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A Module for installation of the certificate signed by sites, or


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Version information

  • 1.3.1 (latest)
  • 1.3.0
  • 1.2.0
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1 (deleted)
  • 1.0.0
released Apr 30th 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.0.0 < 6.0.0
  • , , ,
  • puppet_sslforfree

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'aeciopires-puppet_sslforfree', '1.3.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add aeciopires-puppet_sslforfree
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install aeciopires-puppet_sslforfree --version 1.3.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



aeciopires/puppet_sslforfree — version 1.3.1 Apr 30th 2018



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Este é o modulo puppet_sslforfree.

Instala e gerencia o certificado assinado pelos sites:

Também cria o certificado no formato JKS.

Para aprender mais sobre o uso do Puppet, recomendo a leitura do livro que publiquei pela Novatec:

Veja também os links que estão nesta página:


  1. Acesse um dos sites anteriores e gere o certificado de host ou wildcard conforme as instruções disponíveis. Ambos usam a API do Let's encrypt para assinar os certificados válidos e gratuitos com duração de 90 dias.
  2. Puppet 4.x ou superior
  3. Sistema operacional: Debian 8.x, 9.x, CentOS 6.x, 7.x, Red Hat 6.x e 7.x, Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 e 18.04.
  4. Instalar o pacote keytool obtido junto com o Java. Este módulo não instala o Java.


  • Para atualizar/renovar o certificado basta mudar o valor do parâmetro overwrite_certificate para true e informar a nova URL de download em cert_download_url_base, após gerar o novo certificado e salvá-lo em um servidor web.
  • Este módulo não configura os serviços para usar o certificado. Isso deve ser feito por outro módulo Puppet ou manualmente.

Instruções de Uso

Baixe o módulo em:

Descompacte o pacote e copiar o diretório puppet_sslforfree para a máquina puppetserver.

Na máquina puppetserver, mova o diretório puppet_sslforfree para o diretório de módulos, por exemplo: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/modules/. Onde NAME_ENVIRONMENT deve ser trocado pelo nome do environment que você quer usar no PuppetServer.

Edite o aquivo /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/manifests/site.pp e definir quais hosts usarão o módulo, conforme o exemplo abaixo. Exemplo da configuração do arquivo site.pp.

node {
    include puppet_sslforfree

Execute o Puppet Agent no servidor

puppet agent -t


O módulo puppet_sslforfree instala e configura o certificado com as configurações definidas em parâmetros ou variáveis declaradas no manifest params.pp.

Algumas variáveis possuem valores customizados de acordo com o servidor. Estes valores são obtidos através do Hiera (com dados armazenados em arquivos do tipo "*.yaml").

Abaixo está um exemplo do arquivo de configuração do Hiera, que deve ficar localizado em: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/hiera.yaml

version: 5
  datadir: hieradata
  data_hash: yaml_data
  - name: "Hosts"
      - "host/%{::trusted.certname}.yaml"
      - "host/%{::facts.networking.fqdn}.yaml"
      - "host/%{::facts.networking.hostname}.yaml"

  - name: "Dominios"
      - "domain/%{::trusted.domain}.yaml"
      - "domain/%{::domain}.yaml"

  - name: "Dados comuns"
    path: "common.yaml"

Dessa forma, o Hiera buscará, prioritariamente, os valores definidos nas variáveis de host (sobrepondo os valores de variáveis de mesmo nome definidas por domínio). Estas variáveis devem ficar em arquivos como esse: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/hieradata/host/

Caso não sejam definidos valores para variáveis nos arquivos de hosts, o Hiera buscará valores definidos em variáveis de domínio. As variáveis de domínio devem ficar em arquivos como esse: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/hieradata/domain/

As variáveis definidas no arquivo /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/hieradata/common.yaml, só serão aplicadas em último caso.

Mesmo que nenhum destes arquivos existam, serão aplicados os valores padrão definidos na classe params.pp.

Exemplo do arquivo .yaml


#Espaco requerido: 2 MB ou 2.000.000 bytes
space_required: 2000000
tmp_dir: '/tmp'
manage_certificate_jks: true
overwrite_certificate: false
download_certificate: true
cert_download_url_base: ''
keytool: '/usr/bin/keytool'
host_cert_key: 'private.key'
host_cert_crt: 'certificate.crt'
ca_cert: 'ca_bundle.crt'
host_cert_pass: ''
cert_alias: 'sslfree'
ca_cert_alias: 'ca_sslfree'
certs_dir: '/etc/sslfree'
java_cacert: '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/cacerts'



This is the puppet_sslforfree module.

Installs and manages the certificate signed by the sites:

It also creates the certificate in JKS format.


  1. Access one of the sites previous and generate the host or wildcard certificate. Both use the Let's encrypt API to sign the valid and free certificates with a duration of 90 days.
  2. Puppet 4.x or higher
  3. Operating System: Debian 8.x, 9.x, CentOS 6.x, 7.x, Red Hat 6.x and 7.x, Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 and 18.04.
  4. Install the keytool packages obtained with Java. This module does not installs Java.


