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Manage Bamboo resources through a REST interface


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Version information

  • 1.3.1 (latest)
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  • 1.2.2 (deleted)
  • 1.2.1 (deleted)
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  • 0.0.7
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  • 0.0.3
  • 0.0.2
released Feb 12th 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 3.5

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  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'atlassian-bamboo_rest', '1.3.1'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add atlassian-bamboo_rest
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install atlassian-bamboo_rest --version 1.3.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



atlassian/bamboo_rest — version 1.3.1 Feb 12th 2018

Puppet Module to Manage Atlassian Bamboo

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Requirements
  4. Usage
  5. Reference
  6. Limitations
  7. Development


Puppet module to manage Bamboo via REST endpoints (JIRA issue tracker).

Important Note:

  • The REST APIs used by this Puppet module are not officially supported by Atlassian. They might change in the future
  • All the dark features used by this Puppet module are not officially supported by Atlassian.

Module Description

This module contains types and provides to manage Bamboo administrative configurations, thus it provides the possibility to manage Bamboo automatically.

It includes types to manage:

  • Bamboo general administration configurations. http://bambooUrl/admin/configure!default.action
  • Build monitoring. http://bambooUrl/admin/buildHangingDetection!read.action
  • Enable/disable audit log. http://bambooUrl/admin/viewGlobalAuditLog.action
  • Default concurrent build. http://bambooUrl/admin/viewConcurrentBuildConfig.action
  • Security Settings. https://bambooUrl/admin/viewSecurity.action
  • Global Variables. https://bambooUrl/admin/admin/configureGlobalVariables!default.action
  • Bamboo agents. https://bambooUrl/admin/agent/configureAgents!default.action
  • Build Expiry. https://bambooUrl/admin/buildExpiry!read.action
  • UPM settings. https://bambooUrl/plugins/latest/settings
  • User Repositories. https://bambooUrl/admin/userRepositories.action
  • Groups and permissions. https://bambooUrl/admin/viewGlobalPermissions.action
  • Role permissions. https://bambooUrl/admin/viewGlobalPermissions.action
  • Quarantine Configuration. https://bambooUrl/admin/editQuarantineSettings.action
  • Bamboo Elastic Configuration. http://bambooUrl/admin/elastic/viewElasticConfig.action
  • Artifact Handlers. https://bambooUrl/admin/configureArtifactHandlers.action
  • Shared Credential. https://bambooUrl/admin/credentials/configureSharedCredentials.action
  • Mail Server. https://bambooUrl/admin/viewMailServer.action
  • IM Server. https://bambooUrl/admin/instantmessagingserver/viewInstantMessagingServer.action
  • Remote Agent Support. https://bambooUrl/admin/agent/configureAgents!default.action
  • Dark Features Support. https://bambooUrl/rest/admin/latest/darkFeatures


The module doesn't have any dependencies on other Puppet modules. But it is using Ruby libraries that may not be contained in the default installation. Currently, the following libraries are expected to be installed; the module won't install or manage them in any way (see the Gemfile for more information):

  • json
  • mime-types
  • openssl

Depending on the version of Ruby you're using, some of them are shipped by default (e.g. json) whereas others need to be installed via Puppet or in a bootstrap process like

package { 'openssl':
  ensure   => installed,
  provider => gem,

Obviously it would be a great improvement if the module itself could provide a manifest to install and manage its dependencies. Any contributions are welcome!

Limitation: At the moment the module doesn't handle the provision-from-scratch use-case very well and will cause a couple of warnings during the resource discovery phase as the Ruby gems may not be available. As long as the gems are installed before the Puppet resources are used, everything should be fine.


The REST endpoints used by this module are currently protected behind a dark feature switch. To enable them, please add to your Bamboo start script and restart Bamboo. To verify they are enabled, try https://bambooUrl/rest/admin/latest/config/general to see if it gives a 200.

Since this module manages Bamboo via REST endpoints, a configuration file which contains Bamboo login information is required. The file bamboo_rest.conf should exist in Puppet config directory, e.g. /etc/puppet.

bamboo_base_url: http://localhost:6990/bamboo

# The Puppet module supports changing Bamboo user repositories type. E.g. when provisioning Bamboo from scratch, use the
# built-in admin/admin credentials to log in and change user repositories to Crowd or customised LDAP configuration. If you
# want to use it (the bamboo_user_repositories type), you need to provide two sets of credentials, the local credentials and
# Crowd ones. The Puppet module will automatically detect which credentials to use by reading Bamboo configuration. Thus you
# should also configure the Bamboo home directory.

