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OpenNebula management module - Manage OpenNebula nodes, management oned, sunstone webinterface


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Version information

  • 1.2.0 (latest)
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.2
released Sep 7th 2015
This version is compatible with:
  • , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'epostdev-one', '1.2.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add epostdev-one
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install epostdev-one --version 1.2.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



epostdev/one — version 1.2.0 Sep 7th 2015


The one (short for OpenNebula) module allows to install and manage your OpenNebula cloud.

Build Status


Debian Wheezy

Tested with puppet 3.7.4 from wheezy backports. To use the open nebula repositories for wheezy, set one::enable_opennebula_repo to true and install packages for puppet and the puppetlabs-apt module:

apt-get install -t wheezy-backports puppet
apt-get install -t wheezy-backports puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt


Tested on Centos 6 with Puppet 3.7.4 from Puppetlabs Repositories. You need to add the EPEL Repos.

Running tests

To run the rspec-puppet tests for this module install the needed gems with bundler:

 bundle install --path=vendor

And run the tests and puppet-lint:

 bundle exec rake

###Acceptance Tests

Please note: Acceptance tests require vagrant & virtualbox to be installed.

To run acceptance tests on the default centos 6 vm:

 bundle exec rake beaker

for testing on debian wheezy simply run:

 RS_SET=debian-7-x64 bundle exec rake beaker


To deploy a Opennebula instance locally run:

 vagrant up <boxname>

where "boxname" can be debian or centos


To deploy a Opennebula instance locally in a docker container run these commandos:

First build an image with puppet and the sources in it (Depending on centos:6):

cd docker
docker build --rm -t epost-dev/one .
cd ..

Run puppet in the container, choose one:

Only build a container which acts as a opennebula head, gui, but not the kvm things:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/etc/puppet/modules/one epost-dev/one puppet apply /etc/puppet/modules/one/spec/docker-int/one-head.pp

Only build a container which acts like a opennebula node:

# here is a common error i wasn't able to fix. centos 6 in docker has some issues with ksm
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/etc/puppet/modules/one epost-dev/one puppet apply /etc/puppet/modules/one/spec/docker-int/one-node.pp

Build a container which acts as head and node

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/etc/puppet/modules/one epost-dev/one puppet apply /etc/puppet/modules/one/spec/docker-int/one-head-node.pp

Build a container which has an apache for the openenbula sunstone configured:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/etc/puppet/modules/one epost-dev/one puppet apply /etc/puppet/modules/one/spec/docker-int/one-head-httpd.pp

This Docker command will add the current directory as ect/puppet/modules/one. So one can test each new change without committing or rebuilding the image.

The "spec" files can be found in the spec/docker-int directory of this project. One will build a one head, one will build a node and one a head which also can be a node.

Using the Module

Example usage for opennebula puppet module

  1. Running as OpenNebula Master with Apache and mod_passenger and Sunstone using kvm and 802.1q VLAN networking:
 class { one:
    oned               => true,
    sunstone           => true,
    sunstone_passenger => true,

Attn: needs separate apache config for sunstone.

  1. running opennebula node
class { one: }

Usage of opennebula puppet resource types

Create a ONE Vnet

onevnet { '<name>':
    ensure          => present | absent,
    # name of the bridge to use
    bridge          => 'basebr0',
    #  name of the physical interface on which the bridge wiull run
    phydev          => 'br0',
    dnsservers      => ['', ''],
    gateway         => '',
    # add vlanid 
    vlanid          => '1550',
    netmask         => '',
    network_address => '',

Create onevnet addressrange

onevnet_addressrange { '<name>':
    ensure        => present | absent,
    onevnet_name  => '<name>',            # this has to be an existing onevnet - will be autorequired if declared
    ar_id         => '<INT>',             # read only value
    protocol      => ip4 | ip6 | ip4_6 | ether,
    size          => '10',
    mac           => '02:00:0a:00:00:96', # optional
    # attributes for ip4 and ip4_6:
    ip            => ''
    # attributes for ip6:
    globalprefix  => '2001:a::',          # optional
    ulaprefix     => 'fd01:a:b::',        # optional

Attention: onevnet_addressrange uses the title to uniqly identify addressranges among all Virtual Networks. The title will be set as common attribute with the name PUPPET_NAME. This means: addressranges which are not set by Puppet will not be visible using puppet resource onevnet_addressrange command.

