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Installs elasticsearch curator and schedules cron jobs


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Version information

  • 2.3.1 (latest)
  • 2.3.0
  • 2.2.0
released Feb 14th 2016
This version is compatible with:
  • , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'jlambert121-curator', '2.3.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add jlambert121-curator
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install jlambert121-curator --version 2.3.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



jlambert121/curator — version 2.3.1 Feb 14th 2016

Puppet Forge Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with curator
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  8. Changelog/Contributors


A puppet module for installing and configuring elastic-curator.

Module Description

Curator is used to manage and clean up time-series elasticsearch indexes, this module manages curator.

NOTE: If you are using curator < 3.0.0 use a previous version of this module.


What curator affects

  • curator package
  • curator cron jobs

Beginning with curator

Installation of the curator module:

  puppet module install jlambert121-curator


Generic curator install via pip (requires pip is installed)

  class { 'curator': }

Install via yum

  class { 'curator':
    package_name => 'python-elasticsearch-curator',
    provider     => 'yum'

Close indexes over 2 days old

  curator::job { 'logstash_close':
    command     => 'close',
    older_than  => 2,
    cron_hour   => 7,
    cron_minute => 20,

Delete marvel indexes older than a week

  curator::job { 'marvel_delete':
    command      => 'delete',
    prefix       => '.marvel-',
    older_than   => 7,
    cron_hour    => 7,
    cron_minute  => 02

Use hiera for your jobs

    command: close
    older_than: 2
    cron_hour: 2
    cron_minute: 20
    command: delete
    prefix: '.marvel'
    older_than: 7
    cron_hour: 7
    cron_minute: 20

Currently this package supports installing curator via pip or your local package manager. RPM packages can easly be created by running:

fpm -s python -t rpm urllib3
fpm -s python -t rpm elasticsearch
fpm -s python -t rpm click
fpm -s python -t rpm elasticsearch-curator


Public methods

Class: curator

Main class for installing Atlassian CLI by Bob Swift.


String. Version to install

Default: latest


String. Name of the package to install

Default: elasticsearch-curator


String. Package provider used to install $package_name

Default: pip


String. Location of the curator binary

Default: /bin/curator


String. ES host. Inherited/used by curator::job

Default: localhost


Integer. Port ES is listening on. Inherited/used by curator::job

Default: 9200


String. Logfile to write the output log to. Inherited/used by curator::job

Defalut: /var/log/curator.log


String. Logging level. Inherited/used by curator::job

Default: INFO


String. Log format to write logs in. Inherited/used by curator::job

Default: default

Valid values: default, logstash

Define: curator::job

Manages cron entires for curator jobs


String. Curator command to run.

Valid options: alias, allocation, close, delete, open, optimize, replicas, or snapshot


String. Location of the curator binary.

Default: $::curator::bin_file


String. Elasticsearch host

Default: localhost


Integer. Elasticsearch port

Default: 9200


Boolean. Use ssl when connecting to Elasticsearch.

Default: false


Boolean. Don't validate the ssl certificate

Default: false


Boolean. Use basic auth when connecting to Elasticsearch.

Default: false


String. User name for the http_auth argument. Required if http_auth=true.

Default: undef


String. Password for the http_auth argument. Required if http_auth=true.

Default: undef


String. Prefix for the indices. Indices that do not have this prefix are skipped.

Default: logstash-


String. Suffix for the indices. Indices that do not have this suffix are skipped.

Default: undef


String. Regular expression to match indices. Indices that do not match this regexp are skipped.

Default: undef


String or Array of Strings. Indices to skip.

Default: undef


String or Array of Strings. Indices to explicitly include.

Default: undef


String or Array of Strings. Snapshot(s) to explicitly include.

Default: undef


Integer. Indices older than this number of $time_units will be matched.

Default: undef


Integer. Indices newer than this number of $time_units will be matched.

Default: undef


String. Time unit used for age calculations.

Default: days

Valid options: hours, days, weeks, months


String. Format of index time.

Default: undef


Boolean. Only run command on elected master.

Default: false


String. Logfile to write the output log to

Defalut: /var/log/curator.log


String. Logging level

Default: INFO


String. Log format to write logs in

Default: default

Valid values: default, logstash


String. Alias to add to indicies when using alias_order

Default: undef


Boolean. Remove alias reference instead of add

Default: false


String. Rule to apply for allocations

Default: undef


Integer. Size of index greater than to delete (GB)

Default: undef


Integer. Number of replicas to set indices to

Default: 2


String. Respository to create snapshots in

Default: undef


Cron. Day of the week to schedule the cron entry

Default: *


Cron. Hour of the day to schedule the cron entry

Default: 1


Cron. Minute of the hour to schedule the cron entry

Default: 10

Private classes



Improvements and bug fixes are greatly appreciated. See the contributing guide for information on adding and validating tests for PRs.

Changelog / Contributors