# Bamboo local credential used when invoking REST endpoints
admin_username: admin
admin_password: admin

# Crowd credentials used when invoking REST endpoints
crowd_admin_username: admin
crowd_admin_password: admin

# Bamboo home directory
bamboo_home_dir: /data/bamboo-data/

# timeout in seconds for reading response from Bamboo
# connection_timeout: 20
# timeout in seconds for opening connection to Bamboo
# connection_open_timeout: 20

# retry times when checking Bamboo health status
# health_check_retries: 3
# timeout in seconds when reanding health status from Bamboo
# health_check_timeout: 20

Note: Most Bamboo administrative REST endpoints require System Admin or Restricted Admin permission, so the credentials should at least be a Restricted Admin.

Note: The namevar of the Puppet resource must be 'current' (as shown in all the examples below) unless used by the resource (as is the case for global variables, agents, groups and permissions, role permissions). Other types will not work.

Bamboo General Configuration

bamboo_administration_general_configuration { 'current':
  instance_name             => 'bamboo',
  base_url                  => '',
  broker_url                => 'tcp://',
  broker_client_url         => 'failover:(tcp://',
  dashboard_page_size       => 50,
  branch_detection_interval => 300,
  gravatar_enabled          => true
  gravatar_server_url       => '',
  gzip_compression_enabled  => false


  • Restricted admin required
  • After changing broker_url or broker_client_url, Bamboo needs to restart to pick up the change. However, this type does not force a restart.
  • Partial update is supported, you can only specify a subset of the properties above

Audit Log

bamboo_audit_log { 'current':
  audit_log_enabled => true


  • Restricted admin required

Build Concurrency

bamboo_build_concurrency{ 'current':
  build_concurrency_enabled         => true,
  default_concurrency_builds_number => 10


  • Restricted admin required
  • build_concurrency_enabled is mandatory. If default_concurrency_builds_number is not specified and build concurrency is enabled, Bamboo will use whatever is previously stored.


bamboo_build_expiry { 'current':
  builds_to_keep           => 4,
  period                   => 'days',
  cron_expression          => '0 0 0 ? * *',
  deployments_to_keep      => 2,
  duration                 => 4,
  expire_artifacts         => false,
  expire_logs              => true,
  expire_results           => false,
  labels_to_exclude        => '',
  maximum_ignored_log_size => -1,


  • cron_expression is in the Quartz Chrontrigger format (not the normal unix format)
  • cron_expression is not validated in this module, nor via Bamboo when updating via REST. An invalid cron will be accepted, but will not work (and the Bamboo UI will state 'invalid cron expression')
  • duration or builds_to_keep must be non-zero
  • period can be 'days', 'weeks' or 'months'

Build Monitoring

bamboo_build_monitoring { 'current':
  build_monitoring_enabled            => true,
  build_time_multiplier_default       => 2.5,
  log_quiet_minutes_time_default      => 10,
  build_queue_minutes_timeout_default => 60


  • Restricted admin required
  • build_monitoring_enabled is required. If it is enabled and other attributes not specified, Bamboo will use whatever is previously stored.

Security Settings

bamboo_security_settings { 'current':
  read_only_external_user_management                  => true,
  sign_up_enabled                                     => true,
  sign_up_enabled_captcha                             => false,
  display_contact_details_enabled                     => true,
  restricted_administrator_role_enabled               => true,
  brute_force_protection_enabled                      => true,
  brute_force_protection_login_attempts               => 3,
  xsrf_protection_enabled                             => true,
  xsrf_protection_disabled_for_http_get               => true,
  resolve_artifacts_content_type_by_extension_enabled => false,


  • System Admin required

Global Variables

bamboo_global_variable{ 'foo':
  ensure => 'present',
  value  => 'bar',


  • Restricted admin required


bamboo_agent{ 'local':        # Supported agent types: local, remote and elastic.
  enabled => false,


  • Restricted admin required.
  • If enabled is set to false in manifest, Puppet will make sure the type of agents are all disabled.
  • If one type of agent does not have any instance and enabled is set to true, Puppet will think it is currently disabled and will try to enable agents of that type. Though no actual http request will be sent.
  • If there is any agent of one type is enabled, Puppet will think that type of agents are enabled, and do nothing if enabled is set to true in manifest.
  • If agents of one type are all disabled, Puppet will think this type of agents are disabled, and enable all if enabled is set to true.

