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Barman (Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL) module


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Version information

  • 4.1.0 (latest)
  • 4.0.0
  • 3.0.0
  • 2.2.0
released Dec 15th 2023
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x
  • Puppet >= 6.1.0 < 9.0.0
  • , , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'deric-barman', '4.1.0'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add deric-barman
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install deric-barman --version 4.1.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



deric/barman — version 4.1.0 Dec 15th 2023

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Barman module for Puppet


This module manages the installation of Barman and the configuration of PostgreSQL servers to be backed up.

For further information on Barman:


The module can be installed automatically with the puppet command on the master, or manually by cloning the repository in your puppet module path.

Installing via puppet

The latest version of the module can be installed automatically by supplying the repository information to the module installer:

puppet module install deric-barman

This will take care of the dependencies as well.

Installing manually

If you choose to install manually, you will have to clone the repository in the module path.



The barman class installs Barman.

In order to install Barman with the default options, it is sufficient to just include the barman class:

class { 'barman': }

The package of latest version of Barman is always available in PGDG apt and yum repository. If you want to setup it for your installation, the easiest way is to use the postgresql module.

class { 'postgresql::globals':
  manage_package_repo => true,
class { 'barman': }

Note: In versions of it2ndq/barman > 2.1, setup of PGDG repository can be done automatically by setting the manage_package_repo parameter to to true. It will be implemented internally by declaring the postgresql::globals class. If you need to customize the postgresql::globals class declaration, keep the manage_package_repo parameter disabled in barman module and enable it directly in postgresql::globals class.

All the configuration options that Barman accepts can be defined through Puppet.

Example usage:

class { barman:
  logfile            => '/var/log/barman/something_else.log',
  compression        => 'bzip2',
  pre_backup_script  => '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/started',
  post_backup_script => '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/stopped',


Parameters can be set in three places:

  • barman::settings - set the default values for the manifest.
  • barman - set the global values for the Barman server.
  • barman::server - set the per PostgreSQL server values.

Parameters can also be set in hiera yaml:

barman::autoconfigure: true
barman::dbuser: 'postgres'
barman::dbname: 'postgres'
barman::compression: 'gzip'

    ssh_command: 'ssh -q'
    conninfo: 'host=%{fqdn} dbname=thegoods user=backup password=passwordstring'
    compression: 'gzip'
    backup_options: 'concurrent_backup'
    retention_policy: 'RECOVERY WINDOW OF 5 DAYS'
    archiver: true

