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Install and manage Maxscale instances


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Version information

  • 1.1.1 (latest)
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
released Jan 30th 2017
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 3.0.0 < 5.0.0
  • , , , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'TubeMogul-maxscale', '1.1.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add TubeMogul-maxscale
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install TubeMogul-maxscale --version 1.1.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



TubeMogul/maxscale — version 1.1.1 Jan 30th 2017

#Maxscale puppet module

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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with maxscale
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. To do after you did your setup
  6. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  1. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  2. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module installs and configures the MySQL/MariaDB's binlogs proxy called Maxscale.

GitHub page of the Maxscale project:

##Module Description

The idea behind Maxscale is to have slaves that don't really care about which master is behind the replication endpoint. As it's a quite lightweight process, we use several of them on the same instance.

In that spirit, this module allows you to manage several Maxscale instances on the same host very easily.

The module installs the package (from MariaDB's official repositories or from your own repository if you specify a repo_custom_url), configures and manages the one or multiple instances you define in the module's parameters.

Note: We generally use Maxscale as a replication proxy. You should be able to use this module to manage other configuration cases but they have not been tested yet. So if you do and find issues, don't hesitate to file a bug on our github page:

For more information on the configuration of maxscale as a bilog proxy, see the official documentation:


##Before you begin


To be able to use this module you will have to get the enterprise "Download token".

You can find the token on My Portal in the "Your Subscriptions" section.

Note: If you do not have a MariaDB Enterprise subscription/contract, you can create an account at My Portal, sign the Evaluation Agreement, and try MariaDB Enterprise as an Evaluation User.

###What Maxscale affects

  • /etc/init.d/maxscale: used to manage the Maxscale service if you setup the instance 'default'.
  • /etc/init.d/maxscale_<instance_name>: used to manage non-default Maxscale instances.
  • /root/.maxadmin: used to setup the authentication credentials to use with maxadmin. (You can change the directory of the maxadmin file using the maxadmin_config_root parameter.

Files and directories that you specify in your configuration:

  • the Maxscale configuration files
  • the Maxscale datadir. The parent directories have to exist before that. Example: for a datadir set to /maxscale/default/data, /maxscale/default will have to exist prior to the class realization.
  • the Maxscale cachedir. The parent directories have to exist before that.
  • the Maxscale master.ini directory which is basically the same that you set your binlog directory to. The parent directories have to exist before that.
  • the Maxscale logdir. The parent directories have to exist before that.
  • the Maxscale piddir. The parent directories have to exist before that.
  • the folder where the errmsg.sys is stored (generally /var/lib/maxscale).

Specific to the Debian OS family:

  • /etc/apt/sources.list.d/maxscale.list: used to install the maxscale package repository (unless install_repository is set to false).

Setup Requirements

The module requires:

###Beginning with Maxscale

Before you start, make sure you read and complete the Before you begin section.

Once this is done, the module can be used out of the box directly, it just requires Puppetlabs's apt module (if you want to install Maxscale APT repository) and stdlib to be in your modulepath.

The module can be used out of the box directly, it just requires puppetlabs' apt module and puppetlabs' stdlib to be in your modulepath.

To install:

puppet module install TubeMogul/maxscale

Puppet will install the dependencies automatically, but if you want to install the dependencies 1 by 1, you can use this before:

puppet module install puppetlabs/stdlib
puppet module install puppetlabs/apt


Those examples include the puppet-only configuration, and the corresponding configuration for those who use hiera (I find it more convenient for copy/paste of a full configuration when you have both - yes, I'm lazy ;-) ).

###Basic example

Let's say that you completed the Before you begin section and that you ended up with a token that is abc12-34def. You want to test out Maxscale with only 1 instance on your server, use the Maxscale APT repository and all the default parameters. Then your puppet code will just be:

class { 'maxscale':
  token => 'abc12-34def',

Or just do a simple class { 'maxscale':} puppet code block and in hiera:

maxscale::token: abc12-34def

###Install without installing a specific repository

If you already have all the repositories installed and you don't want this module to manage the APT repository on your instance (or that you are using this module on another OS family than Debian), simply set the install_repository parameter to false.

class { 'maxscale':
  install_repository => false,

Or just do a simple class { 'maxscale':} puppet code block and in hiera:

maxscale::install_repository: false

Note: as you don't install the maxscale repository, you don't need the token parameter.

###Using a custom package repository

If you want to use a custom APT package repository, you can use the repo_custom_url parameter.

In this case you will want also to set the repo_fingerprint with the fingerprint of your repository and you might also want to change the repo_keyserver parameter to specify your own keyserver.