UPM Settings

bamboo_upm_settings { 'current':
  auto_update_enabled            => false,
  email_notification_enabled     => false,
  marketplace_connection_enabled => true,
  private_listings_enabled       => true,
  request_addon_enabled          => false,


  • Restricted admin required
  • auto_update_enabled: Add-on updates selected by Atlassian will be automatically downloaded and installed.
  • email_notification_enabled: Disabling this will prevent users and administrators from receiving add-on notifications via email.
  • marketplace_connection_enabled: Enables connection to marketplace. Warning: Disabling the connection prevents you from finding new add-ons or receiving free updates to your installed add-ons.
  • private_listings_enabled: Enables private listings to install and license add-ons that aren't publicly available.
  • request_addon_enabled: You'll receive a notification whenever an end-user requests an add-on. View these requests by selecting the Most requested filter.

Groups and permissions

bamboo_group { 'bamboo_admin':


  • System Admin required
  • It will create the group if it does not exists and make sure it has the right permissions.

Role permissions

bamboo_role_permissions { 'ROLE_USER':
  permissions => ['ACCESS'],


  • System Admin required
  • It only support 2 roles, ROLE_USER for logged in users and ROLE_ANONYMOUS for anonymous users
  • ROLE_USER cannot have more than ACCESS, CREATE_PLAN and CREATE_REPOSITORY permissions, ROLE_ANONYMOUS cannot have more than ACCESS permission.

User Repositories

bamboo_user_repositories { 'current':
  type                   => 'Crowd',
  server_url             => '',
  application_name       => 'bamboo-app',
  application_password   => 'hunter2',
  cache_refresh_interval => 60,
  require                => Bamboo_group['crowd-bamboo-admin'],


  • System Admin required
  • type: allowed values: Local, Crowd and Custom.
  • server_url: Crowd or Jira url. Only needed when type is Crowd
  • application_name: Bamboo authenticates with JIRA or Crowd using this name.
  • application_password: Bamboo authenticates with JIRA or Crowd using this password.
  • cache_refresh_interval: Time (in minutes) between updating the list of users and groups.
  • Make sure at least one group in crowd has system admin permission.

Quarantine Configuration

bamboo_quarantine { 'current':
  quarantine_tests_enabled => true


  • Restricted admin required

Elastic Configuration

bamboo_elastic_configuration { 'current':
    enabled => true,
    access_key                          => 'VALID_AWS_ACCESS_KEY',
    secret_key                          => 'VALID_AWS_SECRET',
    region                              => 'US_WEST_1',
    private_key_file                    => '/var/pkey.file',
    certificate_file                    => '/var/certificate.file',
    upload_aws_identifier               => true,
    max_elastic_instances               => 5,
    allocate_public_ip_to_vpc_instances => true,
    im_type                             => 'Custom',
    im_idle_shutdown_delay_minutes      => 10,
    im_allowed_non_bamboo_instances     => 7,
    im_max_num_to_start                 => 30,
    im_queued_build_threshold           => 10,
    im_elastic_queued_build_threshold   => 5,
    im_average_queue_time               => 200,
    termination_enabled                 => true,
    termination_shutdown_delay          => 300


  • System Admin required
  • access_key and secret_key must be valid aws credentials
  • region must be a valid aws regions supported by Bamboo. Acceptable values are:
    • US_EAST_1
    • US_WEST_1
    • US_WEST_2
    • EU_WEST_1
    • EU_CENTRAL_1
    • US_GOV_W1
    • CN_NORTH_1
  • private_key_file and certificate_file are locations of the respective files on the Bamboo server. They must be readable by Bamboo
  • im_type can be Disabled, Custom, Passive, Aggressive or Default
  • if im_type is not Custom, no other im_xxxx properties can be set
  • im_elastic_queued_build_threshold can not be greater than im_queued_build_threshold
  • termination_shutdown_delay can only be set if termination_enabled is true

