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Provides functions that expose data from Regional Internet Registries


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Version information

  • 1.1.0 (latest)
  • 1.0.0
released Jul 18th 2015

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mod 'jethrocarr-rirs', '1.1.0'
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jethrocarr/rirs — version 1.1.0 Jul 18th 2015


Provides custom Puppet functions that allow lookup of data provided by Regional Internet Registries such as IP allocations, useful for purposes like generating geographical IP Access Control Lists (essentially GeoIP rules).

Currently we have the one function (rir_allocations) but additional functions or facts could always be added in future such as AS numbers if desired.

If you are not familar with the different RIRs, they exist to manage the allocation and registration of internet number resources. There are 5 RIRs which cover different regions:

Registry Region
AFRNIC Africa Region
APNIC Asia/Pacific Region
ARIN North America Region
LACNIC Latin America and some Caribbean Islands
RIPE NCC Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia

rir_allocations (registry, inet, country)

Returns IP ranges allocated to the various Regional Internet Registries around the world by type (ipv4 vs ipv6) and their geographical country assignment.

This function is very useful as a replacement for GeoIP modules as instead of requiring per-app support, you can simply use Puppet to take the output from this function and generate the designed configuration or ACLs.

As the data from the RIRs only gets updated daily, this function caches the results and only refreshes every 24 hours. If a refresh fails (eg network issue) it falls back to serving stale cache so there's no sudden change of configuration as long as the cache files remain on disk (generally in /tmp)

Note that unlike a GeoIP provider there's no curation taking place, we assume the country an IP range has been allocated to, is where it is being used - but this is not always true, so your milage may vary.

Parameters & Output

Parameter Values
registry One of: afrnic, apnic, arin, lacnic, ripe-ncc
inet Either: ipv4 or ipv6
country Optional: Filter to a particular 2-char country

The function returns either two different outputs. If a country code has NOT been supplied, it returns a hash of countries with an array of IP addresses for each country.

If a country code HAS been supplied, it returns an array of all the IP addresses allocated to that country.

Return format of addresses is always IP/CIDR for both IPv4 and IPv6.

Usage Examples

You can call the rir_allocations function from inside your Puppet manifests and even iterate through them inside Puppet's DSL, or you can use it directly from ERB templates.

Usage in Puppet Resources

This is an example of setting iptables rules that restrict traffic to SSH to New Zealand (APNIC/NZ) IPv6 addresses using the puppetlabs/firewall module with ip6tables provider for Linux:

# Use jethrocarr-rirs rir_allocations function to get an array of all IP
# addresses belonging to NZ IPv6 allocations and then create iptables
# rules for each of them accordingly.
# Note we use a old style interation (pre future parser) to ensure
# compatibility with Puppet 3 systems. In future when 4.x+ is standard we
# could rewite with a newer loop approach as per:

define s_firewall::ssh_ipv6 ($address = $title) {
  firewall { "004 V6 Permit SSH ${address}":
    provider => 'ip6tables',
    proto    => 'tcp',
    port     => '22',
    source   => $address,
    action   => 'accept',

$ipv6_allocations = rir_allocations('apnic', 'ipv6', 'nz')
s_firewall::pre::ssh_ipv6 { $ipv6_allocations: }

Note that due to the use of Puppet 3 compatible iterator, you'll need to rename s_firewall::ssh_ipv6 to yourmodule::yourclass::ssh_ipv6 as the definition has to be a child of the module/class that it's inside of - in the above example, it lives in s_firewall/manifests/init.pp.

This example can also be a big performance hit to your first Puppet run since it has to create many hundreds of resources on the first run - the bigger the country the bigger the impact could end up being.

Usage in Puppet ERB Templates

If you want to provide the list of addresses to configuration files or scripts rather than using it to create Puppet resources, it's entirely possible to call the function directly from inside ERB templates. The following is an example of generating Apache mod_access_compat rules to restrict visitors from New Zealand (APNIC/NZ) IPv4 and IPv6 addresses only.

<Location "/admin">
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all

  # Use the jethrocarr-rirs Puppet module functions to lookup the IP
  # allocations from APNIC for New Zealand. This works better than the
  # buggy mod_geoip module since it supports both IPv4 and IPv6 concurrently.

  <% scope.function_rir_allocations(['apnic', 'ipv4', 'nz']).each do |ipv4| -%>
    Allow from <%= ipv4 %>
  <% end -%>
  <% scope.function_rir_allocations(['apnic', 'ipv6', 'nz']).each do |ipv6| -%>
    Allow from <%= ipv6 %>
  <% end -%>

Remember the larger registries and countries can have thousands of address allocations, make sure you know the impact of generating so many rules in your application configurations.


The minimum requirements are met by most systems:

  • Standard Ruby environment.
  • Ability to connect to remote HTTP webservers to download latest data.

However a big performance improvement can be made by installing the netaddr third party Gem. This will slow down the initial run of the function considerably, but it performs a merge of all consecutive ranges returned per-country which means far smaller output being fed into Puppet resources or configuration files. For example, APNIC's entire v4 and v6 allocation is around 33k records unmerged vs 24k when merged by country.

If you're planning to use this function to generate resources such as iptables firewall policies, you almost certainly want to install netaddr:

gem install netaddr

If the gem is not installed, the merge process is skipped over but a notice is added to the Puppet master logs reminding/recommending the installation of netaddr for everyone whom didn't read this like you did. :-)


Contributions via the form of Pull Requests is always welcome!

Nice to have features

General improvements to existing logic are always good, but additional functions or facts relating to RIR-sourced data is also welcome. Some ideas:

  1. Pulling AS numbers could potentially be useful at some point for people running networks.

  2. Automated testing contributions welcome, Puppet's documentation on doing tests with custom functions is a bit lacking and the default Puppet module creation stuff doesn't setup any useful tests other than ensuring it's valid Ruby.

Just remember that:

  1. It is important not to break the existing parameter options and output of existing functions due to impact it could have on systems, please keep this in mind when filing PRs.

  2. The use of third party Gems must have a graceful fall-back if they are not available on the user's environment. Puppet won't automatically install dependencies for them sadly.


Remember that custom Puppet functions execute on the master/server, not the local server. This means that:

  1. If the master is behind a restrictive network it may be unable to access the different RIR servers to download the latest data.

  2. Errors and debug log messages might only appear on the master.

If Puppet is run with --debug it exposes additional debug messages from the RIR functions, useful if debugging timeout issues, etc.

Debug: Scope(Class[main]): RIR: Processing data for RIR apnic
Debug: Scope(Class[main]): RIR: Downloading latest data...
Debug: Scope(Class[main]): RIR: Performing a merge of the returned ranges per-country
Debug: Scope(Class[main]): RIR: Writing to cache file at /tmp/.puppet_rir_allocations_apnic.yaml
Debug: Scope(Class[main]): RIR: RIR data processed, returning results
Debug: Scope(Class[main]): RIR: Processing data for RIR apnic
Debug: Scope(Class[main]): RIR: Loading RIR data from cachefile /tmp/.puppet_rir_allocations_apnic.yaml...
Debug: Scope(Class[main]): RIR: RIR data processed, returning results


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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