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Microsoft SQL Server installer and provider


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Version information

  • 0.2.7 (latest)
  • 0.2.6
  • 0.2.5
  • 0.2.4
  • 0.2.3
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.0
released Aug 30th 2016
This version is compatible with:

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'gildas-sqlserver', '0.2.7'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add gildas-sqlserver
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install gildas-sqlserver --version 0.2.7

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



gildas/sqlserver — version 0.2.7 Aug 30th 2016



Microsoft SQL Server package installer for PuppetLabs.


The SQL Server module provides manifest classes to install various editions of Microsoft SQL Server 2014.


Simply load the module via Puppet Forge:

puppet module install gildas-sqlserver


To install SQL Server, include the maim class in your node definition:

include sqlserver

This will download SQL Server Express in English and install the features SQL and create the instance 'MSSQLSERVER'.

You can install other editions via:

class {'sqlserver':
  edition      => 'standard',
  license_type => 'Retail'
  license      => 'H0Y11-FA8KE-L1CEN-SE890-AHAH3',

Valid editions are: express, standard, enterprise. Valid license types are: evaluation, MSDN, Volume, Retail.

Express edition ignores the license type and the license,

MSDN, Volume, and Retail license types require a license

See the next paragraph for a full list of options.


The class supports the following options (alphabetical order):

  • administrators This option contains the DOMAIN\USER, DOMAIN\GROUP used for the Administrators of this SQL Server instance.

    • Possible Values: undef, Windows NT account identifier.
    • Default value: undef
  • backup_dir This option specifies the directory for backup files. If undef, the backup folder will be: InstallSQLDataDir/SQLInstanceID/MSSQL/Backup

    • Possible Values: undef, folder
    • Default value: undef
  • collation This option specifies the collation for this SQL Server instance

    • Possible Values: undef, collation identifier
    • Default value: undef
  • database_dir This option tells where the database data files should be stored. If not provided, this will be: InstallSQLDataDir/SQLInstanceID/MSSQL/Data

    • Possible Values: undef, folder
    • Default value: undef
  • database_log_dir This option tells where the database data files should be stored. If not provided, this will be: InstallSQLDataDir/SQLInstanceID/MSSQL/Data

    • Possible Values: undef, folder
    • Default value: undef
  • edition This option tells which SQL Server Edition will be installed.

    • Possible Values: Express, Standard, Enterprise.
    • Default value: Express
  • ensure This option tells if the module should install SQL Server or uninstall it.

    • Possible Values: installed, uninstalled.
    • Default value: installed
  • features This is an array of features to install. This option is case-independent.

    • Possible values: SQL, Analysis Services, Integration Services, Reporting Services, Tools.
    • Default value: SQL
  • force_english When true, installs SQL Server in English on a localized OS with a localized install package.

    • Possible Values: true, false
    • Default value: false
  • instance_dir This option tells where instance-specific components should be installed.

    • Possible Values: undef, folder path.
    • Default value: undef
  • instance_name This option contains the name of the instance to install.

    • Possible Values: string
    • Default value: MSSQLSERVER
  • language This is the language to install software with. This option is case-independent.

    • Possible values: de, en, es, fr, ja, ko, pt, ru, zh-CHS, zh-CHT.
    • Default value: en.
  • license This options contains the license key from Microsoft. The value is ignored for SQL Express and for the Evaluation edition.

    • Possible Values: undef, string
    • Default value: undef
  • license_type This option contains the type of license to use. This option is ignored when installing SQL Express.

    • Possible Values: Evaluation, MSDN, Volume, Retail.
    • Default value: Evaluation
  • manage_firewall If true, the manifest will create firewall rules to accept incoming SQL traffic.

    • Possible Values: true, false.
    • Default value: true
  • sa_password If provided, SQL Server will be installed with Windows and SQL authentication. If not, Windows authentication only will be used.

    • Possible Values: undef, string
    • Default value: undef
  • show_progress This option controls if a progress bar should be displayed while installing SQL Server

    • Possible Values: true, false.
    • Default value: false
  • source This option specifies the path of the ISO containing the SQL Server installation.

    When installing SQL Express, if this option is used, it should point to the path where the installation is stored.

    Only local and UNC sources are supported at the moment.

    • Possible Values: undef, folder
    • Default value: undef
  • source_user This option specifies the user to authenticate with the source.

    • Possible Values: undef, string
    • Default value: undef
  • source_password This option specifies the password to authenticate with the source.

    • Possible Values: undef, string
    • Default value: undef

Notes and Caveats:

By default only SQL is installed! Do not forget to add the feature 'Tools' to get Management Studio and other SQL tools.