Artifact Handlers

bamboo_artifact_handler { 'agent_local':
  artifact_storage_location    => 'opt',
  non_shared_artifacts_enabled => false,
  shared_artifacts_enabled     => false,
  provider                     => agent_local,

bamboo_artifact_handler { 'bamboo_remote':
  non_shared_artifacts_enabled => false,
  shared_artifacts_enabled     => false,
  provider                     => bamboo_remote,

bamboo_artifact_handler { 's3':
  access_key_id                => 'abc',
  bucket_name                  => 'my bucket',
  region                       => 'us-east-1',
  bucket_path                  => 'bamboo-artifacts',
  max_artifact_file_count      => '100',
  non_shared_artifacts_enabled => true,
  secret_access_key            => 'abcd',
  shared_artifacts_enabled     => 'false',
  provider                     => s3,

bamboo_artifact_handler { 'server_local':
  non_shared_artifacts_enabled => false,
  shared_artifacts_enabled     => true,
  provider                     => server_local,


  • Restricted admin required
  • To manage artifact handlers, Bamboo must enable the artifact handlers dark feature. Please add -Dbamboo.darkfeature.artifacthandlers=true to your Bamboo start script and restart Bamboo
  • Artifact handlers can be extended by plugins, only 4 types are supported: agent_local, server_local, bamboo_remote and s3
  • Different types of artifact handlers have their own provider. It's recommended to add provider type in your manifest.

Shared Credentials

bamboo_shared_credential { 'bamboosshcredential':
  ensure         => 'present',
  ssh_key        => 'addbcd',
  ssh_passphrase => 'brrarr',


  • Restricted admin required
  • Different types of shared credentials can be provided via Bamboo plugins. We currently only support ssh shared credential
  • Bamboo does not enforce uniqueness of shared credential name, If there are duplicated names, the Puppet type might not work properly.

Mail Server

bamboo_mail_server { 'current':
  from                            => 'bamboo',
  from_address                    => 'bamboo@atlassian.a.c',
  subject_prefix                  => '[sbac]',
  email_settings                  => 'SMTP',
  smtp_server                     => 'mail_server',
  smtp_port                       => 25,
  smtp_username                   => 'foo',
  smtp_password                   => 'bar',
  tls_enabled                     => false,
  precedence_bulk_header_excluded => true,


  • System Admin required
  • Because of the way that Bamboo Mail Server REST endpoint works, puppet resource bamboo_mail_server will fail if mail server hasn't been configured before.

Remote IM Server

bamboo_im_server { 'current':
  ensure        => 'present',
  host          => '',
  port          => 2222,
  resource_name => 'bamboo',
  username      => 'foo',
  password      => 'bar',
  tls_enabled   => true,


  • Restricted admin required
  • Since Bamboo allows only one IM server configured, we only allow resource title to be 'current'

Remote Agent Support

bamboo_remote_agent_support { 'current':
  remote_agents_supported => false,


  • Restricted admin required

Dark Feature Support

bamboo_dark_feature { '':
  ensure => present,


  • Restricted admin required
  • Only dynamic dark features are supported (not the ones needed to be specified as Java sysprops)



This modules relies on Bamboo REST endpoints which are only availabie since 5.9.0. It won't work with previous Bamboo versions.

The module has been tested with various Ruby and Puppet versions.

Supported Ruby versions:

  • Ruby 1.8.7
  • Ruby 1.9.3
  • Ruby 2.0.0
  • Ruby 2.4.2

Supported Puppet Versions:

  • Puppet 3.5
  • Puppet 3.6
  • Puppet 3.7
  • Puppet 4.6
  • Puppet 5.3

It won't work with Puppet 3.4 because of PUP-1470.

For password values in Bamboo, a salted hash is returned by Bamboo REST endpoints. The relative Puppet type hashes the value in manifest and compares the hash values. For a Bamboo global variable, the Puppet type first checks if the variable name contains the keyword 'password' or 'secret' (case insensitive). If so, it uses the hash mechanism. Otherwise, it just compares the raw values. When updating password values, they are not hashed. You should rely on an HTTPS connection to protect your sensitive data.


This project is still new and might not work properly (both Puppet module and Bamboo REST endpoints). If you see any problem, please open an issue. Pull requests are welcome!

Release Notes

We are still adding more REST endpoints to Bamboo as well as developing new types/providers, please only use released version of the module. Development version might require REST endpoints have not been released in Bamboo.