Optionally you can use the repo_repository and repo_release to fit your environment but the default values for those are pretty common values.

class { 'maxscale':
  repo_custom_url  => '',
  repo_fingerprint => '1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF12345678',
  repo_keyserver   => 'hkp://',
  repo_repository  => 'optionals',

Or just do a simple class { 'maxscale':} puppet code block and in hiera:

maxscale::repo_fingerprint: 1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF12345678
maxscale::repo_keyserver: hkp://
maxscale::repo_repository: optionals

Note: as you don't install the maxscale repository, you don't need the token parameter.

###Specify a version

Let's say that you completed the Before you begin section and that you ended up with a token that is abc12-34def.

By default this module installs the latest version of the package (it doesn't upgrade automatically when a new version is out, that would be really bad in a production environment if it did! :) )

You want now to have a specific older version to install because you haven't finished benchmarking the new one. Then you would use the repo_version parameter for that purpose.

Here's what you would use (if you use all the default for the rest):

class { 'maxscale':
  token        => 'abc12-34def',
  repo_version => '1.2'

Or just do a simple class { 'maxscale':} puppet code block and in hiera:

maxscale::token: abc12-34def
maxscale::repo_version: 1.2

###Working with a single instance

Let's say that you completed the Before you begin section and that you ended up with a token that is abc12-34def.

Now let's say that you want to customize some parts of your Maxscale installation. For example, you want your instance setup to have:

  • cachedir to be /maxscale/cache,
  • datadir to be /maxscale/data,
  • 4 threads instead of 2
  • the server-id set to 55
  • an additional binlog router option binlogdir set to /maxscale/binlog
  • a different password (of course! :) )
  • a master which is

Note: It is not mandatory to set the ensure, logdir, piddir, svcuser, svcgroup, errmsgsys_path and configfile parameters as they have default values, but I like to set them just to clarify for the user that is not 100% familiar with the instance, what values they have.

class { 'maxscale':
  token              => 'abc12-34def',
  services_conf      => {
    'default'        => {
      ensure         => 'running',
      logdir         => '/var/log/maxscale',
      cachedir       => '/maxscale/cache',
      datadir        => '/maxscale/data',
      piddir         => '/var/run/maxscale',
      svcuser        => 'maxscale',
      svcgroup       => 'maxscale',
      errmsgsys_path => '/var/lib/maxscale',
      configfile     => '/etc/maxscale.cnf',
      'config'       => {
        'maxscale'   => {
          'threads'  => 4
        'Binlog_Service'   => {
          'type'           => 'service',
          'router'         => 'binlogrouter',
          'router_options' => 'mariadb10-compatibility=1,server-id=55,binlogdir=/maxscale/binlog',
          'user'           => 'maxscale',
          'passwd'         => 'AR3allyRe@llyG0odPwd...',
          'version_string' => '10.1.12-MariaDB-1~trusty',
        'Binlog Listener'   => {
          'type'            => 'listener',
          'service'         => 'Binlog_Service',
          'protocol'        => 'MySQLClient',
          'port'            => 3310,
        'Debug Interface'   => {
          'type'            => 'service',
          'router'          => 'debugcli',
        'CLI'      => {
          'type'   => 'service',
          'router' => 'cli',
        'Debug Listener'   => {
          'type'           => 'listener',
          'service'        => 'Debug Interface',
          'protocol'       => 'telnetd',
          'address'        => '',
          'port'           => 4442,
        'CLI Listener'   => {
          'type'         => 'listener',
          'service'      => 'CLI',
          'protocol'     => 'maxscaled',
          'port'         => 6603,
            'master_ini'               => {
                'directory'              => '/maxscale/binlog',
                'content'                => {
                    'binlog_configuration' => {
                        'master_host'        => '',
                        'master_port'        => 3306,
                        'master_user'        => 'maxscale',
                        'master_password'    => 'PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!3!',
                        'filestem'           => 'mysql-bin',

