Pattern[/^.$/], 1]] $mc_editor_stop_format_char = undef


  • Search autocomplete candidates in entire of file or just from begin of file to cursor position (0).

  • mc_editor_wrdcompl_coll_ent_f ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to use a simple statusbar or not.

  • mc_editor_simple_statusbar ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to show a right margin by inverting foreground and background colors beyond it.

  • mc_editor_show_right_margin ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Maximum filesize the editor is willing to edit.

  • It's a string, so you're able to use unit prefixes.

  • mc_editor_filesize_threshold ~= /^.*$/ + mc_editor_filesize_threshold = undef


  • Displayed string to mark EOF in mcview(1).

  • mc_mcview_eof ~= /^.*$/ + mc_mcview_eof = undef


  • Probably does what it says.

  • mc_mcview_remember_file_pos ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • See mc(1) for an explanation.

  • mc_max_dirt_limit ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • See mc(1) for an explanation.

  • mc_mouse_move_page_viewer ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • See mc(1) for an explanation.

  • mc_only_leading_plus_minus ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • See mc(1) for an explanation.

  • mc_show_output_starts_shell ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • See mc(1) for an explanation.

  • mc_use_file_to_guess_type ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • See mc(1) for an explanation.

  • mc_xtree_mode ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • See mc(1) for an explanation.

  • mc_fish_directory_timeout ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Undocumented (by mc(1)).

  • mc_mouse_close_dialog ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Undocumented (by mc(1)).

  • mc_mouse_repeat_rate ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Undocumented (by mc(1)).

  • mc_double_click_speed ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Some limit.

  • mc_ftpfs_retry_seconds ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Whether to use UNIX list options.

  • mc_ftpfs_use_unix_lst_option ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to do ls after cd.

  • mc_ftpfs_first_cd_then_ls ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to ignore chattr(1) errors.

  • mc_ignore_ftp_chattr_errors ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • The name of the keymap to use.

  • mc_keymap ~= /^.*$/ + mc_keymap = undef


  • Whether to alternate plus and minus.

  • mc_alternate_plus_minus ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether it's necessary to confirm viewing a directory?

  • mc_confirm_view_dir ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to clear(1) before executing the selected file.

  • mc_clear_before_exec ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether wrap mode is enabled.

  • mc_wrap_mode ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to make fast refresh(3ncurses)es.

  • mc_fast_refresh ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • The maximum number of items the history records.

  • mc_num_history_items_recorded ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • ???

  • mc_select_flags ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Whether to enforce chattr(1)/attr(5) attributes get copymoved, too. If setting attributes failed, the whole copy-move fails.

  • mc_copymove_persistent_attr ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to horizontal split, thus dividing the screen into a top and bottom panel.

  • mc_horizontal_split ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to use SI-prefixes kilo- and Mega- instead of kibi- and Mebi-.

  • mc_kilobyte_si ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Disable showing all directories alphabetically first and then normal files.

  • mc_mix_all_files ∊ {false, true, undef}



  • Whether to list files whose filenames start with a . (dot).

  • mc_show_dot_files ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Do fast reload.

  • mc_fast_reload ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether the message of using fast reload was shown. The user's own configuration is supposed to overwrite this value, once it was displayed for him/her.

  • mc_fast_reload_msg_shown ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether marking a file also moves the cursor down.

  • mc_mark_moves_down ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Reverse files only.

  • mc_reverse_files_only ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Enables automatically saving the panels setup.

  • mc_auto_save_setup_panels ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Allows navigation with arrows.

  • mc_navigate_with_arrows ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether the rat can move pages, too.

  • mc_mouse_moves_pages ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether the rat can move pages in the viewer, too.

  • mc_mouse_moves_pages_viewer ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Scroll pages in panels.

  • mc_panel_scroll_pages ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Switches into torben_fj_mode.

  • mc_torben_fj_mod ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Whether to split into top and bottom parts.

  • mc_layout_horizontal_split ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • By default, panels have equal sizes.

  • mc_layout_equal_split ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • ???

  • mc_layout_first_panel_size ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • Do equally split between top and bottom panels.

  • mc_layout_horizontal_equal ∊ {false, true, undef}



  • Do equally split between left and right panels.

  • mc_layout_vertical_equal ∊ {false, true, undef}



  • On the Linux or FreeBSD console you can specify how many lines are shown in the output window. This option is available if Midnight Commander runs on native console only.

  • mc_layout_output_lines ∊ ℤ ∪ {undef}


  • If enabled, the main menu of midnight commander is always visible on the top row of screen above panels. Enabled by default.

  • mc_layout_menubar_visible ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If enabled, command line is avalable. Enabled by default.

  • mc_layout_command_prompt ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If enabled, ten lables associated with F1F10 keys are located at the bottom row of screen. Enabled by default.

  • mc_layout_keybar_visible ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If enabled, the one-line hints are visible below panels. Enabled by default. See /usr/share/mc/hints/mc.hint for examples.

  • mc_layout_message_visible ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • When run in a terminal emulator for X11, midnight commander sets the terminal window title to the current working directory and updates it when necessary. If your terminal emulator is broken and you see some incorrect output on startup and directory change, turn off this option. Enabled by default.

  • mc_layout_xterm_title ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If enabled, free space and total space of current file system is shown at the bottom frame of panel. Enabled by default.

  • mc_layout_free_space ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • ???

  • mc_layout_show_mini_info ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Colorcode filetype mode.