These are the available parameters for the barman class

  • user - The Barman user. Defaults to barman::settings::user.
  • group - The group of the Barman user. Defaults to barman::settings::group.
  • ensure - Ensure that Barman is installed. The default value is present.
  • conf_template - Path of the template for the barman.conf configuration file. You may change this value to use a custom template.
  • logrotate_template - Path of the template for the logrotate.conf file. You may change this value to use a custom template.
  • home - A different location for backups than the default. Will be symlinked to the default (/var/lib/barman). You should not change this value after the first setup. Defaults to barman::settings::home.
  • archiver - Whether the log shipping backup mechanism is active or not (defaults to true)
  • archiver_batch_size - Setting this option enables batch processing of WAL files. The default processes all currently available files.
  • logfile - A different log file. The default is barman::settings::logfile.
  • log_level - Level of logging. The default is INFO, a global setting barman::settings::log_level.
  • compression - Compression algorithm. Currently supports gzip, bzip2, and custom. Defaults to barman::settings:compression.
  • immediate_checkpoint - Force the checkpoint on the Postgres server to happen immediately and start your backup copy process as soon as possible. Disabled if false. Defaults to barman::settings::immediate\_checkpoint
  • post_archive_retry_script - Hook script launched after a WAL file is archived by maintenance. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. In a post archive scenario, ABORT_STOP has currently the same effects as ABORT_CONTINUE.
  • post_archive_script - Hook script launched after a WAL file is archived by maintenance, after 'post_archive_retry_script'.
  • post_backup_retry_script - Hook script launched after a base backup. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. In a post backup scenario, ABORT_STOP has currently the same effects as ABORT_CONTINUE.
  • post_backup_script - Hook script launched after a base backup, after 'post_backup_retry_script'.
  • pre_archive_retry_script - Hook script launched before a WAL file is archived by maintenance, after 'pre_archive_script'. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. Returning ABORT_STOP will propagate the failure at a higher level and interrupt the WAL archiving operation.
  • pre_archive_script - Hook script launched before a WAL file is archived by maintenance.
  • pre_backup_retry_script - Hook script launched before a base backup, after 'pre_backup_script'. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. Returning ABORT_STOP will propagate the failure at a higher level and interrupt the backup operation.
  • pre_backup_script - Hook script launched before a base backup.
  • basebackup_retry_times - Number of retries for data copy during base backup after an error. Defaults to barman::settings::basebackup\_retry\_times
  • basebackup_retry_sleep - Number of seconds to wait after a failed copy, before retrying. Defaults to barman::settings::basebackup\_retry\_sleep
  • backup_method - Configure the method barman used for backup execution. If set to rsync (default), barman will execute backup using the rsync command. If set to postgres barman will use the pg_basebackup command to execute the backup.
  • backup_options - Behavior for backup operations: possible values are exclusive_backup (default) and concurrent_backup
  • bandwidth_limit - This option allows you to specify a maximum transfer rate in kilobytes per second. A value of zero specifies no limit (default).
  • check_timeout - Maximum execution time, in seconds per server, for a barman check command. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. Positive integer, default 30.
  • custom_compression_filter - Customised compression algorithm applied to WAL files.
  • custom_decompression_filter - Customised decompression algorithm applied to compressed WAL files; this must match the compression algorithm.
  • minimum_redundancy - Minimum number of required backups (redundancy). Defaults to barman::settings::minimum\_redundancy.
  • network_compression - This option allows you to enable data compression for network transfers. If set to false (default), no compression is used. If set to true, compression is enabled, reducing network usage.
  • path_prefix - One or more absolute paths, separated by colon, where Barman looks for executable files. The paths specified in path_prefix are tried before the ones specified in PATH environment variable.
  • last_backup_maximum_age - Time frame in which the latest backup date must be contained. If the latest backup is older than the time frame, barman check command will report an error to the user. Empty if false. Defaults to barman::settings::last\_backup\_maximum\_age.
  • recovery_options - The restore_command to write in the recovery.conf. Possible values are 'get-wal' and undef. Default: undef.
  • retention_policy - Base backup retention policy, based on redundancy or recovery window. Value must be greater than or equal to the server minimum redundancy level. If this condition is not satistied, the minimum redundancy value is assigned to this parameter. Defaults to barman::settings::retention\_policy.
  • slot_name - Physical replication slot to be used by the receive-wal command when streaming_archiver is set to on. Requires postgreSQL >= 9.4. Default: undef (disabled).
  • streaming_archiver - This option allows you to use the PostgreSQL's streaming protocol to receive transaction logs from a server. This activates connection checks as well as management (including compression) of WAL files. If set to off (default) barman will rely only on continuous archiving for a server WAL archive operations, eventually terminating any running pg_receivexlog for the server.
  • streaming_archiver_batch_size - This option allows you to activate batch processing of WAL files for the streaming_archiver process, by setting it to a value > 0. Otherwise, the traditional unlimited processing of the WAL queue is enabled.
  • streaming_archiver_name - Identifier to be used as application\_name by the receive-wal command. Only available with pg_receivexlog >= 9.3. By default it is set to barman_receive_wal.
  • streaming_backup_name - Identifier to be used as application\_name by the pg_basebackup command. Only available with pg_basebackup >= 9.3. By default it is set to barman_streaming_backup.
  • streaming_conninfo - Connection string used by Barman to connect to the Postgres server via streaming replication protocol. By default it is set to the same value as conninfo.
  • tablespace_bandwidth_limit - This option allows you to specify a maximum transfer rate in kilobytes per second, by specifying a comma separated list of tablespaces (pairs TBNAME:BWLIMIT). A value of zero specifies no limit (default).
  • wal_retention_policy - WAL archive logs retention policy. Currently, the only allowed value for wal\_retention\_policy is the special value main, that maps the retention policy of archive logs to that of base backups. Defaults to barman::settings::wal\_retention\_policy.
  • retention_policy_mode - Can only be set to auto (retention policies are automatically enforced by the barman cron command). Defaults to barman::settings::retention\_policy\_mode.
  • reuse_backup - Incremental backup is a kind of full periodic backup which saves only data changes from the latest full backup available in the catalogue for a specific PostgreSQL server. Disabled if false. Available values are off, link and copy. Defaults to barman::settings::reuse\_backup.
  • custom_lines - DEPRECATED. Custom configuration directives (e.g. for custom compression). Defaults to barman::settings::custom\_lines.
  • barman_fqdn - The fully qualified domain name of the Barman server. It is exported in several resources in the PostgreSQL server. Puppet automatically set this.
  • autoconfigure - This is the main parameter to enable the autoconfiguration of the backup of a given PostgreSQL server. Defaults to barman::settings::autoconfigure.
  • exported_ipaddress - The ipaddress exported to the PostgreSQL server during atutoconfiguration. Defaults to ${::ipaddress}/32.
  • host_group - Tag used to collect and export resources during autoconfiguration. Defaults to global.
  • manage_package_repo - Configure PGDG repository. It is implemented internally by declaring the postgresql::globals class. If you need to customize the postgresql::globals class declaration, keep the manage\_package\_repo parameter disabled in barman module and enable it directly in postgresql::globals class.

