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A module to install, configure and manage the Metricbeat collector.


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Version information

  • 0.5.0 (latest)
  • 0.4.2
  • 0.4.1
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.0
released Apr 26th 2024
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.7.0 < 7.0.0
  • , , , , , , , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'coreyh-metricbeat', '0.5.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add coreyh-metricbeat
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install coreyh-metricbeat --version 0.5.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



coreyh/metricbeat — version 0.5.0 Apr 26th 2024


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with metricbeat
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The metricbeat installs the metricbeat operating system and service collector maintained by elastic.


What metricbeat affects

By default metricbeat adds a software repository to your system and installs metricbeat along with required configurations.

Beginning with metricbeat

Full metricbeat functionality cam be configured with the modules and outputs parameters declared. This module can run but the metricbeat agent on the nodes may not start their services without these parameters defined.

  modules => [
      'module'     => 'system',
      'metricsets' => [
      'processes'  => ['.*'],
  outputs => {
    'elasticsearch' => {
      'hosts' => ['http://localhost:9200'],
      'index' => 'metricbeat',


As of this writing all the default values follow the upstream values. This module saves all configuration options in a to_yaml() fashion. Therefore this allows some advanced configuration settings to be easily rendered.

To ship metrics from an Apache Web Server to Elasticsearch

  modules => [
      'module'     => 'apache',
      'metricsets' => ['status'],
      'hosts'      => ['http://localhost'],
  outputs => {
    'elasticsearch' => {
      'hosts' => ['http://localhost:9200'],

To ship metrics from a MySQL Database Server to Logstash

  modules => {
    'module' => 'mysql',
    'metricsets' => ['status'],
    'hosts'      => ['tcp(']
    'username'   => 'root',
    'password'   => 'secret',
  outputs => {
    'logstash' => {
      'hosts' => ['localhost:5044'],

To use the module via Hiera:

metricbeat::major_version: '6'
metricbeat::manage_repo: true
metricbeat::package_ensure: 'latest'
metricbeat::cloud_id: 'xxx'
metricbeat::cloud_auth: 'xxx:xxx'
metricbeat::fields_under_root: true
    'path': '${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml'
    'reload.enabled': false
  'setup.dashboards.enabled': true
    'index.number_of_shards': 1
    'index.codec': 'best_compression'
    'hosts': 'localhost:9200'
    'enabled': true
  - system

Please review the elastic documentation for configuration options and service compatability.

Upgrade to 6.0

Version 0.2.0 of this module supports Metricbeat 6.0. Please review the Metricbeat Changelog for a full list of software changes and the module changelog for a list of module updates.

To upgrade existing installations:

  'major_version'  => '6',
  'package_ensure' => 'latest',


Libbeat 5.0 and later include a feature for filtering/enhancing exported data called processors. These may be added into the configuration by populating the processors parameter and may apply to all events or those that match certain conditions.

To drop events when field apache.status.total_accesses is 0

  processors => [
      'drop_event' => {
        'when' => {
          'apache.status.total_accesses' => 0,

To drop the mysql.status.aborted.clients field from the output

  processors => [
      'drop_field' => {
        'fields' => 'mysql.status.aborted.clients',

Please review the documentation


Public Classes

Class: metricbeat

Installs and configures metricbeat.