  • To update/renew the certificate, simply change the value of the parameter overwrite_certificate to true and enter the new download URL at cert_download_url_base after generating the new certificate and save it to a web server.
  • This module does not configure services to use the certificate. You MUST be done by another Puppet module or manually.


Download the module in:

Unzip the package and copy the puppet_sslforfree directory to the puppetserver machine.

On the puppetserver machine, move the directory puppet_sslforfree to the modules directory, for example: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/modules/. Where NAME_ENVIRONMENT should be changed by the name of the environment you want to use in PuppetServer.

Edit the file /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/manifests/site.pp and define which hosts will use the module, as shown in the example below. Example of the configuration of the site.pp file

node {
    include puppet_sslforfree

Run the Puppet Agent on the server.

puppet agent -t


The puppet_sslforfree module installs and configures the certificate with the settings defined in parameters or variables declared in the manifest params.pp.

Some variables have custom values ​​according to the server. These values ​​are obtained through Hiera (with data stored in files of type "* .yaml").

Below is an example of the Hiera configuration file, which should be located at: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/hiera.yaml

version: 5
  datadir: hieradata
  data_hash: yaml_data
  - name: "Hosts"
      - "host/%{::trusted.certname}.yaml"
      - "host/%{::facts.networking.fqdn}.yaml"
      - "host/%{::facts.networking.hostname}.yaml"

  - name: "Domains"
      - "domain/%{::trusted.domain}.yaml"
      - "domain/%{::domain}.yaml"

  - name: "Common"
    path: "common.yaml"

In this way, Hiera will seek, as a priority, the values ​​defined in the variables (overlapping variable values ​​of the same name defined by the domain). These variables should be in files like this: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/hieradata/host/

If no value is set for variables in the hosts files, Hiera will look for values ​​defined in domain variables. The variables domain MUST be in files like this: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/hieradata/domain/

The variables defined in the /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/NAME_ENVIRONMENT/hieradata/common.yaml file, will only be applied in the latter case.

Even if none of these files exist, the default values ​​defined in the params.pp class will be applied.

Sample file .yaml


#Space Required: 2 MB or 2.000.000 bytes
space_required: 2000000
tmp_dir: '/tmp'
manage_certificate_jks: true
overwrite_certificate: false
download_certificate: true
cert_download_url_base: ''
keytool: '/usr/bin/keytool'
host_cert_key: 'private.key'
host_cert_crt: 'certificate.crt'
ca_cert: 'ca_bundle.crt'
host_cert_pass: ''7
cert_alias: 'sslfree'
ca_cert_alias: 'ca_sslfree'
certs_dir: '/etc/sslfree'
java_cacert: '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/cacerts'




Description: Sets the minimum required disk space.

Data type: Interger.

Default value: 2000000 (in bytes).


Description: Sets the temporary directory.

Data type: String.

Default value: /tmp


Description: If true, it manages the certificate. If false does nothing.

Data type: Boolean.

Default value: true


Description: If true, overwrite the certificate with the same alias every round of the puppet agent. If false, keep the certificate and to register the new you must change the alias of the new certificate in the parameters: cert_alias and ca_cert_alias.

Data type: Boolean.

Default value: false


Description: If true, download the certificate from the URL formed by the concatenation of the parameters: $cert_download_url_base/$host_cert_key, $cert_download_url_base/$host_cert_crt and $cert_download_url_base/$ca_cert. If false, you must to update the content of the files in the module directory in files/certs_sslfree.

Data type: Boolean.

Default value: true


Description: Certificate download base URL.

Data type: String.

Default value:


Description: Path of the keytool binary in the operating system. Keytool is obtained by installing Java. This module does not manage Java installation

Data type: String.

Default value: /usr/bin/keytool


Description: Name of the private key file. The name of this file will be concatenated with the URL entered in the parameter cert_download_url_base.

Data type: String.

Default value: private.key


Description: Name of the certificate file. The name of this file will be concatenated with the URL entered in the parameter cert_download_url_base.

Data type: String.

Default value: certificate.crt


Description: Name of the certificate file of the Certificate Authority. The name of this file will be concatenated with the URL entered in the parameter cert_download_url_base.

Data type: String.

Default value: ca_bundle.crt


Description: Certificate password.

Data type: String.

Default value: ' ' (empty)


Description: Certificate alias. This module uses the keytool to create a repository JKS so that the certificate can be used by applications or Java application servers.

Data type: String.

Default value: sslfree


Description: Alias of the Certificate Authority. This module uses the keytool to create a repository JKS so that the certificate can be used by applications or Java application servers.

Data type: String.

Default value: ca_sslfree


Description: Directory in which the certificates will be stored.

Data type: String.

Default value: /etc/sslfree


Description: Repository JKS of the Java for storing Certificate Authority certificates. See

Data type: String.

Default value: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/cacerts


developer: Aecio dos Santos Pires mail: aeciopires at


Apache 2.0 2018 Aécio dos Santos Pires