See the for more details.


The module generates a fact called barman_key which has the content of /var/lib/barman/.ssh/, in order to automatically handle the key exchange on the Postgres server via puppetdb.

If the file doesn't exist, a key will be generated.


The barman::settings class holds the default configuration parameters to set up a Barman server through Puppet.

See the file settings.pp for more details.


The barman::server class sets the per server Barman configuration parameters.

The only required parameters are conninfo and ssh_command.


barman::server { 'main':
  conninfo    => 'user=postgres host=server1 password=pg123',
  ssh_command => 'ssh postgres@server1',

Overriding global configuration is supported for most of the parameters.


barman::server { 'main':
  conninfo           => 'user=postgres host=server1 password=pg123',
  ssh_command        => 'ssh postgres@server1',
  compression        => 'bzip2',
  pre_backup_script  => '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/started',
  post_backup_script => '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/stopped',

Note: it is not recommended to specify passwords in the conninfo option (especially the ones for the postgres user). Use a password file instead (known as ~/.pgpass file).


Many of the main configuration parameters can be passed in order to perform overrides of the global settings. The default values for these parameters are copied from the ones in barman class.

The following parameters are unique to the server class:

  • conninfo - Postgres connection string. Mandatory.
  • ssh_command - Command to open an ssh connection to Postgres. Mandatory.
  • ensure - Ensure the configuration file for the server is present. Available values are present and absent. Default: present.
  • conf_template - Path of the template for the server.conf configuration file. You may change this value to use a custom template.
  • archiver - Whether the log shipping backup mechanism is active or not (defaults to true)
  • archiver_batch_size - Setting this option enables batch processing of WAL files. The default processes all currently available files.
  • description - A description that will be written in the configuration file. Defaults to the name of the resource.
  • compression - Compression algorithm. Currently supports gzip (default), bzip2, and custom. Disabled if false.
  • post_archive_retry_script - Hook script launched after a WAL file is archived by maintenance. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. In a post archive scenario, ABORT_STOP has currently the same effects as ABORT_CONTINUE.
  • post_archive_script - Hook script launched after a WAL file is archived by maintenance, after 'post_archive_retry_script'.
  • post_backup_retry_script - Hook script launched after a base backup. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. In a post backup scenario, ABORT_STOP has currently the same effects as ABORT_CONTINUE.
  • post_backup_script - Hook script launched after a base backup, after 'post_backup_retry_script'.
  • pre_archive_retry_script - Hook script launched before a WAL file is archived by maintenance, after 'pre_archive_script'. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. Returning ABORT_STOP will propagate the failure at a higher level and interrupt the WAL archiving operation.
  • pre_archive_script - Hook script launched before a WAL file is archived by maintenance.
  • pre_backup_retry_script - Hook script launched before a base backup, after 'pre_backup_script'. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. Returning ABORT_STOP will propagate the failure at a higher level and interrupt the backup operation.
  • pre_backup_script - Hook script launched before a base backup.
  • immediate_checkpoint - Force the checkpoint on the Postgres server to happen immediately and start your backup copy process as soon as possible. Disabled if false (default)
  • basebackup_retry_times - Number of retries fo data copy during base backup after an error. Default = 0
  • basebackup_retry_sleep - Number of seconds to wait after after a failed copy, before retrying. Default = 30
  • backup_method - Configure the method barman used for backup execution. If set to rsync (default), barman will execute backup using the rsync command. If set to postgres barman will use the pg_basebackup command to execute the backup.
  • backup_options - Behavior for backup operations: possible values are exclusive_backup (default) and concurrent_backup