Or just do a simple class { 'maxscale':} puppet code block and in hiera:

maxscale::token: abc12-34def
    ensure: running
    logdir: /var/log/maxscale
    cachedir: /maxscale/cache
    datadir: /maxscale/data
    piddir: /var/run/maxscale
    svcuser: maxscale
    svcgroup: maxscale
    errmsgsys_path: /var/lib/maxscale
    configfile: /etc/maxscale.cnf
        threads: 4
        type: service
        router: binlogrouter
        router_options: 'mariadb10-compatibility=1,server-id=55,binlogdir=/maxscale/binlog'
        user: maxscale
        passwd: 'AR3allyRe@llyG0odPwd...'
        version_string: '10.1.12-MariaDB-1~trusty'
      Binlog Listener:
        type: listener
        service: Binlog_Service
        protocol: MySQLClient
        port: 3310
      Debug Interface:
        type: service
        router: debugcli
        type: service
        router: cli
      Debug Listener:
        type: listener
        service: 'Debug Interface'
        protocol: telnetd
        port: 4442
      CLI Listener:
        type: listener
        service: CLI
        protocol: maxscaled
        port: 6603
      director: /maxscale/binlog
          master_port: 3306
          master_user: maxscale
          master_password: PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!3!
          filestem: mysql-bin

###Working in a multi-instance environment

Let's say that you completed the Before you begin section and that you ended up with a token that is abc12-34def.

Now let's say that you want to replicate 2 data streams from 2 different masters. To do that you will need 2 Maxscale instances that you can in our case install on the same sever. For each instance, we will use the same kind of parameters as previously.

For the example, let's continue to use the default instance to replicate from a master named foo and let's have anoter one for the master named bar.

For example, you want your instance setup to have:

  • logdir to be: /var/log/maxscale/<master_name>,
  • cachedir to be /maxscale/cache/<master_name>,
  • datadir to be /maxscale/data/<master_name>,
  • piddir to be /var/run/maxscale/<master_name>,
  • configfile to be /etc/maxscale/<master_name>.cfg,
  • the server-id set to 55 and 66
  • an additional binlog router option binlogdir set to /maxscale/binlog/<master_name>
  • a different password (of course! :) )
  • foo master IP is and bar master is

The debug listener service has been removed in this example as it's not mandatory.

class { 'maxscale':
  token              => 'abc12-34def',
  services_conf      => {
    'default'        => {
      logdir         => '/var/log/maxscale/foo',
      cachedir       => '/maxscale/cache/foo',
      datadir        => '/maxscale/data/foo',
      piddir         => '/var/run/maxscale/foo',
      configfile     => '/etc/maxscale/foo.cnf',
      'config'       => {
        'maxscale'   => {
          'threads'  => 2
        'Binlog_Service'   => {
          'type'           => 'service',
          'router'         => 'binlogrouter',
          'router_options' => 'mariadb10-compatibility=1,server-id=55,binlogdir=/maxscale/binlog/foo',
          'user'           => 'maxscale',
          'passwd'         => 'AR3allyRe@llyG0odPwd...',
          'version_string' => '10.1.12-MariaDB-1~trusty',
        'Binlog Listener'   => {
          'type'            => 'listener',
          'service'         => 'Binlog_Service',
          'protocol'        => 'MySQLClient',
          'port'            => 3310,
        'CLI'      => {
          'type'   => 'service',
          'router' => 'cli',
        'CLI Listener'   => {
          'type'         => 'listener',
          'service'      => 'CLI',
          'protocol'     => 'maxscaled',
          'port'         => 6603,
      'master_ini'               => {
        'directory'              => '/maxscale/binlog/foo',
        'content'                => {
          'binlog_configuration' => {
            'master_host'        => '',
            'master_port'        => 3306,
            'master_user'        => 'maxscale',
            'master_password'    => 'PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!3!',
            'filestem'           => 'mysql-bin',
    'bar'        => {
      logdir         => '/var/log/maxscale/bar',
      cachedir       => '/maxscale/cache/bar',
      datadir        => '/maxscale/data/bar',
      piddir         => '/var/run/maxscale/bar',
      configfile     => '/etc/maxscale/bar.cnf',
      'config'       => {
        'maxscale'   => {
          'threads'  => 2
        'Binlog_Service'   => {
          'type'           => 'service',
          'router'         => 'binlogrouter',
          'router_options' => 'mariadb10-compatibility=1,server-id=66,binlogdir=/maxscale/binlog/bar',
          'user'           => 'maxscale',
          'passwd'         => 'AR3allyRe@llyG0odPwd...',
          'version_string' => '10.1.12-MariaDB-1~trusty',
        'Binlog Listener'   => {
          'type'            => 'listener',
          'service'         => 'Binlog_Service',
          'protocol'        => 'MySQLClient',
          'port'            => 3311,
        'CLI'      => {
          'type'   => 'service',
          'router' => 'cli',
        'CLI Listener'   => {
          'type'         => 'listener',
          'service'      => 'CLI',
          'protocol'     => 'maxscaled',
          'port'         => 6604,
      'master_ini'               => {
        'directory'              => '/maxscale/binlog/bar',
        'content'                => {
          'binlog_configuration' => {
            'master_host'        => '',
            'master_port'        => 3306,
            'master_user'        => 'maxscale',
            'master_password'    => 'PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!3!',
            'filestem'           => 'mysql-bin',

