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Version information

  • 1.3.0 (latest)
  • 1.2.0
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.0.1
released Jul 28th 2015
This version is compatible with:
  • ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'dstockman-stackdriver', '1.3.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add dstockman-stackdriver
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install dstockman-stackdriver --version 1.3.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



dstockman/stackdriver — version 1.3.0 Jul 28th 2015


Installs stackdriver-agent.


  • Puppet version 3.4 or greater with Hiera support
  • Puppet Forge modules:
OS Family Module
ALL puppetlabs/stdlib
Debian puppetlabs/apt
Windows puppetlabs/registry, joshcooper/powershell

Supported/tested Operating Systems by OS Family:

  • Debian
    • Ubuntu
  • RedHat
    • Amazon
    • CentOS
    • Fedora
  • Windows
    • Server 2008
    • Server 2012


This module requires a Stackdriver account. Free trial accounts are available at their website.

Base Agent

The stackdriver class includes the client:

include stackdriver

You must specify your Stackdriver API key:

  • Using Hiera (recommended)
  • Using Puppet Code
class { 'stackdriver':



Two methods are supported for enabling plugins.

Using Hiera (recommended)


Plugin settings may be configured via Hiera using the following format:

stackdriver::plugin::<plugin name>::<param>:<value>
  • Using an External Node Classifier

    Load the stackdriver::plugin::<plugin name> class

  • Using Hiera

    Plugins may optionally be loaded using hiera itself. NOTE: an array merge is used to collect the plugin list.

        - 'plugin name'
        - 'plugin name'
  • Using Puppet Code

    Plugins may be enabled via puppet code while keeping the plugin settings in Hiera.

    stackdriver::plugin { 'plugin name': }

Using Puppet Code


Plugin settings may be specified during class load.

  • Using an External Node Classifier

    Load the stackdriver::plugin::<plugin name> class and specify the class parameters.

  • Using Puppet Code

    class { 'stackdriver::plugin::<plugin name>':
        param1 => 'value',
        param2 => 'value',


Plugin defaults are shown using the recommended Hiera format. Values enclosed in <> do not have defaults and are required. Values enclosed in () have an undef default and are optional.


Configures the redis plugin on the local host running on port 6379. Note: this module requires hiredis-devel be available to the system.

stackdriver::plugin::redis::host:       'localhost'
stackdriver::plugin::redis::port:       '6379'
stackdriver::plugin::redis::timeout:    '2000'


Configures the memcahed plugin on the local host running on port 11211. All settings are optional.

stackdriver::plugin::memcahed::host:       'localhost'
stackdriver::plugin::memcahed::port:       '11211'


Configures the MongoDB plugin on the local host running on port 27017.

stackdriver::plugin::mongo::host:       'localhost'
stackdriver::plugin::mongo::user:       'stackdriver'
stackdriver::plugin::mongo::password:   'ahzae8aiLiKoe'
stackdriver::plugin::mongo::port:       '27017'


Configures the Postgreqsql plugin on the local host using UNIX domain sockets. Prerequisites for this plugin are documented on Stackdriver's support site.

stackdriver::plugin::postgres::user:        'stackdriver'
stackdriver::plugin::postgres::password:    'xoiboov9Pai5e'
stackdriver::plugin::postgres::dbname:      '<REQUIRED PARAM>'


Configures the nginx plugin on the local host running on port 80 (with authentication).

stackdriver::plugin::nginx::url:        ''
stackdriver::plugin::nginx::user:       'stackdriver'
stackdriver::plugin::nginx::password:   'Eef3haeziqu3j'

Configures the nginx plugin on the local host running on port 443 (SSL, no authentication, no verification).

stackdriver::plugin::nginx::url:        ''
stackdriver::plugin::nginx::verifypeer: false
stackdriver::plugin::nginx::verifyhost: false


Configures the apache plugin on the local host running on port 80. User and Password settings are only required if the URL requires authentication.

stackdriver::plugin::apache::user:      '(OPTIONAL USER)'
stackdriver::plugin::apache::password:  '(OPTIONAL USER PASSWORD)'
stackdriver::plugin::apache::url:       ''


Configures the Elasticsearch plugin on the local host using port 9200. Host and Port settings are optional. Prerequisites for this plugin are documented on Stackdriver's support site.

stackdriver::plugin::elasticsearch::host:      'localhost'
stackdriver::plugin::elasticsearch::port:      '9200'


Configures the RabbitMQ plugin on the local host running on port 15672. The defaults for all settings are listed below. The queue names must be unique and defaults to a null string ('') if not specified.

  - vhost:     '/'
    host:      'localhost'
    port:      '15672'
    name:      '(First Queue Name)'
    user:      'guest'
    password:  'guest'
  - vhost:     '/'
    host:      'localhost'
    port:      '15672'
    name:      '(Second Queue Name)'
    user:      'guest'
    password:  'guest'


Configures monitoring for Tomcat on the local host running JMX on port 9991.
For reference on Stackdriver's support site.

You can use the sysconfig parameter to create the /etc/sysconfig/jmxtrans override config.

stackdriver::plugin::tomcat::ensure:  'present'
stackdriver::plugin::tomcat::host:    'localhost'
stackdriver::plugin::tomcat::port:    '9991'
stackdriver::plugin::tomcat::path:    '/mnt/jmxtrans'
    'JAVA_HOME': '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45/'

Pre-requisite: Enabling JMX remote on Tomcat is outside the scope of this module, below are the changes you need to apply to your Tomcat.

# Enable JMX Monitoring on Tomcat (/etc/sysconfig/tomcat)
JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<%= @fqdn %>"

See Also