  • recovery_options - The restore command to write in the recovery.conf. Possible values are 'get-wal' and undef. Default: undef.
  • bandwidth_limit - This option allows you to specify a maximum transfer rate in kilobytes per second. A value of zero specifies no limit (default).
  • check_timeout - Maximum execution time, in seconds per server, for a barman check command. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. Positive integer, default 30.
  • custom_compression_filter - Customised compression algorithm applied to WAL files.
  • custom_decompression_filter - Customised decompression algorithm applied to compressed WAL files; this must match the compression algorithm.
  • minimum_redundancy - Minimum number of required backups (redundancy). Default = 0
  • network_compression - This option allows you to enable data compression for network transfers. If set to false (default), no compression is used. If set to true, compression is enabled, reducing network usage.
  • path_prefix - One or more absolute paths, separated by colon, where Barman looks for executable files. The paths specified in path_prefix are tried before the ones specified in PATH environment variable.
  • last_backup_maximum_age - Time frame that must contain the latest backup date. If the latest backup is older than the time frame, barman check command will report an error to the user. Empty if false (default).
  • retention_policy - Base backup retention policy, based on redundancy or recovery window. Default empty (no retention enforced). Value must be greater than or equal to the server minimum redundancy level (if not is is assigned to that value and a warning is generated).
  • slot_name - Physical replication slot to be used by the receive-wal command when streaming_archiver is set to on. Requires postgreSQL >= 9.4. Default: undef (disabled).
  • streaming_archiver - This option allows you to use the PostgreSQL's streaming protocol to receive transaction logs from a server. This activates connection checks as well as management (including compression) of WAL files. If set to off (default) barman will rely only on continuous archiving for a server WAL archive operations, eventually terminating any running pg_receivexlog for the server.
  • streaming_archiver_batch_size - This option allows you to activate batch processing of WAL files for the streaming_archiver process, by setting it to a value > 0. Otherwise, the traditional unlimited processing of the WAL queue is enabled.
  • streaming_archiver_name - Identifier to be used as application\_name by the receive-wal command. Only available with pg_receivexlog >= 9.3. By default it is set to barman_receive_wal.
  • streaming_backup_name - Identifier to be used as application\_name by the pg_basebackup command. Only available with pg_basebackup >= 9.3. By default it is set to barman_streaming_backup.
  • streaming_conninfo - Connection string used by Barman to connect to the Postgres server via streaming replication protocol. By default it is set to the same value as conninfo.
  • streaming_wals_directory - Directory where WAL files are streamed from the PostgreSQL server to Barman.
  • tablespace_bandwidth_limit - This option allows you to specify a maximum transfer rate in kilobytes per second, by specifying a comma separated list of tablespaces (pairs TBNAME:BWLIMIT). A value of zero specifies no limit (default).
  • wal_retention_policy - WAL archive logs retention policy. Currently, the only allowed value for wal_retention_policy is the special value main, that maps the retention policy of archive logs to that of base backups.
  • retention_policy_mode - Can only be set to auto (retention policies are automatically enforced by the barman cron command)
  • reuse_backup - Incremental backup is a kind of full periodic backup which saves only data changes from the latest full backup available in the catalogue for a specific PostgreSQL server. Disabled if false. Default false.
  • custom_lines - DEPRECATED. Custom configuration directives (e.g. for custom compression). Defaults to empty.

See the file server.pp for more details.


It is possible to enable the barman Puppet module to automatically configure the Barman server to back up a given PostgreSQL server. It is also possible for more than one PostgreSQL server to be backed up, and moreover it is possible to create many "host groups" whose PostgreSQL servers a Barman Server in each group can back up.

Enabling autoconfigure

The parameter barman::settings::autoconfigure in the barman class enables the inclusion of the Puppet classes involved in the autoconfiguration. The default value is false.