Parameters within metricbeat

  • apt_repo_url: [HTTP(S) URL] The URL of the APT repository to install Metricbeat from. Only applicable on Debian systems. (default: "${metricbeat::major_version}.x/apt")
  • cloud_id: [String] Override the output.elasticsearch.hosts and options. You can find the value in the Elastic Cloud web UI. (default: undef)
  • cloud_auth: [String] Override the output.elasticsearch.username and output.elasticsearch.password options. This is in the format of <user>:<password>. (default: undef)
  • modules: [Array[Hash]] The required metricbeat.modules section of the configuration.
  • outputs: [Hash] The required output section of the configuration.
  • beat_name: [String] The name of the beat shipper (default: hostname)
  • config_dir: [String] The absolute path to where the Metricbeat configuration exists. (default: /etc/metricbeat on Linux, C:/Program Files/Metricbeat on Windows)
  • config_mode: [String] The file permission mode of the Metricbeat config file in octal format. (default: 0600)
  • ensure: [String] Valid values are 'present' and 'absent'. Determines weather to manage all required resources or remove them from the node. (default: 'present')
  • disable_config_test: [Boolean] If true, disable configuration file testing. It is generally recommended to leave this parameter at this default value. (default: false)
  • download_url: [HTTP(S) URL] The URL of the ZIP file to download. Only applicable on Windows systems. (default: undef)
  • fields: [Hash] Optional fields to add any additional information to the output. (default: undef)
  • fields_under_root: [Boolean] By default custom fields are under a fields sub-dictionary. When set to true custom fields are added to the root-level document. (default: false)
  • install_dir: [String] The absolute path to the location where Metricbeat will be installed. Only applicable on Windows systems. (default: C:/Program Files)
  • logging: [Hash] Defines metricbeat's logging configuration, if not explicitly configured all logging output is forwarded to syslog on Linux nodes and file output on Windows. See the docs for all available options.
  • major_version: [String] The major version of Metricbeat to install and manage. (default: 5)
  • manage_repo: [Boolean] When false does not install the upstream repository to the node's package manager. (default: true)
  • package_ensure: [String] The desired state of the Package resources. Only applicable if ensure is 'present'. (default: 'present')
  • processors: [Array[Hash]] Add processors to the configuration to run on data before sending to the output. (default: undef)
  • proxy_address: [HTTP(S) URL] The proxy address used for downloading files. (default: undef)
  • queue: [Hash] Configure the internal queue in packetbeat before being consumed by the output(s) in 6.x versions and greater.
  • queue_size: [Integer] The queue size for single events in the processing pipeline. This is only applicable if major_version is '5'. (default: 1000)
  • service_ensure: [String] Determine the state of the metricbeat service. Must be one of 'enabled', 'disabled', 'running', 'unmanaged'. (default: enabled)
  • service_has_restart: [Boolean] When true the Service resource issues the 'restart' command instead of 'stop' and 'start'. (default: true)
  • service_provider: [String] The optional service provider of the node. (default: 'redhat' on RedHat nodes, undef otherwise)
  • tags: [Array] Optional list of tags to help group different logical properties easily. (default: undef)
  • tmp_dir: [String] The absolute path to a temporary directory. On Windows systems this is the target directory for the ZIP file download. (default: /tmp on Linux, C:\Windows\Temp on Windows)
  • url_arch: [String] The optional architecture of the target node. Only applicable on Windows systems. (default: x86 or x64)
  • xpack: [Hash] Configuration items to export internal stats to a monitoring Elasticsearch cluster. (default: undef)
  • yum_repo_url: [String] The URL of the YUM repository to install Metricbeat from. Only applicable on RedHat or Suse systems. (default: "${metricbeat::major_version}.x/yum")

Private Classes

Class: metricbeat::config

Manages metricbeats main configuration file.

Class: metricbeat::install

Installs the metricbeat package.

Class: metricbeat::repo

Installs the upstream Yum or Apt repository for the system package manager.

Class: metricbeat::service

Manages the metricbeat service.

Custom module templates

Define a custom configuration file in the modules.d directory using the metricbeat::modulesd resource type.

Parameters within metricbeat::modulesd

  • template_name: [String] Filename of the template in modules.d
  • config: [Hash] For passing parameters down to the .erb template
  • source: Optional[String] Path for the file 'source' parameter, mutually exclusive with content
  • content: Optional[String] Path for the file 'content' parameter, mutually exclusive with source

Example usage:

metricbeat::modulesd { 'module_name':
  config  => $custom_hash,
  content => template("path/to/your/template.yml.erb"),


This module does not support loading kibana dashboards or elasticsearch templates, used when outputting to Elasticsearch.


Pull requests and bug reports are welcome. If you're sending a pull request, please consider writing tests if applicable.


Sandbox testing is done through the PDK utility provided by Puppet. To utilize PDK execute the following commands to validate and test the new code:

  1. Validate syntax of metadata.json, all *.pp* and all *.rb files
pdk validate
  1. Perform tests
pdk test unit