Or just do a simple class { 'maxscale':} puppet code block and in hiera:

maxscale::token: abc12-34def
    logdir: /var/log/maxscale/foo
    cachedir: /maxscale/cache/foo
    datadir: /maxscale/data/foo
    piddir: /var/run/maxscale/foo
    configfile: /etc/maxscale/foo.cnf
        threads: 2
        type: service
        router: binlogrouter
        router_options: 'mariadb10-compatibility=1,server-id=55,binlogdir=/maxscale/binlog/foo'
        user: maxscale
        passwd: 'AR3allyRe@llyG0odPwd...'
        version_string: '10.1.12-MariaDB-1~trusty'
      Binlog Listener:
        type: listener
        service: Binlog_Service
        protocol: MySQLClient
        port: 3310
        type: service
        router: cli
      CLI Listener:
        type: listener
        service: CLI
        protocol: maxscaled
        port: 6603
      directory: /maxscale/binlog
          master_port: 3306
          master_user: maxscale
          master_password: PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!3!
          filestem: mysql-bin
    logdir: /var/log/maxscale/bar
    cachedir: /maxscale/cache/bar
    datadir: /maxscale/data/bar
    piddir: /var/run/maxscale/bar
    configfile: /etc/maxscale/bar.cnf
        threads: 2
        type: service
        router: binlogrouter
        router_options: 'mariadb10-compatibility=1,server-id=66,binlogdir=/maxscale/binlog/bar'
        user: maxscale
        passwd: 'AR3allyRe@llyG0odPwd...'
        version_string: '10.1.12-MariaDB-1~trusty'
      Binlog Listener:
        type: listener
        service: Binlog_Service
        protocol: MySQLClient
        port: 3311
        type: service
        router: cli
      CLI Listener:
        type: listener
        service: CLI
        protocol: maxscaled
        port: 6604
      directory: /maxscale/binlog
          master_port: 3306
          master_user: maxscale
          master_password: PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!3!
          filestem: mysql-bin

##To do after you did your setup

###Tell maxscale where to start when working as a replication proxy

It is important to keep in mind that maxscale expects the master to have a a binlog file #1 (mysql-bin.000001) to start the replication automatically. If you want to download the binlogs from an server that has been running for a long time, you will need to set the master binlog position using the CHANGE MASTER TO command as specified in:

Dirty hack: let's say your binlog directory is /maxscale/binlogs and that you want your maxscale server to start at the binlog: mysql-bin.734568, you can create a file /maxscale/binlogs/mysql-bin.734568 on the maxscale server (the file must be owned by the maxscale user) and restart the maxscale service. As long as the binlog is available on the master, maxscale will start downloading the binlogs from there.

###Setup a cron to cleanup the binlogs when using a replication proxy

There is no automatic cleanup of the binlogs currently in maxscale and this module don't have a binlog cleanup either.

You can add one to your profile based on this example:

cron {'binlog_cleanup_instance01':
  command => 'find /maxscale/binlogs -type f -name \'mysql-bin.[0-9][0-9][0-9]*\' -mtime +6 -delete',
  user    => 'maxscale',
  hour    => '*',
  minute  => '10',

Why is it not implemented yet in this module?

Your binlogs name can vary (depending on your master file name and the filestem parameter in your master.ini), and you can use maxscale for other usages than a replication proxy, so it seemed overkill for now to add a crontab to cleanup the binlogs.


###Public classes

  • maxscale: Installs, configures and manages one or serveral maxscale instances on a single server.

###Private classes

  • maxscale::install: Installs the maxscale repository and the maxscale package.
  • maxscale::config: Configures the .maxadmin file in /root.
  • maxscale::install: Installs the repository (if install_repository is set to true) and the maxscale package.
  • maxscale::params: Sets the default values that you can overwrite directly by setting the parameters of the maxscale class.


####Class maxscale


This parameter is a boolean that defines whether you will install the APT repository on your server or not.

Default: true


Required if install_repository is set to true or repo_custom_url is not set. It is used to construct the download url in the repository.

For more information, see the Before you begin section.

Default: undef


Required if no token is specified. Use this parameter if you want to download the package from a custom repository.

Default: undef


This is used to contruct the url of the repository to provide the right version of the package. Unused when install_repository is set to false or when repo_custom_url is set.