The parameter barman::settings::host_group in the barman class is used to create different host groups. If the same value for this parameter is used for more than a PostgreSQL server, these servers and the Barman server belong to the same backup cluster ("host group").

Those are the classes involved when autoconfiguration is enabled:


This class:

  • Creates the ~/.pgpass file for the barman user
  • Imports resources exported by the PostgreSQL server (crontab for the backup, PostgreSQL superuser SSH key, .pgpass file, configuration of the single PostgreSQL server in Barman)
  • Exports Barman resources to the PostgreSQL server (archive_command, Barman user SSH key, configurations for the pg_hba.conf file)

More details in the autoconfigure.pp file.


  • host_group - Tag the different host groups for the backup (default value is set from the settings class).

  • exported_ipaddress - The barman server address to allow in the PostgreSQL server pg_hba.conf. Defaults to ${::ipaddress}/32.


This class exports resources to the Barman server (Barman configurations, cron, SSH key) and imports resources from it (configures archive_mode, defines the user used by Barman to connect into the PostgreSQL databases). It has to be included in the PostgreSQL server.

More details in the postgres.pp file.


  • host_group - Tag the different host groups for the backup (default value is set from the settings class).
  • wal_level - Configuration of the wal_level parameter in the postgresql.conf file. The default value is archive.
  • barman_user - Definition of the barman user used in Barman conninfo. The default value is set from the settings class.
  • barman_dbuser - Definition of the user used by Barman to connect to the PostgreSQL database(s) in the conninfo. The default value is set from the settings class.
  • barman_home - Definition of the barman home directory. The default value is set from the settings class.
  • manage_cron - Whether cron entry should be managed. Default: true.
  • cron_user - User that will be used to run cron jobs. Default: root.
  • backup_mday - Day of the month set in the cron for the backup schedule. The default value (undef) ensure daily backups.
  • backup_wday - Day of the week set in the cron for the backup schedule. The default value (undef) ensure daily backups.
  • backup_hour - Hour set in the cron for the backup schedule. The default value is 04:XXam.
  • backup_minute - Minute set in the cron for the backup schedule. The default value is for XX:00am
  • password - Password used by Barman to connect to PosgreSQL. The default value (empty string) allows the generation of a random password.
  • server_address - The whole fqdn of the PostgreSQL server used in Barman ssh_command automatically configured by Puppet).
  • postgres_server_id - Id of the PostgreSQL server, given by its host name (automatically configured by Puppet).
  • postgres_user - The PostgreSQL user used in Barman ssh_command.
  • ensure - Ensure the configuration file for the server is present. Available values are present and absent. Default: present.
  • conf_template - Path of the template for the server.conf configuration file. You may change this value to use a custom template.
  • archiver - Whether the log shipping backup mechanism is active or not (defaults to true)
  • archiver_batch_size - Setting this option enables batch processing of WAL files. The default processes all currently available files.
  • description - A description that will be written in the configuration file. Defaults to the name of the resource.
  • compression - Compression algorithm. Currently supports gzip (default), bzip2, and custom. Disabled if false.
  • post_archive_retry_script - Hook script launched after a WAL file is archived by maintenance. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. In a post archive scenario, ABORT_STOP has currently the same effects as ABORT_CONTINUE.
  • post_archive_script - Hook script launched after a WAL file is archived by maintenance, after 'post_archive_retry_script'.
  • post_backup_retry_script - Hook script launched after a base backup. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. In a post backup scenario, ABORT_STOP has currently the same effects as ABORT_CONTINUE.
  • post_backup_script - Hook script launched after a base backup, after 'post_backup_retry_script'.
  • pre_archive_retry_script - Hook script launched before a WAL file is archived by maintenance, after 'pre_archive_script'. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. Returning ABORT_STOP will propagate the failure at a higher level and interrupt the WAL archiving operation.
  • pre_archive_script - Hook script launched before a WAL file is archived by maintenance.
  • pre_backup_retry_script - Hook script launched before a base backup, after 'pre_backup_script'. Being this a retry hook script, Barman will retry the execution of the script until this either returns a SUCCESS (0), an ABORT_CONTINUE (62) or an ABORT_STOP (63) code. Returning ABORT_STOP will propagate the failure at a higher level and interrupt the backup operation.