Create a ONE Datastore

onedatastore { '<name>':
    ensure     => present | absent,
    type       => 'IMAGE_DS' | 'SYSTEM_DS' | 'FILE_DS',
    dm         => 'fs' | 'vmware' | 'iscsi' | 'lvm' | 'vmfs' | 'ceph',
    tm         => 'shared' | 'ssh' | 'qcow2' | 'iscsi' | 'lvm' | 'vmfs' | 'ceph' | 'dummy',
    driver     => 'raw | qcow2',
    cephhost   => 'cephhost', # (optional: ceph only)
    cephuser   => 'cephuser', # (optional: ceph only)
    cephsecret => 'ceph-secret-here', # (optional: ceph only)
    poolname   => 'cephpoolname', # (optional: ceph only)
    bridgelist => 'host1 host2 host3', # (optional: ceph only)
    disktype   => 'file' | 'block' | 'rdb',
    basepath   => '/var/lib/one/datastore',

Create a ONE Host

onehost { '<name>':
    ensure  => present | absent,
    im_mad  => 'kvm' | 'xen' | 'vmware' | 'ec2' | 'ganglia' | 'dummy' | 'custom',
    vm_mad  => 'kvm' | 'xen' | 'vmware' | 'ec2' | 'dummy' | 'custom' | 'qemu',
    vn_mad  => 'dummy' | 'firewall' | 'vlan' | 'ebtables' | 'ovswitch' | 'vmware' | 'custom',

Create a ONE Cluster

onecluster { '<name>':
    ensure     => present | absent,
    hosts      => [ 'host1', 'host2',...],
    vnets      => [ 'vnet1', 'vnet2', ...],
    datastores => [ 'ds1', 'ds2', ...],

Create a ONE Image

oneimage { '<name>':
    ensure      => present | absent,
    datastore   => 'default',
    description => 'Image description',
    disk_type   => 'os' | 'cdrom' | 'datablock' | 'kernel' | 'ramdisk' | 'context',
    persistent  => 'true' | 'false',
    dev_prefix  => 'hd' | 'sd' | 'xvd' | 'vd',
    target      => 'hda' | 'hdb' | 'sda' | 'sdb',
    path        => '/tmp/image_file',
    driver      => 'raw' | 'qcow2' | 'tap:aio' | 'file:',
    # non file based images
    source      => '',
    size        => '11200' # 11.2 GB
    fstype      => 'ext3',

Create a ONE Template

onetemplate { '<name>':
    ensure                    => present | absent,
    memory                    => '1024',
    cpu                       => '0.2',
    vcpu                      => '4',
    features                  => { 'acpi' => 'yes|no', 'pae' => 'true|false' },
    os                        => { 'kernel' => '/boot/vmkernel', 'initrd' => '/boot/vminitrd', 'arch' => 'x86_64', 'root' => 'hda1', 'bootloader' => '/sbin/lilo', 'boot' => 'hd|fd|cdrom|network' }
    pci_bridge                => '4',
    disks                     => [ 'disk1', 'disk2', ...],
    nics                      => [ 'nic1', 'vnet2', .. ],
    nic_model                 => 'virtio',
    graphics                  => { 'type' => 'vnc|sdl', 'listen' => '', 'password' => 'myvncpass', 'keymap' => 'de' },
    context                   => { 'VAR1'  => 'value1', 'var2' => 'value2', ...},
    context_ssh_pubkey        => '$USER[SSH_PUBLIC_KEY]',
    context_network           => 'yes' | 'no',
    context_onegate           => 'yes' | 'no',
    context_files             => [ '', ''],
    context_variable          => # unused,
    context_placemant_host    => # unused,
    context_placemet_cluster  => # unused,
    context_policy            => # unused,

Create a ONE VM

onevm { '<name>':
    ensure   => present | absent,
    template => 'template_name',

New in 4.12, security groups:

onesecgroup {'securitygroup1':
   description => 'Optional description',
   rules       => [ { protocol      => 'TCP|UDP|ICMP|IPSEC|ALL',
                      rule_type     => 'INBOUND|OUTBOUND',
                      ip            => '',
                      size          => '255',
                      range         => '22,53,80:90,110,1024:65535',
                      icmp_type     => 'optional, only applies for icmp',
                    { protocol  => 'ALL',
                      rule_type => 'OUTBOUND',


For questions or bugs create an issue on Github.


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Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.