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Framework for creating custom OpenStack deployments


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Version information

  • 1.0.0 (latest)
  • 0.9.2
  • 0.9.0
  • 0.5.2
  • 0.5.1
  • 0.5.0
  • 0.0.2
released Dec 20th 2014

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mod 'jtopjian-cubbystack', '1.0.0'
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bolt module add jtopjian-cubbystack
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install jtopjian-cubbystack --version 1.0.0

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jtopjian/cubbystack — version 1.0.0 Dec 20th 2014


cubbystack is an OpenStack deployment framework for Puppet.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction and Philosophy
  1. Requirements
  2. Usage
  1. Notes
  2. TODO



cubbystack was created to solve a reoccurring problem of mine: all of my OpenStack deployments always outgrew the Puppetlabs OpenStack module. I began to see that it wasn't just my OpenStack environments, but every production deployment that I came across. The cause varied: it could be something as simple as a single missing option for nova.conf or wanting to break Keystone out to its own server.

My initial solution was to compose my own OpenStack module using the individual Puppetlabs OpenStack component modules. This solved some issues, but not all. For example, if the Glance module didn't have a way for me to configure a certain option, I would either have to patch the module or configure the option outside of the module. The result was a haphazard Frankenstein manifest: some parts configuring Glance manually and some using the proper module. Not only that, but I was doing this for each component and differently for each OpenStack environment of mine.


Composition Over Monolithic

The first idea of cubbystack is that there will never be a one-size-fits-all OpenStack module. It's simply not possible. One could even argue that the existence of such a module goes against what makes OpenStack so great: the almost limitless possibilities you have for building an IaaS environment.

cubbystack will assist you in configuring the various OpenStack components, but it will not help you apply them to your environment. For example, cubbystack can install and configure Horizon, but it will not install and configure Apache. That's your responsibility. cubbystack doesn't know or care if you're also running Nagios on the same server as Horizon. Or if you want to use Nginx instead of Apache.

OpenStack can have a lot of dependant components such as KVM, RabbitMQ, MySQL, and memcache. Configuring these components yourself will take some time and effort. But the trade-off is the ability to use the same cubbystack framework with KVM, RabbitMQ, MySQL as Xen, ZeroMQ, and PostgreSQL.

OpenStack Options are not Puppet Parameters

The second idea of cubbystack is that manifest parameters will be kept to a minimum.

OpenStack has a lot of configuration options which are added and dropped between releases. The options that stay between releases can have their default values changed. This volatile activity is great for providing new features to OpenStack but it becomes too much work to translate them into Puppet module parameters. Even automatically generating a list of valid and applicable options from the OpenStack source code is a very difficult problem.

It would be great if every OpenStack configuration option could have a corresponding Puppet manifest parameter with the correct default value and proper value validation, but I feel that the time and effort involved with doing that is just too much.

Instead, specify your configuration options as a hash:

  'DEFAULT/verbose': true
  'DEFAULT/syslog': true
  'token/driver': 'keystone.token.backends.memcache.Token'

This gives you the benefit of being able to specify any OpenStack configuration option without cubbystack having to know about it as well as OpenStack automatically using its default value for any value you don't specify.

There are some caveats to this:

  1. Sometimes a manifest needs to know about a configuration option. Hence Idea #2 being about minimum parameters -- not zero parameters.
  2. Each Linux distribution provides its own set of default configuration files. Sometimes the defaults are sane and sometimes not. Managing what values you want requires you to know them beforehand -- ie: test the distro's installation.
  3. Knowing what configuration options to use can be hard and intimidating to beginners, but just like the trade-off with having to configure RabbitMQ, KVM, etc, I believe this is well worth the flexibility that is gained in the end.



You need to be using Puppet 3.2 or higher in order to take advantage of the iteration functionality:

parser = future

Hiera is recommended, but not a hard requirement.

Required Modules

See the included Puppetfile for a list of required modules and their known working versions.


cubbystack has a set of manifests for all core OpenStack components. These can be found in the manifests directory. Please read and review these manifests -- there's nothing terribly advanced about them, but if you find yourself unable to understand them, I recommend reading all of the online documentation at before trying to use this module in production.

All components take a $settings parameter. This is a hash of key => value settings that ultimately turn into the configuration options for the various OpenStack configuration files.

You can use Hiera or Puppet data types to build your hash -- just as long as what is passed as a parameter is a valid hash.

Getting Started

I have built a reference module to be used as both a working example and the basis for custom configurations.

Custom Configurations

The whole point of cubbystack is to help create customized OpenStack deployments. For example, here's how to install and configure Keystone two different ways:

Install Keystone and configure it to use a memcache token backend:

class { '::cubbystack::keystone':
  settings => hiera_hash('keystone::settings'),

Install Keystone and configure it with a SQL token backend, verbose logging, and directed to syslog:

class { '::cubbystack::keystone':
  settings => hiera_hash('keystone::settings'),

As you can see, both class declarations are identical. The difference in configuration comes from the keystone::settings hash. For a memcache token backend:

  'token/driver': 'keystone.token.backends.memcache.Token'

And for a SQL token backend, verbose logging, and syslog:

  'DEFAULT/verbose': true
  'DEFAULT/use_syslog': true
  'DEFAULT/syslog_log_facility': 'LOG_LOCAL1'
  'token/driver': 'keystone.token.backends.sql.Token'

All other components are configured similarly. If you choose to use Hiera and YAML, you can even combine settings from a common file with role-specific settings for a Cloud Controller or Compute Node.

The cubbystack_config type

This module comes with a custom type called cubbystack_config. It's a wrapper around the puppetlabs/inifile module's ini_setting type.

You can use this type to add a setting to any configuration file:

cubbystack_config { '/etc/nova/nova.conf: DEFAULT/verbose':
  value => true,

cubbystack_config { '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf: token/driver':
  value => 'keystone.token.backends.sql.Token',

Multiple Configuration Files

Just like the ini_setting type, but different from the Official OpenStack module types, cubbystack_config can be used with any configurartion file.

This allows each OpenStack component to be able to utilize multiple configuration files (though this really isn't a common practice). As well, a new type does not need to exist for each OpenStack component: the same cubbystack_config type can configure both Nova, Glance, Keystone, Cinder, Swift, Neutron, etc.


The disadvantage of the cubbystack_config type is the inability to purge full ini files. This means that if a package provider installs unwanted default options, you must deal with this yourself.

If you want to remove them, cubbystack_config has a syntactic trick: simply prepend the value of any setting with --:

cubbystack_config { '/etc/nova/nova.conf: DEFAULT/verbose':
  value => '--True',

or just

cubbystack_config { '/etc/nova/nova.conf: DEFAULT/verbose':
  value => '--',

The DEFAULT/verbose setting will then be removed upon the next Puppet run.

Usage Notes


Horizon has to be configured a little differently. While it might be possible to structure the file in a YAML-ish way, the support isn't there yet. Instead, I recommend using the example manifest and a static file in the module/files directory.


  • There is no way to create either nova-network based networks or neutron-based networks outside of exec resources yet.
  • As you can see from the manifests, special care has been taken to ensure OpenStack can be installed in a predictable order.
  • The name "cubbystack" comes from my son's nickname Cubby. This project was started soon after he was born, so I was surrounded by pictures of bears and cubs.


tests, tests, tests