  • pre_backup_script - Hook script launched before a base backup.
  • immediate_checkpoint - Force the checkpoint on the Postgres server to happen immediately and start your backup copy process as soon as possible. Disabled if false (default)
  • basebackup_retry_times - Number of retries fo data copy during base backup after an error. Default = 0
  • basebackup_retry_sleep - Number of seconds to wait after after a failed copy, before retrying. Default = 30
  • backup_method - Configure the method barman used for backup execution. If set to rsync (default), barman will execute backup using the rsync command. If set to postgres barman will use the pg_basebackup command to execute the backup.
  • backup_options - Behavior for backup operations: possible values are exclusive_backup (default) and concurrent_backup
  • recovery_options - The restore command to write in the recovery.conf. Possible values are 'get-wal' and undef. Default: undef.
  • bandwidth_limit - This option allows you to specify a maximum transfer rate in kilobytes per second. A value of zero specifies no limit (default).
  • check_timeout - Maximum execution time, in seconds per server, for a barman check command. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. Positive integer, default 30.
  • custom_compression_filter - Customised compression algorithm applied to WAL files.
  • custom_decompression_filter - Customised decompression algorithm applied to compressed WAL files; this must match the compression algorithm.
  • minimum_redundancy - Minimum number of required backups (redundancy). Default = 0
  • network_compression - This option allows you to enable data compression for network transfers. If set to false (default), no compression is used. If set to true, compression is enabled, reducing network usage.
  • path_prefix - One or more absolute paths, separated by colon, where Barman looks for executable files. The paths specified in path_prefix are tried before the ones specified in PATH environment variable.
  • last_backup_maximum_age - Time frame that must contain the latest backup date. If the latest backup is older than the time frame, barman check command will report an error to the user. Empty if false (default).
  • retention_policy - Base backup retention policy, based on redundancy or recovery window. Default empty (no retention enforced). Value must be greater than or equal to the server minimum redundancy level (if not is is assigned to that value and a warning is generated).
  • slot_name - Physical replication slot to be used by the receive-wal command when streaming_archiver is set to on. Requires postgreSQL >= 9.4. Default: undef (disabled).
  • streaming_archiver - This option allows you to use the PostgreSQL's streaming protocol to receive transaction logs from a server. This activates connection checks as well as management (including compression) of WAL files. If set to off (default) barman will rely only on continuous archiving for a server WAL archive operations, eventually terminating any running pg_receivexlog for the server.
  • streaming_archiver_batch_size - This option allows you to activate batch processing of WAL files for the streaming_archiver process, by setting it to a value > 0. Otherwise, the traditional unlimited processing of the WAL queue is enabled.
  • streaming_archiver_name - Identifier to be used as application\_name by the receive-wal command. Only available with pg_receivexlog >= 9.3. By default it is set to barman_receive_wal.
  • streaming_backup_name - Identifier to be used as application\_name by the pg_basebackup command. Only available with pg_basebackup >= 9.3. By default it is set to barman_streaming_backup.
  • streaming_conninfo - Connection string used by Barman to connect to the Postgres server via streaming replication protocol. By default it is set to the same value as conninfo.
  • streaming_wals_directory - Directory where WAL files are streamed from the PostgreSQL server to Barman.
  • tablespace_bandwidth_limit - This option allows you to specify a maximum transfer rate in kilobytes per second, by specifying a comma separated list of tablespaces (pairs TBNAME:BWLIMIT). A value of zero specifies no limit (default).
  • wal_retention_policy - WAL archive logs retention policy. Currently, the only allowed value for wal_retention_policy is the special value main, that maps the retention policy of archive logs to that of base backups.
  • retention_policy_mode - Can only be set to auto (retention policies are automatically enforced by the barman cron command)
  • reuse_backup - Incremental backup is a kind of full periodic backup which saves only data changes from the latest full backup available in the catalogue for a specific PostgreSQL server. Disabled if false. Default false.
  • custom_lines - DEPRECATED. Custom configuration directives (e.g. for custom compression). Defaults to empty.


This module is distributed under GNU GPLv3.


Many thanks to Alessandro Franceschi for his intensive course on Puppet and the ideas he brought to this module.

See CONTRIBUTORS file for the full list.


Copyright 2012-2017 2ndQuadrant Italia