Default: latest


Usual repository release field on a classic APT repository.

Defaults to the lsbdistcodename fact.


Usual repository repository field on a classic APT repository.

Default: main


Full fingerprint of the key used to authenticate the APT repository.

For more information on secure apt repository, see:

Default: 13CFDE6DD9EE9784F41AF0F670E4618A8167EE24


Keyserver to use to retrieve your repository key.

For more information on secure apt repository, see:

Default: hkp://


Name of the package to use to install Maxscale.

Default: maxscale


Path of the root home directory where to install the .maxadmin file to use to authenticate on the maxscale instances using maxadmin.

Default: /root


User to put in the .maxadmin to use with the maxadmin tool.

Default: maxscale


Password to put in the .maxadmin to use with the maxadmin tool.

Default: mariadb


This is a hash containing:

  • on the 1st level, the keys are the name of the instances. If you use just one, you will probably want to just use 'default' there. The values contain the configuration parameters corresponding to the instance.
  • Inside the configuration parameters, you have:
    • ensure: used to force a service to run or to stop
    • logdir: will setup the --logdir parameter on the Maxscale service (and will create the directory if doesn't exists)
    • cachedir: will setup the --cachedir parameter on the Maxscale service (and will create the directory if doesn't exists)
    • datadir: will setup the --datadir parameter on the Maxscale service (and will create the directory if doesn't exists)
    • piddir: will setup the --piddir parameter on the Maxscale service (and will create the directory if doesn't exists)
    • svcuser: OS user to run the service under
    • svcgroup: OS group to use to set on the directories managed by the service
    • errmsgsys_path: will setup the --language parameter on the Maxscale service (to specify the path of the errmsg.sys file)
    • configfile: path of the configuration file to be created and used for your instance
    • config: contains a hash which will define the content of the Maxscale configuration file. Each key represents a section, and each key has a value, which is represented like: key => value
    • master_ini: which is a hash contructed with:
      • directory: the directory that will contain the master.ini file (should be the same as the binlog)
      • content: contains a hash which will define the content of the master.ini file. Each key represents a section, and each key has a value, which is represented like: key => value


  'default'        => {
    ensure         => 'running',
    logdir         => '/var/log/maxscale',
    cachedir       => '/var/cache/maxscale',
    datadir        => '/var/cache/maxscale',
    piddir         => '/var/run/maxscale',
    svcuser        => 'maxscale',
    svcgroup       => 'maxscale',
    errmsgsys_path => '/var/lib/maxscale',
    configfile     => '/etc/maxscale.cnf',
    config         => {
      'maxscale'   => {
        'threads'  => 2
      'Binlog_Service'   => {
        'type'           => 'service',
        'router'         => 'binlogrouter',
        'router_options' => 'mariadb10-compatibility=1,server-id=10,binlogdir=/var/cache/maxscale/binlog',
        'user'           => 'maxscale',
        'passwd'         => 'PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!1!',
        'version_string' => '10.1.12-MariaDB-1~trusty',
      'Binlog Listener'   => {
        'type'            => 'listener',
        'service'         => 'Binlog_Service',
        'protocol'        => 'MySQLClient',
        'port'            => 3310,
      'Debug Interface'   => {
        'type'            => 'service',
        'router'          => 'debugcli',
      'CLI'      => {
        'type'   => 'service',
        'router' => 'cli',
      'Debug Listener'   => {
        'type'           => 'listener',
        'service'        => 'Debug Interface',
        'protocol'       => 'telnetd',
        'address'        => '',
        'port'           => 4442,
      'CLI Listener'   => {
        'type'         => 'listener',
        'service'      => 'CLI',
        'protocol'     => 'maxscaled',
        'port'         => 6603,
    'master_ini'               => {
      'directory'              => '/var/cache/maxscale/binlog',
      'content'                => {
        'binlog_configuration' => {
          'master_host'        => '',
          'master_port'        => 3306,
          'master_user'        => 'maxscale',
          'master_password'    => 'PLEASE_CHANGE_ME!3!',
          'filestem'           => 'mysql-bin',


This module has been tested against Puppet 3.8 with Ubuntu clients with Maxscale 10.1.

The spec tests work on Puppet 3.x and 4.x.

To work on Debian OS family servers, it requires the apt module from Puppetlabs to be installed if you want to have this module manage your maxscale repository.

The implementation for the installation on other operating systems has not been done yet but should be pretty straightforward to do. Just ask which one you want and we'll add it or submit a pull request on our github page and we'll integrate it.


See the file.