  • mc_layout_filetype_mode ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Colorcode permissions.

  • mc_layout_permission_mode ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • List of terminals mc(1) always forces color mode with.

  • Type[$mc_colors_color_terminals] = Type[Array[Pattern[/^.*$/], 1]] + mc_colors_color_terminals = undef


  • If enabled, one line of status information about the currently selected item is shown at the bottom of the panels. Enabled by default.

  • mc_panels_show_mini_info ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, midnight commander will use SI units (powers of 1000 [a thousand, not eight, you nerd]) when displaying any byte sizes. The suffixes (k, m, …) are shown in lowercase. If disabled (default), midnight commander will use binary units (powers of 1024) and the suffixes are shown in upper case (K, M, …).

  • mc_panels_kilobyte_si ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, all files and directories are shown mixed together. If the option is disabled (default), directories (and links to directories) are shown at the beginning of the listing, and other files below.

  • mc_panels_mix_all_files ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If enabled, the midnight commander will show files ending with a tilde. Otherwise, they won't be shown (like GNU's ls(1) option -B). Enabled by default.

  • mc_panels_show_backups ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If enabled, the midnight commander will show all files that start with a dot (like ls -a). Disabled by default.

  • mc_panels_show_dot_files ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, the midnight commander will use a trick to determine if the directory contents have changed. The trick is to reload the directory only if the inode of the directory has changed; this means that reloads only happen when files are created or deleted. If what changes is the inode for a file in the directory (file size changes, mode or owner changes, etc.) the display is not updated. In these cases, if you have the option on, you have to rescan the directory manually (with C-r). Disabled by default.

  • mc_panels_fast_reload ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • ???

  • mc_panels_fast_relod_msg_shwn ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If enabled, the selection bar will move down when you mark a file (with insert key). Enabled by default.

  • mc_panels_mark_moves_down ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Allow revert selection of files only. Enabled by default. If enabled, the reverse selection is applied to files only, not to directories. The selection of directories is untouched. If off, the reverse selection is applied to files as well to directories: all unselected items become selected, and vice versa.

  • mc_panels_reverse_files_only ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If both panels contain file listings, simple swap means that panels exchange their screen positions: the left panel becomes the right one, and vice versa. If this option is unchecked, file listing panels exchange their content keeping listing format and sort options. Unchecked by default.

  • mc_panels_simple_swap ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, when you exit the midnight commander the current settings of panels are saved in the ~/.config/mc/panels.ini file. Disabled by default.

  • mc_panels_auto_sav_setup_pnls ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If this option is enabled, you may use the arrows keys to automatically chdir if the current selection is a subdirectory and the shell command line is empty. By default, this setting is off.

  • mc_panels_navigate_w_arrows ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If set (the default), panel will scroll by half the display when the cursor reaches the end or the beginning of the panel, otherwise it will just scroll a file at a time.

  • mc_panels_panel_scroll_pages ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • Controls whenever scrolling with the mouse wheel is done by pages or line by line on the panels.

  • mc_panels_mouse_move_pages ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • See mc(1).

  • mc_panels_torben_fj_mode ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • If the file type highlighting is enabled, file names are colored according to rules described in /etc/mc/filehighlight.ini file.

  • mc_panels_filetype_mode ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • You can specify whether permissions and file types should be highlighted with distinctive colors. If the permission highlighting is enabled, the parts of the perm and mode display fields which apply to the user running midnight commander are highlighted with the color defined by the selected keyword.

  • mc_panels_permission_mode ∊ {false, true, undef}


  • You can specify how the quick search mode should work: case_insensitively, case_sensitively or be matched to the the panel sort order (use_panel_sort_mode): case sensitive or not.

  • mc_panels_quick_search_mode ∊ {'case_insensitive', 'case_sensitive', 'use_panel_sort_mode', undef}


  • Display code page.

  • mc_misc_display_codepage ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_display_codepage = undef


  • FTP FS password.

  • mc_misc_ftpfs_password ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_ftpfs_password = undef


  • Hostname of FTP proxy.

  • mc_misc_ftp_proxy_host ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_ftp_proxy_host = undef


  • Compare mc(1).

  • mc_misc_timeformat_recent ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_timeformat_recent = undef


  • Compare mc(1).

  • mc_misc_timeformat_old ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_timeformat_old = undef


  • Compare mc(1).

  • mc_misc_clipboard_store ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_clipboard_store = undef


  • Compare mc(1)

  • mc_misc_clipboard_paste ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_clipboard_paste = undef


  • Compare mc(1)

  • mc_misc_autodetect_codeset ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_autodetect_codeset = undef


  • ???

  • mc_misc_spell_language ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_spell_language = undef


  • ???

  • mc_misc_autodetect_codeset ~= /^.*$/ + mc_misc_autodetect_codeset = undef


  • This module's been used with stable Debian and Ubuntu releases.
  • It can't uninstall mc or its changes.
  • /etc/mc/mc.ini gets completly copied to ~/.config/mc/ini the user invokes mc the first time (if ~/.config/mc/ini is absent, to be precise). Subsequent changes in /etc/mc/mc.ini won't be considered automatically. Symlinks are resolved before copying (→ file contents get copied, not the file itself).


Drop me a line (patch(1)) Kai Burghardt <wiz?> (GnuPG usage advised). This module's primarily targeted for already packaged stable open source Puppet versions.


alphabetical list of all class parameters

Authors of this → see source code (of itself).